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The Australian Thread: Part Eleven

Rainbow Sky

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Oh and I have some good news about exams and assignments I've been doing recently. I got an A- on my science exam, an A on my maths exam, an A on my maths assignment and an A- on my english major assessment (only A in the class!). WOOOOOO!!! Sorry to gloat but I'm really proud of myself. I guess that Easter long weekend of doing nothing but homework and study paid off.


Don't you hate the whole A- thing? It makes it sound like it's bad. B+ sounds better than A- to me :roftl:


You made the "leave Mika alone" video and you know how the old saying goes: one video is worth a thousand posts.


I think you've find that's the new saying. :roftl:


Before I head back to school I just wanted to say that I almost got mad at my school for changing their website around again.


They do it randomly sometimes and change the whole layout and the last time it happened I was almost late for class because it took me five minutes to find the link to our email.


Turns out they pulled an April fools and they flipped the whole website backwards, but it changed back after 10ish seconds.


LOL! That is fantastic! Love it! I wish my school would do something like that!

Instead of just plain periodically messing up the website as you say :sneaky2:



(okay, so I did the plasmawhore one cause it said whore... )




Okay, WHICH one of you Aussies is stalking me?!!!!




"The text you have entered is too long. Please shorten it to 10000 characters long."

I really tried to put it in one post, but they wouldn't let me.


Pshh, that was just because you didn't trim your multiquotes :sneaky2:

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She didn't even come online last night...it was like an opponent not showing up for a game.


*feels ashamed*

But I totally got massively complimented on my drawing by the people marking it - and I seriously needed a good mark here to make up for that **** exam on Monday :roftl:


... but how will I ever catch up??? :jawdrop:


Somebody put dye in the dorm swimming pool. It's bright red.


Yeah, they're draining it right now, but the pool is still a nice seashell pink.


Ahh! That is fantastic!!! :lmao:






Hmm, well i cannot hold it any longer unless i want my bladder to become the next exploding blimp.


*stops momentarily to wonder whether bladders can explode*

*remembers the story she heard about someone dieing from holding their wee for a wii ... but her bladder didn't explode ... it was much more boring*


G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day G'day... secret text is like lurking!

G'day Arts.[/color]

G'day... *fisch*

We just wanted to say G'day )) ))

I was having a G'day..

G'day wooo!

that she didn't come to say G'day to Jen..

mmmm.. G'day CS Cowboy!![/color]

Are you here Jen?? G'day Jen.. if you're here..*lurks*

G'day Jen.. still finding them??

G'day mate *thumb_yello*


And saying G'day Baaabeeeyyy!!

*lowers voice* G'day

except say G'day

G'day hot stuff!!

G'day Jonny... *drool*

it will be a Good day when it's done..

just to say G'day.. meow..

G'day hairy legs!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa *cough choke* hahahaaa......aaahh.. good stuff..G'day

G'day's getting boring..


Feeling sane today I see?


Sorry to hear you got hit by a box. did you feel boxed? :boxed:



Been waiting a while to use that one?


Anyone.... I'm going to be lurking and coughing indiscreetly.... already got the highlight of my fornight over and done with and reported my income


Oh oh, I am starting my job this weekend ... I should probably tell centrelink. I shoudl also probably tell them that I changes coursed like 6 months ago. How do I do it though???? :tears: *whines*

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Seen and voted...


I know OD and others might not agree... but I think moving the country threads is best... it won't make them any harder to find (your subscribed and theres a link in the last post anyway), and it means we can't be stalked by guests, or our response can't show up on google...


Haha, but I love that you can search our conversations on google! :roftl:

And privacy annoys me :bleh:

I don't mind a country thread section but why does it need to be in members only??? :tears:


News Flash


Bec has handed her assignment in despite even more escalators being broken than usual in the Menzies Building.


Ohh, toughy!


How about any bogan-hotties?




Wow... even if I did get hold of dad... couldn't catch the train anyway.


And the winds have killed one woman




Wow, this is crazy. Good to see you guys all got out okay. Stupid wind. *relaxes in windless-wa* :fisch:


Fine... I'll tell the avatar that I'm changing its title when I next update the message....


Just for you bloody pedants


:cheerful_h4h: Oh good. It's frustrating for my brain.


It's funny how long it takes some people on the board to talk to each other even when we're in the same thread. I just figured that we didn't click so I wasn't going to force anything haha.


:jawdrop: *tries to warn jen subtley*

*stay away! stay awaaaaay!!* :shocked:

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17 cm?! F*ck! That's like...bigger than my cat!!


How big is your cat?! :roftl:




*loves postsecret*


That we can


And on another note I have 6 cold puppies snuggled up to my feet and blanket


Awwwww! :wub2:


I have cousins older than me too! Oldest cousin on mums side is 32 in December... youngest is 15...

Oldest cousin on dad's side is 27, the youngest is 1 year old...


I'm the youngest in my generation, and the oldest is 38 :jawdrop:



MFC, I don't know how I did it ... I kept away for one full night. I hope my 11 post multiquote will make up for it? :tears:

Won't happen again.

Accept my apologies.

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MFC, I don't know how I did it ... I kept away for one full night. I hope my 11 post multiquote will make up for it? :tears:

Won't happen again.

Accept my apologies.


You're back......Oh well, there goes the neighbourhood girls:naughty:

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You can make it as expensive as you want. Mine was $60 to send to France - for 2kg, but that was using fast mail, it got there is 6 days, you can chose to do slow mail (what I'm trying to convince Petra to do atm :P). I think it's well worth it, it's not that much money and it's an awesome experience. I am in love with crepes atm, someone please tell me they are sold here? I am going to die when my packet of them runs out


Yeah....I've signed up but don't have a partner yet.:thumb_yello:


:fisch: *moves everything*




*encourages Tanya to whinge on the thread if she hasn't yet* - we must conspire against these crazy-movers!


*agrees then passes out with the effort of agreeing with OD*

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Lol, you guys chatted up an extra page while I was posting...


(My dream may end up being right... it could be friday)


Lol! That would be funny! ... but also sad ..


And, No. It's a fairy that farted.. it sort of sounds like *schwish* but softly whispered..


try it:

So quiet you could hear a fairy fart *schwish*




Am half watching the lamest movie ever made...Basilisk: The Serpent King....so tragically bad that I can't stop watching!


I can think of a much better movie about basilisks ...


HPatCoS :fisch:


It's 10:10 am in NYC btw....do you suppose he's late for work


Hmm, damn, that kind of really really sucks. Their entire day falls over my entire sleeping-period :tears:


Indeed. I want to know what everyone else will be getting so I know what to search for on YouTube




Poor Freddie, he's worked so hard and is copping it from every direction isn't he?

*makes mental note to be more patient....for now*


He's copping it for saying "*definately today*" THIRTY TIMES!

I understand it takes time and there are set backs and it's difficult - but OMFG! STOP SAYING IT'S GOING TO BE TODAY WHEN IT'S NOT!!!!

[/pychopathic explosion]


Just have to wait (un)patiently until then


(im)patiently :wink2:


You're back......Oh well, there goes the neighbourhood girls




Right I'm off to bed... I shouldn't even be on this late... lucky my doctors appointment isn't until 12ish


Nighty night.


*glares at you two for getting in there and taking away my chance at an entire page to myself*

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Lol, you guys chatted up an extra page while I was posting...


Good aren't we:wink2:


I can think of a much better movie about basilisks ...
HPatCoS :fisch:


HP fan here, you didn't need to elaborate.....see aren't you proud, I found the hidden text:thumb_yello: ....and it looked almost idential the one in HP.


He's copping it for saying "*definately today*" THIRTY TIMES!

I understand it takes time and there are set backs and it's difficult - but OMFG! STOP SAYING IT'S GOING TO BE TODAY WHEN IT'S NOT!!!!

[/pychopathic explosion]





*glares at you two for getting in there and taking away my chance at an entire page to myself*



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Yeah....I've signed up but don't have a partner yet.:thumb_yello:




*agrees then passes out with the effort of agreeing with OD*




My friend has been linking me to this guy's myspace, asking if I remember him from school and being in a state of disbelief of his persona. I know she left in like yr 11, but he was there the whole time, and he is very very hard to miss. Absolutely hilarious. Also a hundred percent for real. You were talking about fairy farts previously? This guy (known around the school as "that really gay guy") probably farts fairies :roftl:




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Good Evening & Good night .... :wub2: Sweet Dreams hunny bunnies ....... .....


Aww, bye bye :wink2:


Good aren't we:wink2:


HPatCoS :fisch:


HP fan here, you didn't need to elaborate.....see aren't you proud, I found the hidden text:thumb_yello: ....and it looked almost idential the one in HP.


He's copping it for saying "*definately today*" THIRTY TIMES!

I understand it takes time and there are set backs and it's difficult - but OMFG! STOP SAYING IT'S GOING TO BE TODAY WHEN IT'S NOT!!!!

[/pychopathic explosion]





*glares at you two for getting in there and taking away my chance at an entire page to myself*




Oh oh oh, your quote-splitting skills are lacking!

*harry potter high-five*

*lemon chiffon high five*

*not hi-5*

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Hi & goodbye :wub2:

I'm off too girls....I have to be up in 2 1/2 hours for work:thumbdown:


:P Nighty nighty night!


Boomer.. well done.. I'm gonna read all of that tomorrow!! :naughty:


FY&GN all you nice, friendly, loving, caring people.. :huglove:


Slacker! There's even a boomerang joke in there! *pouts*


Nighty nighty night :-)

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We've had 100km+ winds.. Adelaide had 137km winds I think.

It's a Dust storm.. Tassie's on Hurricane alert.

2 people have died.

We've been reporting it all in here..

Bec had bus dramas and now Scut's stuck in the City.. :boxed:

Not a good day to go anywhere.




its 3.34 am aussie time and the wind is that god damn loud i carnt sleep besides the house is making really strange sounds

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its 3.34 am aussie time and the wind is that god damn loud i carnt sleep besides the house is making really strange sounds


Awww, sucked in :wink2:


speaking of which i should go and check on the baby budgies to see if there ok but then thye'll start chirping as they think its morning




*is lonely*

*is also tired*

*and needs to get up early*

*wonders why she is still online*

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Well, I'm doing that thing where you lapse in and out of consciousness (more often encountered in trains and lectures) ... so I guess it's time for bed.


Lol, which has just reminded me of the old lady I was sitting (periodic-sleeping) next to on the train today. She offered me a wherthers (sp?) original. Nudged me awake to do it too. Yes, that is all. That is my story. It amuses me. Wherthers original are such a typical granny lolly. :roftl:


Nighty night atm, good luck getting to sleep over the wind :boxed:

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