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Scarlett Johansson


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Here's a link to her music video for 'Falling Down'




To be honest, when I first heard she was dabbling in music I was a bit worried for her, simply because she's such an immense performer on her own as an actor. I thought this would compromise her credibility. That she would seem hungry for more fame.


I was pleasantly surprised! The interesting thing about her record is that she covers all of Tom Waits' songs. I had no idea who he was, but the lyrics I find to be really great and intense... her point is I guess to sound like him. I think it's a nice little tribute to him, and apparantly bowie sang with her too. I believe I read that somewhere. She says that she did this for herself, and for her friends.


I love her!! As an artist she's one of the rare few that I can truly say are in love with what they do. I think she's got a brain too...and uses it well!


*not to mention we have the same measurments:punk:...an odd peice of knowledge to have at my disposal? Not really:naughty: See that's another thing, her body image inspires me. I saw her, and I became comfortable with the curves I was 'blessed' with that I once upon a time loathed*



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At first I thought the same...."what is she doing?" and like you said, she is such an amazing actress, I didn't think she'd be taken seriously trying to sing as well.

I was surprised by her voice, I didn't think she'd sound anything like that.( I didn't like it at first:blush-anim-cl:)

But the more I hear it, it grows on me.:)

I like the video too:thumb_yello:

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Yeah, I didn't like it at first either, I was like "is she trying to sound like a man???"


and it turns out she was lol which I really respect :) I like a touch of masculinity in a female artist. I think it's cool

I thought the same:lmao:

But she was trying to?! I didn't know that!

thats interesting anyway, and yeah it's cool that she did that.:)

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Very interesting. I'd heard about this a while ago, but hadn't bothered to check her sound out, cos I was afraid to be disappointed. My hubby and I both really like Scarlett. I like her acting talent and hubby likes her acting talent and, well, "other" talents lol! So she sings deep. What's wrong with that? So do I.

Alto's of the world unite and take over!!!

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The guy who does my family's tattoos is really into Tom Waits, and plays it whenever we're in the shop.


I tried listening to Scarlett, but it got on my nerves.


She's pretty and a good actress, though.

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ha! My sister said she hated her because she stole "her boyfriend"


I was like "whoooo????"




See that's the thing. We dated back when he looked like that. Then he got hot (with my help) and Miss Scarlett came along and stole him. :mf_rosetinted: (are we allowed to use this smiley anymore)

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Well, she has good taste in music. Tom Waits has been my favorite musician for the past 30 years with no one ever coming anywhere close to the admiration I feel for his songwriting and performing talents. I was stunned a year ago or so when I first heard that she was going to attempt to cover his songs. Now that I have heard a couple of them, I think she is very brave and I am glad that she did what she wanted to do. Yet, for me, it would be like listening to someone else sing one of Mika's songs. It might be interesting, but I would, personally, rather hear Mika sing his own songs.

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