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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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No MQ's? I don't say anythign MQ-worthy? ;tears;

*removes babbling*

Anyway, am I MQ-worthy now? ;tears;



P.S. My computer is now called Cooper.




But now Cooper and I must bid you farewell, fellow thread goers.



OG, of all names to give your computer..


Three Word Productions are currently on tour

I really need to get back in that thread.. thanks for the reminder!

I bring you rain and all you do is complain! Whinge. whinge, whinge.

I'm not whinging!! I love the colder weather!


Well Hi whatever your name is

Hello, Hi Ho, to you too!! :groovy:


Bono Vox Biography:


Paul David Hewson (born 10 May 1960), also known by his stage name Bono, is the main vocalist of the Irish rock band U2. Bono was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, and attended Mount Temple Comprehensive School where he met his wife, Ali Hewson, and the future members of U2.


A wifeI didn't know that


You can still be Melzykins Jovi Vox Hewson

I already knew :wub2:

And they have 4 kids. (who knows how many other kids there are though :naughty:.. JK.. or am I.. *zhhz* )

Hewson's a bit boring.. I'll stick with Jovi Vox! :punk:


*crash tackles you from behind and gives you a noogie*



But all this black and white and "ARE YOU ****ING SURE?" stuff distracted me

:roftl: That always cracks me up too..


Oh, I actually came into the Aussie thread to ask if anyone has seen this before? (Probably all of you, I know I'm always hopelessly behind, but just occasionally there's someone else who hasn't caught up with everything yet.)


OMG!! I remember that.. the wobbly bits are frickin hilarious!!!

But, the extreme close ups.. :boxed:

I'm going to have to say Poor Mika.. I'd hate it if someone did that..:thumbdown:



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Hiya Tan .... :biggrin2:


Hi HK :huglove:


No MQ's? I don't say anythign MQ-worthy?


Lol, can anyone tell the difference between the way I write in FB comments and msn? Anyway, am I MQ-worthy now?






It's their problem, not mine. :mf_rosetinted:


Precisely :thumb_yello:


I am hereby banned from MFC until exams finish. (Which I think is something like 10th June ... I dunno, I'm too lazy to check right now)....blah blah


How funny does that post look? With all the single lines like that Bye! EDIT: Hey, this was even my 2700th post, perfect!


Psh, what do you know?(This isn't me coming back, I hadn't left yet )NOW I'm leaving


And TECHNICALLY I'm not back because I didn't sign out. I had to reopen the window so I could sign out


Hahahahahahaha, MFC went all 'end of the world' on me when I clicked on log out. I've never logged out before Okay, I'm going to do it now. But all this black and white and "ARE YOU ****ING SURE?" stuff distracted me


We'll see. Yes. The wobbly thing is hilarious Yeah yeah, I'm leaving I'm leaving. (I'm just a little worried that my computer will blow up or something when I click on that okay button )


This is you leaving?....blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......If you're really not coming back.....good luck!:wink2:


Oh, I actually came into the Aussie thread to ask if anyone has seen this before? (Probably all of you, I know I'm always hopelessly behind, but just occasionally there's someone else who hasn't caught up with everything yet.)



First time I've seen that one!



Hello to anyone who's around.


I'm finally hoooome for the summer. Thank goodness. I don't think I could have stood living in that dorm any longer. So tiny. Tiniest room I've ever had and ever will have. I even took a picture of it today because it was... empty for once.


Now after my job on Sunday the job hunt begins.

*Still wishes there were photography studios around here so she can get her foot in the door* I want to work in one so badly this summer and watch the photographers and gain info, tips, and get more inspired.


Hey *waves*...glad you're away from that dorm now:thumb_yello:


What about the police or local paper for work?

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I know you've talked about this before, but i'm having an oldlings moment. Where are you going in September that you will have experience of these different things? I think I remember the conversation involving a large amount of tuition money, but i don't remember the outcome.


I'm generally pretty secretive about where I attend school. :naughty: Not like I'm in a witness protection program or anything. :naughty:


PRETTY! Wow, good for you...your job options all sound so exciting!


There's sooo many. I just want to do them like oh say... NOW!


Hey *waves*...glad you're away from that dorm now:thumb_yello:


What about the police or local paper for work?


There's nothing I could do for the police around here and I've thought about our local paper but since it's so small the photographers that take the pictures also write the articles... and if you can't get me to write a speech for a class until the night before there's no way writing everyday would get done. :naughty: I'm also not the greatest with words sadly.


I need to go beg the grocery stores around here or something.

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Hiya ER & Melzy Jovi Vox Von Veidenheimer !! :lmfao:

Thanks for the spelling reminder Silver !! :wink2:

OKD: I WANT YOU TO PASS YOUR EXAMS but I don't want you to leave ....:tears:

I still say PLATYPI !!!! :biggrin2:

The harp is beautiful :wub2: .... but for now I am sticking to my humble ukelele

on which I have taught myself *counts* 5 songs !!! The random nature of which is pretty impressive !!! *lists*

#1. A Jamaican reggae type song called Don't Stop ... (very laid back, sunny Sunday afternoon style )

#2. Brimful of Asher by Corner Shop ...

#3. Happy Birthday...

#4. Smile by Lily Allen (sorry Kelz)

#5. The theme tune to Steptoe & Son !! :lmfao:


Thank You for indulging me .... that is all ...





EDIT: :drool:

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Oh, that was brutal!!!!!!!! :roftl::bow:


Heya Tangerine also!




We should ask StandardToaster to put that smiley up for us...


Hiya ER & Melzy Jovi Vox Von Veidenheimer !!

Thanks for the spelling reminder Silver !!

OKD: I WANT YOU TO PASS YOUR EXAMS but I don't want you to leave ....:tears:

I still say PLATYPI !!!!

The harp is beautiful :wub2: .... but for now I am sticking to my humble ukelele

on which I have taught myself *counts* 5 songs !!! The random nature of which is pretty impressive !!! *lists*

#1. A Jamaican reggae type song called Don't Stop ... (very laid back, sunny Sunday afternoon style )

#2. Brimful of Asher by Corner Shop ...

#3. Happy Birthday...

#4. Smile by Lily Allen (sorry Kelz)

#5. The theme tune to Steptoe & Son !! :lmfao:


Thank You for indulging me .... that is all ...





EDIT: :drool:


Heya HK! :drool:

And platypi ftw...

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Melzy Jovi Vox Von Veidenheimer !! :lmfao:


WTF?? :shocked: Did you just make me more German?? :naughty:



The harp is beautiful :wub2: .... but for now I am sticking to my humble ukelele

on which I have taught myself *counts* 5 songs !!! The random nature of which is pretty impressive !!! *lists*

#1. A Jamaican reggae type song called Don't Stop ... (very laid back, sunny Sunday afternoon style )

#2. Brimful of Asher by Corner Shop ...

#3. Happy Birthday...

#4. Smile by Lily Allen (sorry Kelz)

#5. The theme tune to Steptoe & Son !! :lmfao:


Don't tell anyone, but I liked that song :biggrin2: when I first heard it.. *zhhz*

Brimful of asher is a cool song!!


Heya Jen *zhhz*

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Hahaha...except your name isn't as ugly as Cher *zhhz* Heya Tan!


Hey ER:biggrin2:


There's nothing I could do for the police around here and I've thought about our local paper but since it's so small the photographers that take the pictures also write the articles... and if you can't get me to write a speech for a class until the night before there's no way writing everyday would get done. :naughty: I'm also not the greatest with words sadly.


I need to go beg the grocery stores around here or something.


Not you too!


What about a school....could just see you teaching little kiddies?



Heya Tangerine also!


I've been called quite a few names before but never Tangerine?:lol3:....I always knew I was sweet and juicy :naughty: Oh, and Hi to you too!


Hiya also to Tan & Peej !! :drool:



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Hiya also to Tan & Peej !! :drool:





Heya Jen *zhhz*


Never see you on MSN anymore. hmph :mf_rosetinted: I miss group chats.


Hey ER:biggrin2:




Not you too!


What about a school....could just see you teaching little kiddies?


I've ALWAYS been a procrastinator, it's nothing new and I don't take after anyone. : P


It's summer here. :mf_rosetinted::bleh:

And no, I couldn't see myself teaching kids anyway. I can't stand kids.


I've been trying to look online but got discouraged when some of the listings were all from 2007 going back into 2006. *sigh*

Maybe I'll just be a secret shopper or something. I found a site offering that but who knows how long ago that was... but it's not like I need any more stuff. Ay! There was also one about being paid to take surveys. I wonder what the catch is. :mf_rosetinted:

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So, did your friend read that on Wikipedia?? lol!



I loved A.M.E.B. They used to give me very good marks! O.K, so maybe I just had a great piano teacher who prepared us really well.


i had a bad music theory teacher:thumbdown:

it was all going ok for my practical exams though..


Up to date....how good are you?

Yay for peforming in front of the whole school...well done!

yes, i was up to date.

now i have to study for exams..


I am hereby banned from MFC until exams finish. (Which I think is something like 10th June ... I dunno, I'm too lazy to check right now)


NO, 10th of June is agesss away!

good luck! :thumb_yello:



Oooh, well done! It's weird, before I perform on the piano I get scared sh!tless but I'm rarely nervous before singing a solo...I get nervous afterwards.





65?? A pass for me is 50%!



Teaching?! Wow, good for you!



i get nervous when i'm in front of 10 people, so i'm surprised i actually performed in front of the school..


i know!

65 is like an A+

i need to get 65 or above to start teaching..:thumbdown:

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Uh, so I finally came up with a lollipop, so I figured I'd post it right away. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I couldn't resist popping in here.

And, HOLY FRICK GUYS! I was only gone a few hours and look how much MQing you made!


I'm finally hoooome for the summer. Thank goodness. I don't think I could have stood living in that dorm any longer. So tiny. Tiniest room I've ever had and ever will have. I even took a picture of it today because it was... empty for once.




How emo of the MFC.




Also of course, just continuing taking photos of things that catch my eye.


(Taken in Venice, Italy when I wandered away from the tour group for a minute)




*shrugs* I ended up stretching it as far away from 'Irish Reel' as possible, so now it's a nutty piece in modes with a jazz rhythm...hehehe


*wants to hear*


I say platypi (IMO everything that ends in 'us' should be converted into 'i' when plural--walri, etc.) but I read somewhere that you can also say platypoda.


Walri? Toys-R-I?


Yeah, any shmuck can edit it, you don't even need an account...being the pedant that I am, I correct spelling mistakes that I see when I'm on there...


Awesome! How do you do it?

It's probably really obvious ... I've never looked :shocked:


*cough* *cough* It's senSe...*takes off pedant hat*


*kicks pedant hat under the bed*

Haha, I am such a pedant with things like that normally, but there are a few words that I just never get right LOL. Sence/sence?? excercise?? :naughty:


Yeah, but all they came up with was 'chumbawumba'


I'm not very reassuring, am I?


But that's pretty close :-)


We totally should.




Study????!!!11 Shock horror!!


No you're not. I don't believe you.


Right, so it didnt happen then, and it hasn;t happened yet, but after this MQ I SWEAR!

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*collapses in a dead faint*

Nooooooooooooo! Don't leeeeeeeeeeeave meeeeeeeeeee!!!


*pokes unconcious body*


It's funny that your post count is now up to 2707...








OG, of all names to give your computer..


I didn't give it to him. Cooper said it was his name.







This is you leaving?....blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......If you're really not coming back.....good luck!




OKD: I WANT YOU TO PASS YOUR EXAMS but I don't want you to leave ....




I still say PLATYPI !!!!




The harp is beautiful .... but for now I am sticking to my humble ukelele on which I have taught myself *counts* 5 songs !!! The random nature of which is pretty impressive !!! *lists*

#1. A Jamaican reggae type song called Don't Stop ... (very laid back, sunny Sunday afternoon style )

#2. Brimful of Asher by Corner Shop ...

#3. Happy Birthday...

#4. Smile by Lily Allen (sorry Kelz)

#5. The theme tune to Steptoe & Son !!


Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! PLEEASE make a video or something :-D


NO, 10th of June is agesss away!

good luck!



I start on the 31st :boxed:


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no! don't leave so soon!


oh, the 31st is ages away..:naughty:

good luck next wednesday as well!!


The 31st is 14 days away. 14 days x 24 hours is 336 hours. Minus 1 hour for the exam on Wednesday is 335 hours. 8 hours (recommended :naughty:) sleep per night x 14 is 112. So 224. I have to catch up on every single one of my lectures, and then memorise them. 3 units x 4 lectures a week x 12 weeks = 144. 224-144 = 80 hours. 80 hours - 47 hours of school next week (*cough*if I go*cough*) = 33. 33 hours / 14 days = 2.3 hours every day to eat and study. (Seeing as the lecture listening is just catching up, not really study).


I wish I was being tested on maths. (Please note, I did not just say I wish I was doing maths :naughty:)


OI! I'm wasting my 2.3 hours!



*logs out* :shocked:

*is really really not coming back at all until June 10th*

*except to post the final picture of her lollipop*

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The 31st is 14 days away. 14 days x 24 hours is 336 hours. Minus 1 hour for the exam on Wednesday is 335 hours. 8 hours (recommended :naughty:) sleep per night x 14 is 112. So 224. I have to catch up on every single one of my lectures, and then memorise them. 3 units x 4 lectures a week x 12 weeks = 144. 224-144 = 80 hours. 80 hours - 47 hours of school next week (*cough*if I go*cough*) = 33. 33 hours / 14 days = 2.3 hours every day to eat and study. (Seeing as the lecture listening is just catching up, not really study).


I wish I was being tested on maths. (Please note, I did not just say I wish I was doing maths :naughty:)


OI! I'm wasting my 2.3 hours!



*logs out*

*is really really not coming back at all until June 10th*

*except to post the final picture of her lollipop*



i'll probably leave the MFC for a while when my exams start, which is in...

3 weeks!!!

need to get a studying as well..


Bye OD!

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Meh. You're examiners are stupid. Or maybe you're just one of these people who's actually really good in practice, but not so good in exams? I know for instance that I interview really well, I'm just not so good at the hands on. (Which is a bit of a handicap for a nurse, hence why I no longer want to nurse)

It's probably because I enjoy the hands-on "people side" of things but hate the academic side of things (listening to lectures, doing practicals, sitting exams, etc.) that it's based on. It doesn't help that my university is especially background science oriented so a lot of the time I study abstract chemical concepts that have little bearing on real life and excite little interest in me. I'd rather be in a clinical setting than in the classroom but I guess I just have to bear with it until/if I graduate.


Gawd, that's awful! And, OK, I can see someone disagreeing with your lifestyle if you were pushing drugs and murdering small children, but from what I gather (who knows, though), you aren't. He/she needs to accept, love, and respect all that you are or they aren't worth your time.

Haha, I'm not a drug-peddling child murderer. I merely have close-minded bigoted friends whom I was foolish enough to put faith in.


Oh, I actually came into the Aussie thread to ask if anyone has seen this before? (Probably all of you, I know I'm always hopelessly behind, but just occasionally there's someone else who hasn't caught up with everything yet.)


I've seen it before. The wavy photos are a bit queasy. I also find the close-ups especially creepy.

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I'm generally pretty secretive about where I attend school. :naughty: Not like I'm in a witness protection program or anything. :naughty:



Sorry, I didn't mean the exact name or anything. I just meant was it like a photography school or something or a uni course or some visual arts school that includes photography or ??? General descriptors, not specifics.



i had a bad music theory teacher:thumbdown:

it was all going ok for my practical exams though..


My piano teacher was also my theory teacher and she was brilliant, drilled us really hard, we'd have group sessions going over old papers etc. And although I passed quite well in practical, I usually got 98 to 100% for theory, just cos we studied it so much and theory is what I'm better at. But I didn't get very far up in the grades.


*kicks pedant hat under the bed*

Haha, I am such a pedant with things like that normally, but there are a few words that I just never get right LOL. Sence/sence?? excercise?? :naughty:


Sense. (can be a pedant too, when she chooses)


hey strangers!


how is everyone?


Hey, PO!! Long time no see. Again! Where have you been?


It's probably because I enjoy the hands-on "people side" of things but hate the academic side of things (listening to lectures, doing practicals, sitting exams, etc.) that it's based on. It doesn't help that my university is especially background science oriented so a lot of the time I study abstract chemical concepts that have little bearing on real life and excite little interest in me. I'd rather be in a clinical setting than in the classroom but I guess I just have to bear with it until/if I graduate.


See, the opposite of me. Not that I enjoyed lectures and exams, but I'm better at the academic side than the practical side. Patients liked me because I listened to them but I was not the girl who was going to save their lives. And it really started to wear away at my confidence the more I realised this about myself and I decided I no longer wanted that kind of responsibilty. It was almost like, when I first came out I was so brash in my ignorance that I didn't realise how little I actually knew and then the more I learned the more I saw how much i didn't know.

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