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The American Female Stereotype.


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ay yay yay leave blondes alone , wwe dont deserve it . honestly.


lol i DID say "stereotype". My sister is a blonde and she's not thick. Same with this other girl i used to know at school; she was one of the brightest students in the year. Of course I don't think all blondes are idiots, they're not. The vast majority of people do not live up to a stereotype....but unfortunately, some do.

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lol i DID say "stereotype". My sister is a blonde and she's not thick. Same with this other girl i used to know at school; she was one of the brightest students in the year. Of course I don't think all blondes are idiots, they're not. The vast majority of people do not live up to a stereotype....but unfortunately, some do.

Yeah my cousins aren't so so bright but they're un naturally blonde .. DUN DUN DUN DUN . i'm blonde and i'm on the honour roll at school and was chose to do this project to represent our school . we have a lot of dumb brunettes in our school . One even asked me if oranges get rype. !!!!!

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Yeah my cousins aren't so so bright but they're un naturally blonde .. DUN DUN DUN DUN . i'm blonde and i'm on the honour roll at school and was chose to do this project to represent our school . we have a lot of dumb brunettes in our school . One even asked me if oranges get rype. !!!!!


:roftl: dear lord. see that's proof right there. some people live up to it, and some people dont! :original:

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:roftl: dear lord. see that's proof right there. some people live up to it, and some people dont! :original:

i know i patted her on the back and told her everything's going to be OK and that got her even more confused. I have been called a bimbo before though *glances at phunky*

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That's Kelly Pickler, an American Idol contestant from a few seasons ago. She's actually from North Carolina (where I'm from), which honestly makes me embarrassed for my own state. I promise that not all people from North Carolina are that stupid.

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Oh my gosh..:shocked:


The sad thing is that I actually know a few people down here that are exactly like that. I can't stand it.


Most southerners aren't like that though. :wink2:


oh I know, that's why I wrote "stereotype" :original:


That's Kelly Pickler, an American Idol contestant from a few seasons ago. She's actually from North Carolina (where I'm from), which honestly makes me embarrassed for my own state. I promise that not all people from North Carolina are that stupid.


yeah i've heard her sing =]

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That is too ridiculous. :naughty:

She acted that way on American Idol and audiences(in general) loved it... I'm sure that "her people" tell her to make sure she says these kinds of things and acts ditzy to the extreme now. :bleh:

They assume that is what the public wants to hear, and unfortunately a lot of people do.... :thumbdown:

It doesn't seem real now though... a bit too over the top. :boxed:

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That is too ridiculous. :naughty:

She acted that way on American Idol and audiences(in general) loved it... I'm sure that "her people" tell her to make sure she says these kinds of things and acts ditzy to the extreme now. :bleh:

They assume that is what the public wants to hear, and unfortunately a lot of people do.... :thumbdown:

It doesn't seem real now though... a bit too over the top. :boxed:

Yeah, it really is over the top. It's like Jessica Simpson...is she really that dumb, or was it all an act?


But as long as people don't assume that all North Carolinians are like Kelly Pickler, then she can do whatever the heck she wants. I'm an intelligent North Carolinian ;)

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