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The Australian Thread: Part Eleven

Rainbow Sky

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*sees ZoZo the Terrific*

*notices she's made it to 104 posts*

*doesn't remember congratulating her on making 100 posts*

*does it now*





SQUEE!!! I got a congrats!!! I'm all special now!!! Thanks Kelly *huggles* hehe, I don't think I got a congrats from Tegan when I hit the 100 mark... but then again can't expect too much from her!!!

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Love the snow pics Kimoak :wub2: Their so pretty


:shocked: i is sooooo jealous Kimoak!!!.....that snow looks magnificent!

Bloody queensland.....too hot to produce snow.....grrr





:roftl: I want to torment people like that too!!

:blush-anim-cl:That looks so pretty.. And like lots of good evil fun too!! *cackles*



I am glad I woke up at 4 am now. It's a little unusual to get snow in April. It is usually either side of christmas we get it. Like I am complaining though ! I may have more pictures to show in the future. Where I live we have some really pretty scenery as we are right on the border of Wolverhampton and it is just all fields etc. We have been forecast more snow today and until Wednesday. It is really sunny now. But we may have rain showers crashing the party! Damn party poopers :thumbdown:


We got someone this morning! He wasn't pleased with a huge chunk of snow lobbed down his back. He should think himself lucky it wasn't in his undercrackers! :roftl:

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Hi all, how are we?:thumb_yello:



*thinks about starting to look at studying for her exam tomorrow*


*shakes head sadly and fears for the future of the nation with today's youth*:roftl:


Aaaah Lovely pics =)


I love those snow pics, so pretty.....I wish it would snow here, we're going to be back up to 28 again next week:thumbdown:


IHere you go (my friend told me to smile as widely as I could!)..



Cool pic:wink2:


OMG- Michael is making me watch Gladiators


Mainly so we can take the piss out of their stupid comments!


I watched that for the first time tonight....it stinks big time!:thumbdown:

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I plan to live in mine.... might need more pairs though since I only have 2 :naughty:

Hmm, I live in mine pretty much from now onwards... too bad I can't wear them to work... I'd get hair on the soles...



Oh was just checking something accomodation wise and the place we're staying for the holiday has a heated pool, spa etc... I'll have to pack our togs!

even if it is freezing!!!

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Hmm, I live in mine pretty much from now onwards... too bad I can't wear them to work... I'd get hair on the soles...



Oh was just checking something accomodation wise and the place we're staying for the holiday has a heated pool, spa etc... I'll have to pack our togs!

Oh nice...

any chance of a pmed link to me (and Kelz :wink2:)


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Just the old hiring extra security, threatening letters thing


Picture? How big was it?


Is not *insert hmph smilie that she's too lazy to locate*


Is too!


I love it too... the brighter and more out there, the better in some cases


:roftl: I know. I have felix ones and elmo ones and tweety ones and sheep ones :roftl:


You'd ring the youth and student number (you get youth allowance yeah?....look it up...


*sigh* *will look it up tomorrow*


Aaaah Lovely pics =)


:wub2: WOW! Where are you? NZ?


Its in Burwood... its awesome...


And there are lots of reasons to go to kmart at 3 am.....


for the heck of it is one reason


I can't think of any really practical ones though


Hahahaha! *wishes she had a 24 hour kmart*

I watched (downloaded) a movie with oliver wood in it a few months back about working in a 24 hour supermarket. It was ... weird. :roftl:


I was just a part of the chorus. I did have a small part in which I had to get the main character's autograph as he's becoming famous though. But yes, mostly just background singing, dancing and acting.


Here you go (my friend told me to smile as widely as I could!)..



Yayyy! LOL! :biggrin2:

That's super awesome :wub2:

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My older brother and I used to be absolutely in love with that show before I had even started primary school!


Me tooo! And then we would play various gladiators games around the house :roftl:


......bloody assignment i left til last minute.....again :P


*last minute assignment high five!*


I bought new PJ's todays.

Wonder woman ones ft hot pants from BigW


Haha, perfect!


I'm home from eventful Sister's birthday party.

I gave her the large box of JellyBellies.. Always a winner..


Too right!


Personally I prefer marshmallow sucks.




*shakes head sadly and fears for the future of the nation with today's youth*




Oh was just checking something accomodation wise and the place we're staying for the holiday has a heated pool, spa etc... I'll have to pack our togs!

even if it is freezing!!!


Togs!? :blink: LOL!


Okaaaay, I really need to study for me exam now....

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Oh my God! Oakie Doke, where are you? I have just found a video of the first song from 'Disco Inferno' on YouTube, thanks to the awesome drummer! Would you like to see? :wink2:


OH MY GOD! OF COURSE I DO! :woot_jump:


Are you in it? :das:

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Glad you had a great time... bet he looked hot too... bastard...


Oh damn.




The joys of needed to comment on everything, huh?


Yeah... what a shame... once I burn it I'll get you to PM your addy...


Yep... the pedant I am...


*shudders at the thought of crazy frog*


*shudders along with OkD*


Here you go!


Ooooooh Martin! I can understand him!



He has a dreamy accent... mmmmm...


Anyways see you when you get back teegs


Well I is back...


A "c*ck-sucking cowboy" also known as a "Heath Ledger" is an alcoholic drink: two parts Butterscotch schnapps and one third Irish Cream.


Mmmmm... Heath Ledger... the drink I mean...


I'll be having one in Melb when I'm there...


*thinks of Teegs going to Bundanoon and being forced to go to work instead*


Happy kilting, my friend!


Awwwwww... I missed you!


I had a very good time... and I'll have something to show you once I finish this MQ... and I'll do a big report on it too...


Which will include Perth, seeing as he is going to do 8 shows here


I hope that includes the exclusive gig on HKs verandah... only for the Mikamites and honourary ones...


"Top of next week" = "Whenever I feel like it, biatch"


I never knew that!


I always thought it was going to be the 12th of never...


I work at Big W on the check-outs.


Checkout chick!


Just like me!


Lol, I love cheezy badly acted acted children's shows so much. I love Lizzie McGuire ... I have the movie ...

... but their the same age as you at least!


I love it too! I thought it was quite amusing...


Neverseen Zoey101 though...





Kelzy missing in action


And in other news Teegsta is drinking scotch with her fellow bandmaters


(Everyone gets newflashed when their absentee


Adam was there (band mate who plays for Blacktown... and played with John Farnham on tour)... he gave me some scotch that he got for his 21st... which I didn't get invited to...


Well, I'm back!!!!!! Thank God! We finally have internet at home again and hubby is away at camp again and I'm gonna try and repeat the night I joined the MFC and stay up all night catching up on about 6 weeks worth of stuff! I noticed we have new Aussies. And I've been reading the MFC Official thread and kept looking at the colours of the Aussies who'd posted and no-one was "online", but you're all just bloody invisible! So I have no idea what's going on except that last time I even tried to look you'd been having a talk about who's still here and who's not and someone mentioned Armande hadn't been here in ages and that's when my money ran out.

I still haven't caught up with the petition, got no idea where we're at with the MTV stuff, wondering if people got rid of their festival tickets, is everyone well etc etc etc


*huggles CD*


Nothing is really happening with officialness... maybe when we are properly official (like when Jerry posts) we might be able to get him to do something...


Stll trying to get people to sign... sort of...


Anybody else manage to sell any?


I sold my Syd one to someone who's originally from a smal town nearby (I only know cause he's a paralympian) and the other to a Melb person... I lost a bit from it, but I wanted to get some back... knew I wouldn't get all..


Dead or Alive....


Basically a movie based on the fighting game.... fighting, bikini clad chicks etc...


It appeals more to guys but I hadn't seen it...


I think I went with terry to watch that... why I don't know...


So Kelz and SM and Nico et al are all off having real lives are they?


Yeah... sorta... I was in Bundanoon for the highland gathering...


Just a random fact; I think I'm losing my hair! It's gotten a lot thinner lately and a lot seems to be coming out in the shower. Oh dear.


You lose about 100 hairs a day... apparently... Zoe?


Ohh, it kind of died. It's just an online petition now. We were planning to do a full project and get it all the Mika ... but we were waiting on official news aaaand ... yep...


I think most of us just got bored of it


Yeah... I guess that's right... we'll get something organised when we're properly official...


And Beowulf... suprisingly haven't seen that... went to but didn't get to


I did... twas okay... was sort of cartoon/live action sort of thing... worth a look, but I wouldn't presonally buy the DVD of it...




I have officially consumed all of my Easter chocolate!


I had a mouse help me with that... though we caught the bastard in a trap...


2000th Post.




Some of the employees (especially the supervisors) are pretty patronising. That girl is actually really nice compared to some others who would have said it in a far more derogatory tone.




I hated those when i first started but now I find most of them are okay unless the case is broken. We now have one at each register and if I remember correctly the one at register 3 is the only one that is broken.


Supervisors usually are partonising... though I try not to be (I'm a supervisor at Franklins)...


Celebrated my one year Mika anniversary yesterday........sat around with my fellow mika fanatic mates, had some jelly shots, played cards and listened to Mika all night :)

*happy Mika anniversary to me, happy Mika anniversary to me, happy Mika anniversary dear senyorita, happy Mika anniversary to me!*




Mine's middle of next month!


I'm doing alright... and I like your Myspace page


You just reminded me... I must change mine to my Army of Darkness comic one...


Here, I wheeled your IV over from the bar....




You know what's scary? I heard of someone at uni actually trying to hook themselves up to an IV for alcohol while they were drunk..


Typical of the people who stayed in Towers (accomodation building at my old uni)


For Kelzy and Nico... *Cue the :mf_lustslow: *








I wanna stroke him... Not in that way you dirty minded people!


:tears: *feels OBVIOUSLY un-MQ'd by OKD*


EDIT: *insert 'hhrumph' smiley here *


*pats HK*


See? I care!


Ohh my mate and i have made another movie.......its dodgey i know, but still, fun to make



And we have faster internet now, so the Leave Mika Alone video has been submitted hehe


You bloody nutter!


And yayness! The vid has been submitted!


Hello everyone *waves*,


I am verra looking forward to hearing Tegan's reports from Bundanoon when she returns home. We were planning on going together this year, but in the end I wasnt able to get time off work. Anyways, Teegs rang me yesterday and let me listen to one of the pipe bands playing a song (it sounded fantastic, by the way). It was verra cool. I trust she got some lovely pics of men in kilts...


Until then....


I got some... wait a minute... I bet I got a pic of the hot Drum Major of Newcastle Pipe Band! Whose name is Matthew! (he'll be going to Condobolin for a gathering there, so I might be going to Condo now!)


I never had my camera around when I saw hot ones...


Heya Sliz!!!

How's your bed??

Missing Teegs too.. Hope she's having a good time!


I did... like I said.. will have a proper report soon... and I has vids too!




Be careful with the blue.... they can stain things blue if they come back up... and turn other bodily liquids blue at times as well


They defo do that... I know from personal experience... and not just liquids...


Love the snow pics Kimoak, Their so pretty


They certainly are... wish it snowed like that here... actually, I wish it snowed and settled... we get snow, just doesn't settle...


I was just a part of the chorus. I did have a small part in which I had to get the main character's autograph as he's becoming famous though. But yes, mostly just background singing, dancing and acting.


Here you go (my friend told me to smile as widely as I could!)..



*huggles SD*


Awwww... how gorgeous!

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Part 2 :naughty:



My older brother and I used to be absolutely in love with that show before I had even started primary school!


I was in love with Gladiators in primary school... I liked Taipan and... damn, I can't remember the woman I liked... she ended up marrying Taipan though...


*ducks head in to see what's doing*




Oh, and nice sig Zoe... Slap.gif

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*Puts you in Silvers time machine and sends you back to the 70's*

You'd fit right in :wink2:


I know! I'm in love with the 60's and 70's. Why was I born into the wrong decade?! :naughty:


OH MY GOD! OF COURSE I DO! :woot_jump:


Are you in it? :das:


Okay. Here it is..


You can see me but I'm right at the back for most of the song. I'm standing on a riser on the right hand side and I'm always punching my hand in the air. But then towards the end of the song there's a shot of me at the front on the right, still punching my hand in the air!

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Nighty night all :)

Just finished my assignment (which is totally due tomorrow hehe) No assignments for a couple of weeks now!

Prac at the hospital in the morning......neeed sleeeeep, so night :thumb_yello:


Wow! WEll done, finished it before the morning even:wink2: :thumb_yello:


Nighty night :original:


Soa, Kelzy, you're off the weird-family-hook ... as long as no parents have had babies with their kids ... as some people on 60 minutes just now have :blink: :blink:

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I love those snow pics, so pretty.....I wish it would snow here, we're going to be back up to 28 again next week:thumbdown:

I am just about to go out in it all in about 30 mins... *Goes off to play in the snow*



:wub2: WOW! Where are you? NZ?


I am in England. Only time I like living here is when it snows =)

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Togs!? :blink: LOL!


Okaaaay, I really need to study for me exam now....

hehe, togs are swimmers... well it's an old fashioned name for swimming costumes :bleh:


You lose about 100 hairs a day... apparently... Zoe?

correct!!! it's roughly that, give or take...


Oh, and nice sig Zoe... Slap.gif

You're welcome!!! see, I told you you'd like!!!

Oh and btw, you siriously know how to multi post!!!

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chainsaw2.gif How very Bruce Campbell of me! :naughty:


SQUEE!!! I got a congrats!!! I'm all special now!!! Thanks Kelly *huggles* hehe, I don't think I got a congrats from Tegan when I hit the 100 mark... but then again can't expect too much from her!!!


Probably not... and geez...


Oh nice...

any chance of a pmed link to me (and Kelz)




Okay. Here it is..


You can see me but I'm right at the back for most of the song. I'm standing on a riser on the right hand side and I'm always punching my hand in the air. But then towards the end of the song there's a shot of me at the front on the right, still punching my hand in the air!


Very cool...


hehe, togs are swimmers... well it's an old fashioned name for swimming costumes



correct!!! it's roughly that, give or take...



You're welcome!!! see, I told you you'd like!!!

Oh and btw, you siriously know how to multi post!!!


See... I do listen when you talk!


Damn straight I do... that's why I am the Aussie thread... nay, the MFC's multiquote queen!



Anyways... i must love you an leave you...


FY & GN! Finger.giffinger2.gifsmilie_finger1.gif



smiley_puter.gif *sells Mole on Ebay*

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