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song dedications

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Want to let someone know they're special? Go to youtube and find a special song for a special someone and post the URL here. special.


*I know I know I'm thread happy lately shaaahtttup*




I dedicate this to Vanessa :original:


i want to, but my dads in the room watching hells kitchen, so i cant :(

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i want to, but my dads in the room watching hells kitchen, so i cant :(


i love hell's kitchen...i could ruin who wins if you wanna know:mf_rosetinted:


i dedicate all the mika songs to foalbaby14:punk: love ya!:wub2:

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:lmfao: :lmfao: Wow... that's weird...

I don't get it haha

But I love it :wub2:


well the first time i saw it i thought that her sweat was so awful it burned a whole in the guys head:naughty: but then i realized it's about this deoderant that makes your underarms so shiny and silky it reflected off the mirror and went ZAP into the forehead:roftl:

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well the first time i saw it i thought that her sweat was so awful it burned a whole in the guys head:naughty: but then i realized it's about this deoderant that makes your underarms so shiny and silky it reflected off the mirror and went ZAP into the forehead:roftl:

:roftl: I get it now!! :lol3: That's funny.


But why was the guy already holding his head in the beginning? He acted in pain haha.

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