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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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So what do you think of the MFC so far?

I like it! I usually like things that not a lot of people seem to be into so it's nice to be somewhere so big for a change... At the same time I'm not used to such a huge forum so it's a bit overwhelming, like I don't quite know where to jump in on all the other threads which is why I'm kind of hiding out in here until I meet more people I guess. lol, that probably sounds a bit silly but I'm like that :bleh:

I really like how friendly everyone is, there seems to be none of that 'pick on the new guy' stuff that seems to happen a lot on other sites.

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I like it! I usually like things that not a lot of people seem to be into so it's nice to be somewhere so big for a change... At the same time I'm not used to such a huge forum so it's a bit overwhelming, like I don't quite know where to jump in on all the other threads which is why I'm kind of hiding out in here until I meet more people I guess. lol, that probably sounds a bit silly but I'm like that :bleh:

I really like how friendly everyone is, there seems to be none of that 'pick on the new guy' stuff that seems to happen a lot on other sites.

Aww that's kinda sweet! Before everyone rushed to MFC, Mikasounds forum was the big thing. But it was kindof empty, so I switched over here, big difference!



Oh there is, trust me. :naughty:


But it's just when we get the "Zooommgg!111!11 ii luuuuuv mikerrrrr!"


Or when they ask why Mika is obsessed with Freddie Mercury. :naughty:

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Goodnight. :darthvader: May the force be with you



And also with you. leia3.gif


Good Afternoonie y'all

Zoidy, sorry to say but you are right. You'll never be bored again. In fact you'll have to give up part of your life to maintain this fetish. :naughty:



Hello My Mzeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :wub2:

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Aww that's kinda sweet! Before everyone rushed to MFC, Mikasounds forum was the big thing. But it was kindof empty, so I switched over here, big difference!



Oh there is, trust me. :naughty:


But it's just when we get the "Zooommgg!111!11 ii luuuuuv mikerrrrr!"


Or when they ask why Mika is obsessed with Freddie Mercury. :naughty:

Oh and that was gonna be my username! Lucky I changed my mind. I guess I better not ask if it's pronounced Mike-a or Mee-ka then :roftl:

No really, you won't get any of that nonsense from me. I do try to refrain from making myself look like a complete idiot as much as possible. Partial idiocy is quite enough for me. :naughty:


And also with you. leia3.gif


Good Afternoonie y'all

Zoidy, sorry to say but you are right. You'll never be bored again. In fact you'll have to give up part of your life to maintain this fetish. :naughty:



Hello My Mzeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :wub2:



Yep, I've pretty much figured that out... I just had to go out for an hour and the second I got home I was right back on here. Right now I am trying to convince myself to turn the computer off and do the housework. I suspect my family is either going to have to get used to living in filth or I'll have to learn to function without sleep.

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I've barely been as a guest to a wedding, normally I'm part of the bridal party, so this will be different for me. But at the moment I'm still wondering why I agreed


You agreed because of the free food and drink! Isn't that why everyone agrees? No, seriously, I went back over to Perth for my cousins wedding in October and it was great! Because I don't live near any of my family it was so nice to catch up with everyone. So that's what a wedding is for, one great big relly bash.


Ummmmmmmmm.... Hi! Everyone told me to come here so here I am but I have no idea what anyone is talking about so I don't know what to say

Hello to everyone I haven't talked to yet though!


Yay!!! Nice to see you in here Zoidy! (Would you prefer Zoidy or Pammy?) I'm on here in the daytime more than the evening, just cos of my family, but got things on today, so I'm not gonna be here long.


well i hope that you nor anyone else has to experience the trauma of no internet! oh the pain!



ive been playing sims for 3 days straight


When we moved house earlier in the year I was without internet for about 6 weeks. It was definitely challenging!




I just found DAAS's book (called Book ) on ebay!!!


Please tell me I need it!


By all means you need it darling! If for no other reason than so you can tell me all about it!





On the subject of working hours.. I was just talking to one of my friends who works at McDonalds. He said that yesterday somebody there worked 19 hours with a 20 minute break yesterday/today. From 7am until 2am. That is insane.


My question is "How is that legal?!!" and then I remember the stupid AWA's that got rid of people's entitlements...


Funny that..


Then again, DAAS are pretty :das: worthy...


And chickadee said she remembered :das: by thinking of DAAS.. I think it was her anyways...


Yes, thanks Nico. It was me. *MSN slaps OKD and SD*


Woo! I actually DO know them!

Unfortunately, this, what I spent like 4 hours on, is only worth like 1% of my exam. Just when we walk up to our cow we have to age-breed-condition score it before we start


But you've had hours in which to learn everything! Have you ever considered that some animal's life may depend someday on whether or not you bothered to learn stuff? *rant over* I do love you though:wub2:


Nuts are high in natural oils, that's what binds the paste


Um some sort of callistemon (bottle brush)?


Thanks Silver, I was going to answer those two things, now I don't need to bother.


It's fetlocks and ergots front and back legs - ergot is pointy bit at back of fetlock joint, from what I can remember.



OKD - would you like me to do this exam for you?


:roftl:I was thinking this might be a good idea! How is it that you know all this stuff anyway?


Ooh, so many pages! I am never going to be bored again. Thanks for all the welcomes!


Kooks you say? This is totally embarrassing but I don't know any of their music. I swear I am in such a musical black hole. I went for years and years listening to the same old bands that I've liked since the mid nineties. I am finally, like in the last 18 months or so, getting around to listening to different music again. I must go and check them out. God, that is such an embarrassing admission.



Yaaaaaay! There are DAAS fans here! I love you.

Finally somewhere I can complain about how DAAS Kapital STILL not being on DVD and not being met with a blank stare and a "What? Who cares?"


I was in a musical black hole until Mika, and even now there's a whole lot of bands I don't know about, unlike when I was in my teens and it all seemed to just get into my brain by osmosis or something.


I like it! I usually like things that not a lot of people seem to be into so it's nice to be somewhere so big for a change... At the same time I'm not used to such a huge forum so it's a bit overwhelming, like I don't quite know where to jump in on all the other threads which is why I'm kind of hiding out in here until I meet more people I guess. lol, that probably sounds a bit silly but I'm like that.

I really like how friendly everyone is, there seems to be none of that 'pick on the new guy' stuff that seems to happen a lot on other sites.


People are pretty friendly in this forum in general, although we do have our moments. People tend not to pick on the new guy unless they suspect he/she is an internet troll. If that's the case the reception is a little different:naughty:

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Oh and that was gonna be my username! Lucky I changed my mind. I guess I better not ask if it's pronounced Mike-a or Mee-ka then :roftl:

No really, you won't get any of that nonsense from me. I do try to refrain from making myself look like a complete idiot as much as possible. Partial idiocy is quite enough for me. :naughty:





Yep, I've pretty much figured that out... I just had to go out for an hour and the second I got home I was right back on here. Right now I am trying to convince myself to turn the computer off and do the housework. I suspect my family is either going to have to get used to living in filth or I'll have to learn to function without sleep.


:roftl::roftl: Or both!

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Kelz, I read what you wrote about the houses etc and I "understand" the analogy without actually understanding what they are for or how you find them out. And now I have to go collect son from school and head off for shopping and doctor's appointments. I don't think I'll be back till tomorrow at the rate I'm going.



Oh, but just wanted to say... ALL BEATLES FANS!!!! What did you think of Wes doing "Get Back" on Aus Idol last night?


Have you seen it SD?


I thought he was brilliant, but then again, I am biased!

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Yay!!! Nice to see you in here Zoidy! (Would you prefer Zoidy or Pammy?) I'm on here in the daytime more than the evening, just cos of my family, but got things on today, so I'm not gonna be here long.


You are most welcome to call me Pammy but I really don't mind either way is fine by me:wink2:

I think I'll probably be on most during the day too. The husband kind of takes over the computer when he gets home from work... Speaking of which I really should go and pick him up... I should be half way there already. Oops. Oh well, he can wait a few more minutes :bleh:



I was in a musical black hole until Mika, and even now there's a whole lot of bands I don't know about, unlike when I was in my teens and it all seemed to just get into my brain by osmosis or something.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Mika that did it for me too. I remember when I first heard him thinking "I LOVE this...But it's on commercial radio, this isn't right...But I love it... How can this be?" Ugh, what a pretentious little music snob I was :bleh: I can't help but wonder what other good music I missed out on by refusing to believe any decent music was made after 1997 outside of what I already liked but as long as I didn't miss out on Mika I suppose I should be grateful.


:roftl::roftl: Or both!

Yes, that does appear to be a distinct possibility at this point.

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You agreed because of the free food and drink! Isn't that why everyone agrees? No, seriously, I went back over to Perth for my cousins wedding in October and it was great! Because I don't live near any of my family it was so nice to catch up with everyone. So that's what a wedding is for, one great big relly bash.




Oh yeah...the free food and drink is always a plus. And the food was excellent.


Plus I did like catching up with some of the family... its always good.



And today I was a good little fangurl and brought PDP. Though I'm not watching it till tomorrow.


I also spent about half an hour looking for decent green p plates, since dad drove home from the wedding last night and we had to take mine off. The problem is the ones I had on were the ones vicroads sent, and they don't restick they were dodgy as.


So I illegally drove to the shops *zhhz* But its all good now, I'm back to being p plated

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