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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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*comes back from Quebec with a new accent, tan, and a new vocab singing flight of the conchord's most beautiful girl in the room dedicated to david*




i have so much to say.


Say it then!!



And OMG PHUNKS...who took that video for you?? AMAZING! :jawdrop:

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*makes famous sex positions with fingers and dances around crumping singing je veux te voire*


*watches phunky's video*


*gets tunred on*


*feels nauseous from rollercoastery movements which bod is taking on*

Dont get turned on by my BF!:roftl:

Say it then!!



And OMG PHUNKS...who took that video for you?? AMAZING! :jawdrop:


Sariflor, Babs, and Jemma were kind enough to think of me at the Temposhark gig!

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ok here i go.


ok so day 1 is practically just me and my friends (We're all very attractive if i do say so myself..) on a bus going from Small potato town, ontario to Quebec city. It POURED rain all day long. We were all on time at exactly 6:30 to our school, and we all got excited to see eachother. (my friends: Lucy,larkin,emma,me,david,cole,joe,nicky and somewhat brandon and scott) So we all boarded the bus, and the potheads wouldn't sit together so larkin and i thought we would have to split up. We eventually found 2 seats infront of david and cole, beside nicky and joe, across from lucy and emma. Perfect, I know. So as I sit down I feel my hair being stroked. Angrily I turned around to see Cole grinning perviously at me. Oi. So, that descirbes the first couple of hours: Singing at the top of our lungs, getting yelled at by the frenchies, having to fend myself off from being touched my cole. I didn't think a bus trip could get any funner. We reached Montreal and it was the awfulest shade of green in the sky. It was getting close to 7 and we hadn't eaten because of the traffic in toronto and montreal. Everything was just simply amazing. The lightning in the sky made things so risky, and the tipping of the bus made for a good scream. Finally we got to our hotel, put our things away and went to the Cafe Buade. The people seemed so pissed off that worked there because we kept complaining (in english which made them angrier) That their mushy soup tasted like crud. We got back to the hotel for an exciting first night and woke up at 6 for another great day ahead of us. Today we would be spending the night at tadoussac, which ment awesomeness. So long story short for this day, So many hilarious pictures on the bus, some new slang sayings like "octopussy" and tonnes of junk food and getting yelled at for singing bleeding love. We finally arrived at the hotel tadoussac, ate a good dinner, and set off for an excursion to a whale museum. When we got outside the hotel, lu, em, lark and i noticed a fantabulous hill. Great for rolling down, mais oui? So we rolled and I tried to stand up but i fell back down and bruised myself badly. Not to mention almost getting killed by marvin's wheelchair, at scott's expense. So we laughed and set of for the museum. David and I had never laughed so much in there. After this we went back to sleep and got back up at 6am. Today was our whale watch. After breakfast we got packed and went on the boat. We played dirty broken telephone, LMAO. After watching the whales we got back on the bus and headed back for quebec city. After reaching there and having dinner, the girls witnessed a bitch fight, and went to the gift shop to terrorize the poor french people with our horrible french. We went back to our rooms slept for what, 5 hours? And awoke to the last day. Waaah. We went to La Citadelle, a war thing, i wasnt paying attention. And back to the car for 13 hours of driving.



I have details, but i would be kicked out of mfc is i told you them.

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