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OMG! I just fell out of my chair, I was laughing so hard!


I vote wonderful :punk:


I think HE thinks it's awful though LOL


Now don't fall out of your chair, you could hurt yourself, and then how would you type? Do you need a seatbelt?


*hands you some rope*

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My mom gets all giggly when she tells people I'm never going to have kids, so she's never going to have to deal with how old she would feel if people started calling her "grandma." Then, again, my mom likes to stare at my head and giggle because I have more white hairs than she does. I just glare at her and remind her that I'm still young enough to get carded when I go out for drinks, unlike SOME people :wink2:


There's a strong probability that I'm physically incapable of having kids, which is ok because I never had a strong desire to have any. I thought it was weird when all of the girls I knew in high school were trying to get pregnant so that they would have babies who would love them no matter what. I told them that they should get puppies because puppies are less fickle than people and easier to take care of than babies. They also make less unpleasant noises when they get loud :roftl:


If I ever meet someone who changes my life and we decide a kid is just the thing that we need, we can adopt....a puppy! :punk:


I know....I won't be having kids either, not physically..there are a few very long stories why..I have serious Rheumatoid Arthritis, on lots of meds, life is just not right for me to have kids....so my energy goes to my music composiing and being with friends...yay! puppies! I saw a pic of you and a pug I WANT A PUG! I LOVE PUGS!

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I know....I won't be having kids either, not physically..there are a few very long stories why..I have serious Rheumatoid Arthritis, on lots of meds, life is just not right for me to have kids....so my energy goes to my music composiing and being with friends...yay! puppies! I saw a pic of you and a pug I WANT A PUG! I LOVE PUGS!


aww pugs are cute! :)


two thumbs up for more no kids! :)

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Since I'm off topic anyway, I'm sure you've heard this before, I only wish my hair looked that amazing in the morning! :roftl:


I actually like my morning hair because it's all curly and wild, but it still doesn't look that amazing :punk:


I DON'T HAVE HAIR !!! because of my Alopecia so the above statement...well

ahem...could mean something quite amusing! :roftl: :roftl:

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we have more time to be the Zany Aunts! all kids need zany aunts !!


Exactly! :) I love being the aunt that everyone loves to visit with! The nieces and nephews jump on me and we play, and it's wonderful. Then I give them back!!! :P:thumb_yello:

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Exactly! :) I love being the aunt that everyone loves to visit with! The nieces and nephews jump on me and we play, and it's wonderful. Then I give them back!!! :P:thumb_yello:


I have identical twin nieces who are wonderful! they are so talented and funny and very smart! they love animals! and so do i!!!!yay for aunts

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Teen pregnancy here in the UK is a difficult issue.


For example, our youngest dad a good few years ago was twelve, and the mother was 17. Now that is quite shocking I believe, but then several years later I read about them again in a magazine, and they are still together, moved in together, and have had to other kids since and doing rather well. So kudos to them I suppose, but I still think that both ages 12 and 17 are really young.


There's information everywhere about contraception now: schools, college, internet, magazines...so there's not really much of an excuse to be ignorant in my opinion...I think most cases are often carelessness but it's not always everyone's fault: condom may split, rape...

The age of consent here is 16 but will soon turn to 18, I heard. I don't know if this will change anything - probably not - but even I feel that 16 is too young. Maybe not to have sex, but to start having a family...even 18 is young, but older and wiser than a 16.


However, the age of consent in Holland is 12 I believe, yet they have the youngest teenage pregnancy rate, while ours is sky high. I don't know why that is...maybe our upbringing's are different...I don't know too much about it if I'm honest.


I remember in my school all they did was teach you about the dangers of sex: diseases, infections, underage pregnancy...and they tried to make it look as if sex was a bad thing, which of course it isn't the majority of the time...I think their aim was to try and scare people away from it which I can understand, but you know teenagers. Naughty = good. They WANT to do naughty things and see if they can get away with it. They probably think "it won't happen to me" and sometimes it won't, but it can and will. It boils back down to carelessness.


Going back to rape for example...if we're going to be totally open here I started my period when I was only 10 and started developing quite early. I was a target in my first three years of senior/high school because some boys liked to grope me. Suppose I was out in the street one day and some paedophile liked the look of me because I look "young, fresh and ripe". I could have quite easily got pregnant and imagine having a kid at ten years old. That would be heartbreaking. Giving birth at such a young age is so dangerous to the mother because they could break their hips, as they haven't fully developed and not ready for childbirth. Fact.


Having children takes up a lot of time and effort and that's why people say "teenagers ruin their lives at having kids at such a young age". They can't do anything for themselves because they have someone else's life to look after, because they're not independent. The parent's life will be on hold for several years before they can achieve any other goals like seeing the world or getting a career. And as someone who is currently working with children, I know how much hardwork they are...although obviously it's different if you're a parent and have them pretty much 24/7, but I've got the gist of it.


i have more to write, but have to go to work experience now lol. bye!

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Teen pregnancy here in the UK is a difficult issue.


For example, our youngest dad a good few years ago was twelve, and the mother was 17. Now that is quite shocking I believe, but then several years later I read about them again in a magazine, and they are still together, moved in together, and have had to other kids since and doing rather well. So kudos to them I suppose, but I still think that both ages 12 and 17 are really young.


There's information everywhere about contraception now: schools, college, internet, magazines...so there's not really much of an excuse to be ignorant in my opinion...I think most cases are often carelessness but it's not always everyone's fault: condom may split, rape...

The age of consent here is 16 but will soon turn to 18, I heard. I don't know if this will change anything - probably not - but even I feel that 16 is too young. Maybe not to have sex, but to start having a family...even 18 is young, but older and wiser than a 16.


However, the age of consent in Holland is 12 I believe, yet they have the youngest teenage pregnancy rate, while ours is sky high. I don't know why that is...maybe our upbringing's are different...I don't know too much about it if I'm honest.


I remember in my school all they did was teach you about the dangers of sex: diseases, infections, underage pregnancy...and they tried to make it look as if sex was a bad thing, which of course it isn't the majority of the time...I think their aim was to try and scare people away from it which I can understand, but you know teenagers. Naughty = good. They WANT to do naughty things and see if they can get away with it. They probably think "it won't happen to me" and sometimes it won't, but it can and will. It boils back down to carelessness.


Going back to rape for example...if we're going to be totally open here I started my period when I was only 10 and started developing quite early. I was a target in my first three years of senior/high school because some boys liked to grope me. Suppose I was out in the street one day and some paedophile liked the look of me because I look "young, fresh and ripe". I could have quite easily got pregnant and imagine having a kid at ten years old. That would be heartbreaking. Giving birth at such a young age is so dangerous to the mother because they could break their hips, as they haven't fully developed and not ready for childbirth. Fact.


Having children takes up a lot of time and effort and that's why people say "teenagers ruin their lives at having kids at such a young age". They can't do anything for themselves because they have someone else's life to look after, because they're not independent. The parent's life will be on hold for several years before they can achieve any other goals like seeing the world or getting a career. And as someone who is currently working with children, I know how much hardwork they are...although obviously it's different if you're a parent and have them pretty much 24/7, but I've got the gist of it.


i have more to write, but have to go to work experience now lol. bye!


Thank you for that! Very well said. I think 12 is WAY to young to be having children, but if we think back to colonial times, girls were married with children by that age, it wasn't unusual at all. Strange how things change!

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So how's your life been? anything good going on with ye?


my health has been poor because of the ^(&)*+)(+ weather :sneaky2: :sneaky2: but is better now...it was bad...even with meds .not being able to walk or do anything or even breath ! not entirely sure why my RA is back with vengeance !its made me a bit sad, combination of the sulfasalazine and the weather,,,who knows..I met one of my friends finally after 5 years ! that was so nice! she is so sweet! I am composing more themes of music...my music might be even promoted in Vietnam...(not sure how .....but I have a contact who knows alot about the classical music scene in South East Asia). ...Being learning to be more myself and relaxing and taking it easy ( insert loud singing--ooh that was spooky one of light bulbs exploded!) and taking risks!

yay !!!!!

and you ? what's new???

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my health has been poor because of the ^(&)*+)(+ weather :sneaky2: :sneaky2: but is better now...it was bad...even with meds .not being able to walk or do anything or even breath ! not entirely sure why my RA is back with vengeance !its made me a bit sad, combination of the sulfasalazine and the weather,,,who knows..I met one of my friends finally after 5 years ! that was so nice! she is so sweet! I am composing more themes of music...my music might be even promoted in Vietnam...(not sure how .....but I have a contact who knows alot about the classical music scene in South East Asia). ...Being learning to be more myself and relaxing and taking it easy ( insert loud singing--ooh that was spooky one of light bulbs exploded!) and taking risks!

yay !!!!!

and you ? what's new???


figured out what I'm doing for the summer, going to Rock Creek and staying on the property I will live on one day, and help out around the place for room/board/smokes . It'll be fantastic :)


And my best friend Gavin lives only 2 hours away which is nothing in Kootenay time :) And the beautiful Chilean boys will be living only 20 mins away from him, so he said he'll pick them up and bring them out to where I am and we'll all go camping and fishing :) I'm reaaaaaaally looking forward to spending some time with those boys without other girls around to be so distracting!! LOL

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if it happens it happens, in this day and age i think people are more open minded about the whole thing-obviously it's not ideal but there are worse things in the world that can happen, after all a baby is a gift and should be celebrated.


yes that's true..i agree:wink2:

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Thank you for that! Very well said. I think 12 is WAY to young to be having children, but if we think back to colonial times, girls were married with children by that age, it wasn't unusual at all. Strange how things change!


it goes with culture, too. I have a wondefully sweet Muslim friend who was betrothed at the age of 14? It was arranged but she knows the guy, speaks to him everyday (even though she lives here and he lives in Bangladesh) and happy with whom she's marrying. If she wasn't happy, her parents would understand and find someone else. She's in a happy situation and is quite excited to get married. She's 16 and will be getting married in a few months time. When it's a situation like that, where it's considered normal, I don't have a problem. So long as everyone's happy, you know? She's ready for it and I'm happy for her. If anything was otherwise then I'd be concerned...of course I feel that 16 is young to even be getting married but that's her culture and that's the way they do it...sometimes I still feel as though I'm looking at a little girl...and I guess I am, but hey. She's happy.



I think that inadequate information is worse than too much information no matter what choices people end up making with more information. I think that informed decisions have more favorable outcomes than poorly informed and uninformed decisions. I think that teenagers should be making informed decisions even if they end up making the choices that adults would prefer they didn't make. If they are well-informed they have a better chance of making better choices. They also have a better chance of having more favorable outcomes if they do make bad choices. It's a win-win. When people are denied information, everybody loses.


I always want more information, please :punk:


I love that last paragraph!


I think sometimes it boils down to parents as well...quite a few get embarrassed by it (my mother, as an example. My dad goes into too much detail and gives examples of his past which I don't really wish to hear :roftl:) and I think that's why so may teenagers sought after information from magazines and shizz. Or go an experiment, because they have no-one to talk to. No-one took sex-ed seriously in my class and a few people in my year have had children (one is going to be three this year..) and these are the people who drink, smoke and take drugs. One of them has quit smoking now (the one whose kid is gonna be three) and she lives with her boyfriend, so i guess things are going okay for her, but as for the others i don't even want to know. It's a stereotypical image of teenage pregnancies in the UK but unfortunately it's lived up to. The main reason why I'm against it is because they're mainly mothers who just don't have a clue. And that's what I think is sad...

as much as I know that each life is special, unique and celebratory, I worry about the life that they're going to have, who they're going to turn into. These babies born into such an unprivileged society don't know any better and I can't help but feel sorry for them. I want them to have a good life but know it's not always possible and it's not their fault.

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Yes it does go with culture :thumb_yello: but here in egypt where people would expect for it to be normal it really isn't..


But them my Scottish science teacher was telling me about a class of girls she used to teach where they weren't able to do lessons in science labs because they couldn't sit on stools since most of them where pregnant.. and it was at GCSE or something.. so yes it depends really.

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It's a difficult issue here in the states for similar reasons.


I went to high school in Montana, but my high school was atypical of rural high schools because we had an excellent curriculum that included sex ed classes that weren't limited to "well, just don't do it and you will be fine."


We had a lot of giggling and teenaged awkwardness, but we also had many important questions answered, which helped us stay out of trouble. I'm not sure how many of my peers chose to experiment, but I know that those who did were never without condoms to protect themselves from diseases as well as pregnancy. I know that there were only 5 pregnancies in my class of 276 students. Those of us who knew those girls wished that they had found other ways to get the love they wanted so badly, but we knew it wasn't our choice to make, so we didn't harass them.


I live in a different rural place now and the story is quite different. People here are much more conservative than where I went to high school. They believe that educating teenagers about sex will just encourage them to have it, so the kids around here are doing a lot of experimenting without condoms or contraceptives. My local friend graduated from a class of 30 people and 8 of the girls had gotten pregnant before graduation. Several others got pregnant soon after graduation. Sexually transmitted diseases spread through this town like the common cold. I wish that was an exaggeration. My local friend waited until she got married to have sex because of it (also, because of her religious beliefs.)


I think that inadequate information is worse than too much information no matter what choices people end up making with more information. I think that informed decisions have more favorable outcomes than poorly informed and uninformed decisions. I think that teenagers should be making informed decisions even if they end up making the choices that adults would prefer they didn't make. If they are well-informed they have a better chance of making better choices. They also have a better chance of having more favorable outcomes if they do make bad choices. It's a win-win. When people are denied information, everybody loses.


I always want more information, please :punk:


Uhh this is so well written. I agree: more information in this particular area is always better. But i do believe that sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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if it happens it happens, in this day and age i think people are more open minded about the whole thing-obviously it's not ideal but there are worse things in the world that can happen, after all a baby is a gift and should be celebrated.


People are much more open minded. Girls used to be thrown out of the family for being pregnant. Or made to give the baby up for adoption! And other girls saw how badly they were treated and it was a warning. But now we would be so much more understanding and loving.


Still, girls at school shouldn't be having babies of their own - in a ideal world.

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Oooh, harsh topic!

Mikas_gal07 you seem very responsible and sensible about the whole thing! OK here is my story:

I am 14 and one girl in my class is trying for a baby.

Enough said I think. :mf_rosetinted:

I think although my parents hate the amount of time I spend here on the MFC and thinking/discussing/playing/singing/listening to Mika they are inside secretly pleased I dont spend my time doing other things :mf_rosetinted:



haha thats funny

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I was out with my friends last night and we were dicussing the topic of teenage pregnancy. I Know it's a bit too serious but it is an interesting topic. For example where I live it's not particularly whidespread but I know that it is elsewhere. So why not share our feelings about this topic and personal experiences or experiences that we know of?


im joining this a bit late, but i think it all depends when people think they are ready for a child. i will personaly am not a huge fan of children, but do want them when im in my early 30s or so. some people might want them earlier, or get them earlier by accident. my parents had me early when they were 17 actually.

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Uhh this is so well written. I agree: more information in this particular area is always better. But i do believe that sometimes ignorance is bliss.


I also used to think that ignorance and lack of informations are causing this whole problem,but these days everyone knows,and contraception is very,very avilable,so I don't know what's the reason not to use it :confused:


But,for example,in my high school (I graduated 7 years ago),was just one pregnancy (well,at least, one that end up with born child :boxed: ),in my generation was around 450 students,mostly girls,so I guess it's not that bad after all.

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