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I don't know how I do it


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Gosh, my love life has made a complete turn over for those interested!


When I was at school I was a little geek and no-one liked me but now all of a sudden I'm swamped...


And this is NOT an "in your face!" thread, in no way, shape or form do I want to sound like I'm gloating because I really am NOT, in fact, this thread is more about shock and annoyance!!!!


I've discovered that around six people like me and several of them have for a very long time! The longest one being THREE YEARS but they've all opened up to me this year in the space of three months...a lot of info for me to take on!!!


The one who's liked me for three years has actually liked me since the time he met me but never said anything because he actually had a girlfriend then (I am NOT talking about the disaster that was last year's romance...) but even after he broke up with her he never said anything. Three years is a bloody long time to keep it to yourself. He currently has a ladyfriend, however.

Another guy has liked me for over a year and I have known pretty much since the beginning, but then he left work last year and have only got in touch recently. To have learned that he still liked me was not a surprise because his words and actions gave it away slightly but it is surprising he still likes me after all this time.

Another guy has liked me for nearly a year, has done since we first met but never done anything because he had a girlfriend at the time. Now he's not with her and he opened up to me -_-...

I met this other guy in the pub this year and he was pretty keen from the word go, but has a tendancy to get in touch a lot once he starts and is very annoying lol.

The other one is very recent, I think "fancy" is too much of a strong word but there was a definite attraction on his side because my sister and his brother said so.

There's another guy who I'm currently mildly interested in and he's interested in me too, and I've literally, about FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO IF THAT, discovered that he, too, has liked me for over a year.


I actually don't know how I do it.


I mean, WTFFFFF?????????????



And they all came at such innappropriate timing!! Honestly!! Men are ALWAYS late :thumbdown: lol!!


Some of you may call me "lucky" or say that I have nothing to complain about, but it is actually damn annoying!!! I mean if I was up for it, then WAHEY sure LOL, but I'm not, and one person I could handle, maybe two, but then more worms managed to wriggle their way out of the can and I was just like AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


I mean, I don't know what I've done, how I've done it, or what I even have to attract these guys!! And they're all quite different in some respects. It's just mind boggling how at one point I was repelled and now I'm practically being chased.

Literally just one thing after another, hearing the same words over and over again.


It's quite literally :shocked:!!!!!!!!


And I'm definitely not the type to just get it on with anyone...


But dear LORD!!! It's just getting a tad silly isn't it.


Please don't say you wish you had this problem because it really is an uncomfortable position to be in :blink:

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Wow... when it rains, it pours!


They probably decided that it was the best timing for them to tell you... though I guess if they're not available or anything, then it's just stupid... I actually got told once that someone was interested in me, but I had a bf at the time, and he said we wanted to date me but found me intimidating (which completely sucks cause I had a thing for him at the same time :doh:)




I have to say, at first glance it might seem slightly funny, but no doubt it's not... I don't know what to say, other than I hope you let them down gently (I'm sure you did though)...

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