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Discussion is healthy... I just wish we had some. Discussion that is. This place is dead at the moment! I almost wish someone would write something controversial somewhere, just so we could all have a gabfest about it, cos there's nothing to talk about!:bored::no::crash::mad3::sleep_1::huh:



Well, maybe not very controversial, and not quite written, but...is this enough to wake the place up? lol



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Discussion is healthy... I just wish we had some. Discussion that is. This place is dead at the moment! I almost wish someone would write something controversial somewhere, just so we could all have a gabfest about it, cos there's nothing to talk about!:bored::no::crash::mad3::sleep_1:


Reading this made me miss the good old days when newbie’s came in all the time and asked THE CONTROVERSIAL QUESTION?::naughty:


Maybe we scared them of in the end?


The newbie’s nowadays seems so well behaved and politically correct!:roftl:

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Reading this made me miss the good old days when newbie’s came in all the time and asked THE CONTROVERSIAL QUESTION?::naughty:


Maybe we scared them of in the end?


The newbie’s nowadays seems so well behaved and politically correct!:roftl:




After seeing gasmic pics like the one above even the newbies dont care about the CQ, lol

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That's okay! discussion is healthy!



And it didn't even feel like a discussion to me :naughty:.

I just recognised something in what you wrote earlier, since I am not a fan from the beginning either. When I heard that he's so keen on fans from the beginning I felt like: well, we cannot all have been there from the beginning.

But now that's Ok for me. I think he appreciates all his fans anyway. And if not, well, I'll still be his fan :original:.

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Yeah- where's Jack when you need her?


I actually saw her in here the other day. I don't know if she posted anywhere though.


Well, maybe not very controversial, and not quite written, but...is this enough to wake the place up? lol




And if this was the Apples thread, a pic like that would be sure to bring out the crowds saying "Please don't post half-naked pics of Mika in here!"...


Reading this made me miss the good old days when newbie’s came in all the time and asked THE CONTROVERSIAL QUESTION?::naughty:


Maybe we scared them of in the end?


The newbie’s nowadays seems so well behaved and politically correct!:roftl:


I had to wonder which CONTROVERSIAL QUESTION? And then I remembered... well, at least, I think I have the right one:naughty:




Who cares about the controversial question after this???

But then again which was it?


I always find pics where Mika looks like he's ..... ummmm, well, you know.... very amusing. It's such a private thing, but the world gets to see that face sometimes. And it makes me smile.

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I always find pics where Mika looks like he's ..... ummmm, well, you know.... very amusing. It's such a private thing, but the world gets to see that face sometimes. And it makes me smile.


Yes, exactly my thoughts when I first saw this picture :roftl:. It looks like it should be in the gasmic thread :naughty:

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