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Vix's "can you spare any copper" begging thread


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My daughter Vix (thats Bumblebee_vix on MFC), Bumblebee_Vix.jpg


has been accepted into Italia Conti as of September 2008, she is very excited to be having this opportunity to work on maybe one day going into musical theatre, the trouble is, yesterday (her birthday :( ), she got a letter saying her course wasn't eligible for a student loan and she was informed by her careers advisor from college that it would be.

The fees to be there alone are really really expensive and we can only afford to send her for the 1st year, and she was going to use the student loan to pay for accommodation, uniform, necessary dance wear, travel expenses and general living costs. It wouldn't have covered it all anyway so she was going to get a part time job to make ends meet, but now she doesn't know what to do cos she can't get a full time job as most of her time will be taken up studying.


she has applied for various bursary's etc but has had no luck, she has 4 jobs on the go now trying to save up some money but a lot of it goes on dancing and singing lessons and travel to work etc.


She doest drink (hardly), smoke do drugs....she's always been a good kid really she is a good, honest hard working citizen and always has been.

so what I was hoping from anyone on MFC is, do any of you know of any places she can write to or apply to for financial help, she has written to the whole of Conti alumni with only 1 reply (a nice reply but not pointing us in the right direction for help), and the same from Kevin Spacey, supportive but they can't help out every single person who writes asking for help we know that.


But we can't think of anything else to do as yet, I know she has been advised to go to our library and get some kind of list and then write to them, so if anyone else has any other ideas please feel free to add a comment or PM us.


(dunno why she couldnt just do a safe job pfft these arty types).:sneaky2:

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I don't think so and I think it's because the course isn't recognised in some way by them, it's a diploma not a degree, I guess they make it harder to try to put people off doing it as it's the hardest thing to get into already as it is.


oh and Thanks Andi, I know it's a long shot to ask anyone of they have any ideas but we are at the long shot stage now. :(

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mayb this'll help http://ema.direct.gov.uk/

you get like £30 a week tho


Yea, thats what I was going to suggest :thumb_yello:

But it depends on you household income as well so that may stop it :thumbdown:

Good luck with your search, just be carful of nasty con artists with on the door loans or amazingly high interest rates. Easy to say, but I have had friends who have gone along with their little games, and it's not nice. :thumbdown:



^^just in case you have not seen that. ( :

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