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Anyway – he said he´d find out about the wristbands and I took my place next to ana first row leftish *pbs*. It took a while until we had a second row though – the English really come really late to gigs :smth: . joao turned up and told us that everything would be fine *waves with wristband plan* and that we could just go again. I told him that I wouldn’t have a clue on how to say thank you and he just smiled happily and said it wouldn’t be a problem (wow). He explained again to us how to get to the party room and reassured us again and again that things would work out with that wristband. I love him.


Haha, the securities in Brixton are fricking cool – they were chatting with the fans, taking pictures with the fans, posing for pictures and handing out drinks :naughty:. And later during the gig they were not only just standing there with petrified faces but dancing and singing and pointing at themselves while grinning at the fans during do you wanna :lmfao:.


After kid harpoon (fantastic) and the mystery jets (brilliant), about 10 securities assembled in front of the stage. I was really wondering if this was not a bit much but in the very end I am more than thankful that there were so many of them.


The show began and luke had just sung 5 words of always where when I suddenly saw two securities approaching me. And then i suddenly saw why – or I rather felt why because I suddenly had a crowdsurfer right over my head. I have never experienced something like this before! I always pitied those people that were standing where the crowdsurfers ended and now I know that I wasn’t wrong pitying them :boxed:. It was amazing though. In a way at least. It was amazing and painful as well. We were most severly squashed from behind (ouch ouch ouch!!!) and then from the front securities were leaning over to catch the surfers before they could reach the very first row (as we couldn’t have carried them) and then there are these surfers right over your head, pressing you down. Fantastic. Painful though - especially those two times where the securities couldn’t grab the surfers properly and I got a surfer really painfully on my head and one on my back :tears:. I had 5 or 6 surfers ending up right over me/ ana. Haha, Ana claims she had her fingers in one crowdsurfer´s mouth :lmfao:!!! (:boxed:) it was mayhem and I was ****ING THANKFUL that the securities were there!!!

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The show was MOST fantastic – although I did not see everything thanks to the surfers / securities and although I was fearing for my camera the whole time and although I still have the urgent wish to roundhouse-kick those bitches behind us right in their faces *pbs*.


And then – I still can´t believe it – luke came down during sofa song. :shocked:. He came to our very side of the stage and he looked down at the people and his look rested for a second on us. I´m not (in no ****ing way) saying that he looked specifically at us or whatever – but I swear that he saw us and that he did recognise us. So he came down, roughly 1m to my left and we were all pushed towards him (ana and I had constantly been moving to the centre during the gig (not our fault though)) and I thought to myself that I would kick my arse later if I didn’t stretch out my hand :smth: and so I did it, too :naughty:. And he really held my hand! It wasn’t long but he did. :cheerful_h4h:

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But then, suddenly, I saw that someone was ripping luke´s shirt – it turned out to be the guy behind me and I saw that luke was staring at him, quite shocked & surprised. Luke grabbed the piece of the shirt the guy was dragging towards him again (still with a :boxed: / :blink: / :shocked: / :mad3:- expression on his face) and then went on stage again. I didn’t manage to film all that – it was simply not possible in that crowd at that very moment :boxed:. But it was FANTASTIC. The mystery jets were on stage, balloons were on stage, santas were on stage, the securities were shoving the balloons towards the crowd ( as well as the mystery jets and the santas did; I have NEVER seen balloons of that size! The biggest ones were hard to grab even if you used both of your arms!!!) , confetti was raining and luke was sofa songing on stage while paul was giving his best performance ever and hugh ripped of his trousers and came down to let me touch his legs. Oh wait – I just imagined the last part. :crybaby:

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It was ****ing brilliant. Totally.



However, even the best gig has an end :crybaby:. After the gig, Joao was gone and nowhere to be found :crybaby: and so we made our way to the aftershowpartythingyroomthingy.


My two german friends had already taken our places at the table from the day before (obviously thinking that this was be a good place to get first dips on the incoming band) and so we moved, totally ignoring them, to the bar. Although joao had told us something about the wristbands being for free drinks in the “green room” (“Where is that?” – “the dressing rooms” – “:blink:???”), we paid a horrendous price of 1,85 pounds per coke :sneaky2: and stood there, waiting for something to happen. The first one to turn up was nick :naughty:, dressed in a nice, elegant coat, looking thinner than the last time we had seen him in September. Then I suddenly saw hugh´s head and hat roughly 1,5m away. He was talking to some people.


Ana and I both felt quite uncomfortable standing there, now with empty glasses, nothing to talk about :boxed: . so what now? I would much rather not get an autograph or whatever than disturbing anyone while they are talking to their friends. Anyway, suddenly I saw another well-known head and torso appear – however, this head was much closer to the floor than I thought it would be :naughty:. I had NO clue that paul was so little! I mean, he wasn’t little little, but he was smaller than I am. Ok, I am relatively tall (compared to my friends) but it´s not often that I see a guy that is smaller than me :smth:


Paul stood there for a few minutes with those people hugh was still talking to and then he and another guy made their way towards the other side of the room. When he was moving along us (can I say it like that?), he didn’t seem to go somewhere specific and so I took the moment to tipp (sp?) him on his shoulder *pbs*.



To be continued! I'm still typing!

Edited by Petra
Am I postwhoring? Sorry :boxed:.
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Petra these posts are AWESOME! We enjoyed reading and can't wait till you continue. The part of you touching Hugh's legs and Ana claiming she had her hand in a crowdsurfers mouth just cracked us up. haha


You must be tall because we are 5 feet 3 inches and Paul was very tall to us when we talked to him in the vinyl shop.:wub2:


In St. Louis since we were the street teamers we didn't get front row. We wish we did because Luke crowdsurfed and that would of been awesome being in the front row.


That was awful with Lukes shirt. We would never do that.


Can't wait for more posts.



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PN: *tipps shoulder* "Paul, sorry... :blink:"

PG: "That´s Gary!” *points at his friend*

P/A: “WTF? :blink:” (He totally got us here.)

PG: “That´s Gary!”

PN / A: “:blink:

PG: “His name is Gary!”

P/A: “:blink::bye: Hi Gary! :blink:


We found out later that the name was Gary – what I understood was “That’s Garred” or so. I had no ****ing clue what Paul was trying to say but I finally understood my “Garred” thingy and came up with the explanation that Paul had said something like “That’s a Garred, too” ; I thought he meant this guy was his brother. Which then made me think that I just knew about a sister. And then this guy here didn’t, in the slightest, look like Paul. Oh well, anyway :smth:.


So I was a bit struck by surprise (but just a fragment of a second; we are getting professional :naughty:) and then the original plan came up my mind again. Paul was grinning like an idiot, wearing a blue knitted jumper over a white shirt, holding a glass of champagne in his right hand. And he was smaller then me and I noticed that he had a bad back posture. Apart from that, he is just another one of these annoyingly handsome people with a perfectly shaped body. One of those with perfect DNA. One of those for who every day is a good hair day. Ideal Breeding Material so to speak. And he was in a most ****ING good mood. While Luke was nice and lovely, Paul seemed to have swallowed an entire sun. How can one person be so happy? I can´t really remember seeing a picture or a video where Paul is not in a bloody brilliant, chatty mood. He was grinning and cheerfully chatting to Gary & us. I´m really fascinated and from this very day on I will try to be more like Paul. *starts grinning*

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I could so kick my arse for not writing all of this down earlier :sad: - I think I forgot a lot of details. I asked him if he would be willing to sign something for me and it seemed as if he was absolutely and blissfully happy to be of service to improve my day. Fantastic. Luke was ****ing awesomely lovely but still – Paul was just… FREAKING normal. Which is something I TOTALLY love. He treated us like dear friends! He was friendly and nice and cheerful and funny and I love him. :cheerful_h4h: He was happy about everything :smth: - like he was on drugs (with fricking high-quality heroin. Bastard. He should have shared.)


So I asked and he didn´t object :naughty:. I handed the pen over to him and got out my IIIO booklet (from a new, especially for this occasion acquired album *pbs*) and he took it. Then he wanted to write his name on it while holding it in his hand but it ended up in him staring at the pen with a confused “:blink:?” in his face. He turned the pen a couple of times and then looked at me in a helpless way.

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PG: “:blink: How do .. where.. :blink: *suddenly notices that the cap is still on the pen* :doh::lmfao: I was wondering!!! :lmfao:


Idiot. :lmfao:


Anyway, the worst was still to come. Paul Garred. Oh man. Hot but confused like my late grandfather.


So he took the cap off the pen and then tried to write his name on the booklet in mid-air, then noticed that this wouldn’t work out properly and looked at me again with a “Where could I *rubs chin*…?” in his eyes. (Please note we were standing right next to a wall and a bar which could have both been used without a problem.) Paul turned around, seeking something to use as a.. can I say “background”? Underground? Thing to write on I mean. And then he saw something. So he turned towards the window and – BUMP – hit his head against it and drew, while bumping, a roughly 2cm long line on the window. If :blink: could be a feeling, then I totally had that. I had no idea what he had been trying but then he turned around, obviously ****ing embarrassed, laughing his arse off and shaking his head while grinning stupidly.

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"Oh.. I thought I could have… I didn’t know there was a window. There shouldn’t be a window!" He repeated the "There shouldn’t be a window. I didn't know there was a window! There shouldn't be a window." quite a couple of times (while being, very obviously, really embarrassed for presenting himself like this to fans :doh:). He told us that he had wanted to use the window sill but that he hadn't seen that the window sill was on the other side of the window and that you couldn't reach it from the room. :naughty:


So he tried to find another place to put the booklet, fumbling around with the booklet in the air, for a second giving it back to me as if he wanted to write on it while I was holding it; then, suddenly noticing there was a wall (ta-ta), taking a step towards the wall and instructing me to hold the booklet while he was writing.


So he signed it (*insert not-yet-existent-Paul-Garred-smiley* *goes to photoshop* *closes photoshop again in the hope that bianca is going to do it* *cough*) and gave it back to me. I said thank you (no worries etc.) and while I was putting the booklet back into its protective bag, I suddenly felt that someone was grabbing my shoulder (:blink:). It was Paul (pervert. he just wanted to touch me.) who was trying to make me come closer to get into the picture with him. :blink: I had no idea what was happening and in this moment I was really, frankly, totally confused about (?) what was going on around me. I saw Paul reaching out with his hand, I saw Ana standing next to him and I saw that Gary was holding up a camera. Ok, easy to get to a clue here one should say. The thing is just that Ana's camera is pink and, even when I stared intensely at it, the camera Gary was holding was silver / gray. I was confused. Why the heck (who the heck?) would Gary take a picture with that camera??? The camera really looked gray to me but it finally turned out that it WAS Ana's camera and that the light in the room had tricked me. Yes, I am an idiot :smth:. Anyway, Gary took two pictures of us; Paul standing on the right (from our POV), in front of the window he bumped in, Ana next to him and then me on the left (probably with a confused expression on my face) with Paul's hand on my shoulder.

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Anyway, Gary and Paul (and we) checked the pictures and it ended up in a discussion about the camera ("This is far too dark!" "Doesn't it have a flash? You should use a flash!" "Yes, try it with a flash. We'll do it again!") – this was really nice. Paul considered this photo-taking hard business :naughty: and Gary had fun :lmfao:. I tried to tell them (I think I spoke to Gary in that moment because I considered him the … how shall I word it? … more useful person to talk to :smth: ) that Ana's flash wasn't working and that we could use my camera.


Then Paul stretched out his hand to me and gave me the cap of my pen back ("Here – I guess that's yours." – "Oh, :doh:, yes, I was already looking for it. :naughty:"). The thing is that I still had the pen and the booklet in my hands (and my scarf I guess) and thus searching in my bag for my camera was a little problem. But it wouldn't have been SUCH a problem if I had managed to find my fricking camera. However, this was one of the dear moments when I did, of course, NOT find my camera in my Mary Poppins-bag. Fascinating where small things can go in little bags :sneaky2:. So I was getting a bad feeling in my stomach because a) where the **** is my camera? Did anyone take it? and b) I had an audience (consisting of, among others, no one less than Paul Garred himself) that watched me while searching :shocked: (although I must say that feeling a) was far stronger & worse :tears:).

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In my despair I employed the people around me; Ana was already holding her own camera and I can't remember what Gary was doing (except standing to my right and watching me desperately searching). The first person that I saw when I looked up was Paul and so, shoving the booklet and the pen (again) into his hands ("HOLD THAT!" I could have been nicer :boxed: but I thought someone had taken my camera! :shocked: I still can't believe I did that to Paul. Oh well. :lmfao:), I went on rummaging in my bag until I, finally, produced my camera case out of it :cheerful_h4h:. Uff. Haha, Paul was so lovely – he was surprised that I stuffed my things into his hands and then stood there, grinning and constantly saying "Ok, I'm holding. I'm holding." (good man. I like it when guys do as I say *whip-sound*). :lmfao:


So we lined up for another shot and Gary did a good job :cheerful_h4h: . We all had a look at the picture later ("Perfect!" "Yeah, that's a good one!") and said thank you to Paul & Gary. I can't remember what exactly we/they said though :smth:. Anyway, once Paul was gone, we looked at our next target – Mr Harris.


To be continued!

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In my despair I employed the people around me; Ana was already holding her own camera and I can't remember what Gary was doing (except standing to my right and watching me desperately searching). The first person that I saw when I looked up was Paul and so, shoving the booklet and the pen (again) into his hands ("HOLD THAT!" I could have been nicer :boxed: but I thought someone had taken my camera! :shocked: I still can't believe I did that to Paul. Oh well. :lmfao:), I went on rummaging in my bag until I, finally, produced my camera case out of it :cheerful_h4h:. Uff. Haha, Paul was so lovely – he was surprised that I stuffed my things into his hands and then stood there, grinning and constantly saying "Ok, I'm holding. I'm holding." (good man. I like it when guys do as I say *whip-sound*). :lmfao:


So we lined up for another shot and Gary did a good job :cheerful_h4h: . We all had a look at the picture later ("Perfect!" "Yeah, that's a good one!") and said thank you to Paul & Gary. I can't remember what exactly we/they said though :smth:. Anyway, once Paul was gone, we looked at our next target – Mr Harris.


To be continued!




hahah. These posts are great.


Awwww. Paul you're such a sweetheart.:wub2:

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Is it a permanent one ?


Awww, I wish :tears:


*slaps Bianca for not letting Tanya win*


Psht, whatever! :naughty:


Aren't they usually doing Do You Wanna & Mr Maker? Awww, the Kooks!


No no no no, they DEFINATELY did a brand new song that I have never heard! It started and they did that song ... bah, I don't know what it's called and I don't have my music to look at now, but it's really very bluesy. And then they did a brand new song, and I was confused that I didn't recognise it, but it was hard to hear properly because the other people in line were talking, so I got up and walked to infront of the venue doors, and the lobby doors were open and then the doors into the stage-room were also open so I could here it completely clearly and I have never heard it before. I looked like an idiot, so I ran back to Tanya and we wasted ages trying to think of what to do and eventually we figured out to try to record it on Tanya's phone, I walked back over to the door and by then it was just the elaborate-drum-ending. Then they played Do You Wanna and then another song which I am quite sure would have been Mr Maker.

And they are little guys. Say it. I need someone to back me up on that.


They are little :naughty:


It says "Petra, lovely to meet you" and then a name - it *should* say "Luke Pritchard" but I cannot read it :smth:



Paul and Hugh:



No, we didn't approach Pete. We saw Nick though .


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :wub2:


I just realised that first picture of Luke looks kinda... erm... gay...


You only just realised? :naughty: One of many, one of many.

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Well, these ARE girls' jeans




*volunteers* He has at least two though ... hm, we need more people. I wish he would go back to jeans & tshirt .


Oooooh... Even when he's looking a bit gay, he's still hot... though IMO not as hot as Paul... :das:


Well, if you and Ana distract him, then Bianca and I can go search for the hats...


And if he tries to get away, the Meyer twins can tie him down... and you can have your way with him :das:




hugh ripped of his trousers and came down to let me touch his legs. Oh wait – I just imagined the last part.


We can all imagine that part :das:


In my despair I employed the people around me; Ana was already holding her own camera and I can't remember what Gary was doing (except standing to my right and watching me desperately searching). The first person that I saw when I looked up was Paul and so, shoving the booklet and the pen (again) into his hands ("HOLD THAT!" I could have been nicer but I thought someone had taken my camera! I still can't believe I did that to Paul. Oh well. :lmfao:), I went on rummaging in my bag until I, finally, produced my camera case out of it. Uff. Haha, Paul was so lovely – he was surprised that I stuffed my things into his hands and then stood there, grinning and constantly saying "Ok, I'm holding. I'm holding." (good man. I like it when guys do as I say *whip-sound*).


So we lined up for another shot and Gary did a good job. We all had a look at the picture later ("Perfect!" "Yeah, that's a good one!") and said thank you to Paul & Gary. I can't remember what exactly we/they said though :smth:. Anyway, once Paul was gone, we looked at our next target – Mr Harris.


To be continued!




I love that bit! I wish we could've talked to him properly instead of a fence being there... though the poor boy would've been harassed by fangirls...


You only just realised? One of many, one of many.


Oooooh... really? :das:



I like the gay pics... it's... just... hot!

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Oooooh... Even when he's looking a bit gay, he's still hot... though IMO not as hot as Paul... :das:


We can all imagine that part :das:


Luke and Paul are both :das: but Paul lights up the entire stage :wub2:

Over and over again.....dirty perv:naughty:

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Awww, I wish :tears:


http://www.blackquilltattoo.com/ :das: Nothing that money couldn't buy.


No no no no, they DEFINATELY did a brand new song that I have never heard! It started and they did that song ... bah, I don't know what it's called and I don't have my music to look at now, but it's really very bluesy. And then they did a brand new song, and I was confused that I didn't recognise it, but it was hard to hear properly because the other people in line were talking, so I got up and walked to infront of the venue doors, and the lobby doors were open and then the doors into the stage-room were also open so I could here it completely clearly and I have never heard it before. I looked like an idiot, so I ran back to Tanya and we wasted ages trying to think of what to do and eventually we figured out to try to record it on Tanya's phone, I walked back over to the door and by then it was just the elaborate-drum-ending. Then they played Do You Wanna and then another song which I am quite sure would have been Mr Maker.


OMFG, yes, you told me!! I really wished one could write more into these stupidly short & expensive text messages! I wanted to reply properly but I couldn't :crybaby:. OMG, how fantastic is that?? Standing there, hearing this COMPLETELY NEW SONG!!!??? *is in awe* Frick!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmh, drum-ending... :das: I want an extended drum-solo! :naughty:

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They are little :naughty;

Thank you :cheerful_h4h:

How tall is Hugh compared to you? :wub2:


Oooooh... Even when he's looking a bit gay, he's still hot... though IMO not as hot as Paul... :das;


They are all freaking boiling hot :stretcher:. *sigh* Apart from Pete. Hm. :boxed:


Well, if you and Ana distract him, then Bianca and I can go search for the hats...




And if he tries to get away, the Meyer twins can tie him down... and you can have your way with him :das:


:lmfao: I LOVE that part!! I had to imagine Haley & Megan lying on Hugh, pinning him down - hilarious!!! But I'd rather have they pin down Paul & Luke - so I can deal with Hugh on my own *das*


I will. *das*


I just thought quoting it again couldn't do any harm.


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I wish we could've talked to him properly instead of a fence being there... though the poor boy would've been harassed by fangirls...


True, true! It's SO annoying! It was the same with Mika - there are always some obsessive idiots that ruin any chances. We were unbelievably and incredibly lucky. I still can't believe it.


I like the gay pics... it's... just... hot!

*goes to search her pictures*

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They are all freaking boiling hot :stretcher:. *sigh* Apart from Pete. Hm. :boxed:








:lmfao: I LOVE that part!! I had to imagine Haley & Megan lying on Hugh, pinning him down - hilarious!!! But I'd rather have they pin down Paul & Luke - so I can deal with Hugh on my own *das*


I will. *das*


I just thought quoting it again couldn't do any harm.



Damn straight they are!!!



Oooooooor... that works too! I'd personally like Paul... he'd fit in quite well with my other Pauls... as in Paul McDermott *points to sig* and Paul Hewson *points to Bono*



I just remembered what i was going to say about Hugh... he's got very thin fingers :das:... I always seem to notice that about guitarists...


True, true! It's SO annoying! It was the same with Mika - there are always some obsessive idiots that ruin any chances. We were unbelievably and incredibly lucky. I still can't believe it.



*goes to search her pictures*


It sucks... though surprisingly enough most of the Aussies were pretty damn good with Mika.. except for one who was talking about her husband's school and Jetstar... (it's safe if you don't ask)...

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Oooooh... Even when he's looking a bit gay, he's still hot... though IMO not as hot as Paul...


Well, if you and Ana distract him, then Bianca and I can go search for the hats...


And if he tries to get away, the Meyer twins can tie him down... and you can have your way with him :das:






We can all imagine that part



I love that bit! I wish we could've talked to him properly instead of a fence being there... though the poor boy would've been harassed by fangirls...




Oooooh... really?



I like the gay pics... it's... just... hot!


Thank you

How tall is Hugh compared to you?




They are all freaking boiling hot :stretcher:. *sigh* Apart from Pete. Hm.








:lmfao:I LOVE that part!! I had to imagine Haley & Megan lying on Hugh, pinning him down - hilarious!!! But I'd rather have they pin down Paul & Luke - so I can deal with Hugh on my own *das*


I will. *das*


I just thought quoting it again couldn't do any harm.





Hahaha this is cracking us up. We just have mental pictures of us pinning down Paul and Hugh to the floor. Paul and Hugh.....:wub2: Wouldn't that be cool if someday we'd all manage to go to the same Kook's gig.


The Meyer Twins

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