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How do you feel right now?

Dark Angel

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Aww, I'm sorry. :huglove:


But that's my problem, I don't think I really can do something. there is no way I'm going to waste my time with much more schooling and I'm only in college now because someone who means a lot to me asked me to go. but the things I believe in and the way I think things should be done will never be taken seriously unless I have a high education and somehow get into politics or something of the sort. I hate politics! I'm going to end up being a dowdy old school teacher that works for the system she hates so much.


Dont think you cant? why is that? Age?

I went to college too but only for lesss than 3 months cos i got kicked out cos of an accident and i faild at the "beginner test" :sneaky2:

Politics.... hate that!

"Nothing is impossible just follow your dreams" donno who the hell said that...

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Well its realated but not the same thing

You do! You want to help people! You want to have a voice in this would dont you? Dont give up on it cuz in 20yrs youll say: What if. and it will be too late then. You can do it! I know it! :huglove:

Mmmm :huglove: Well I'm here if you wanna talk.

I do...I just...guh! I dunno! I feel so...small and worthless! there are sooo many things to do and I can't really do any of them!


Dont think you cant? why is that? Age?

I went to college too but only for lesss than 3 months cos i got kicked out cos of an accident and i faild at the "beginner test" :sneaky2:

Politics.... hate that!

"Nothing is impossible just follow your dreams" donno who the hell said that...


Age for now but when I am older it will be lack of education and seriousness. I mean, I'm serious but people would never take my ideas as seriuos because they're so far from the norm.

Well that's not very fair! :sneaky2: They should have understood and let you try again!

yeah, I can't stand it. It's all lies and manipulation.

:naughty: thanks.

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Confuzzled. I am in love with a girl from my class, and I want to tell her but I'm afraid that she won't take it well, and she'll tell the whole school and everyone will laugh at me and call me names, and there's really not much change that she'll love me, and I just don't know what to do.

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Age for now but when I am older it will be lack of education and seriousness. I mean, I'm serious but people would never take my ideas as seriuos because they're so far from the norm.

Well that's not very fair! :sneaky2: They should have understood and let you try again!

yeah, I can't stand it. It's all lies and manipulation.

:naughty: thanks.


well i didnt have nay friends anyway so it was also a relief. Wish i could go back to theatre school again. Was fun... the 3 tests to get in, singing, acting, dancing, stunt even though i was an outsider there too but had fun!

AND with the age thingy.... my mum went back to college 3 years time ago... she is 47 today and about to get an education as a teacher (kindergarten)... She use to say "never too old for anything"

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Confuzzled. I am in love with a girl from my class, and I want to tell her but I'm afraid that she won't take it well, and she'll tell the whole school and everyone will laugh at me and call me names, and there's really not much change that she'll love me, and I just don't know what to do.

I know how that feels. Except I fell in love with my best friend. And didn't tell her...and I guess things became too intense or something and she accused me of treating our friendship like a serious relatonship without the sex.

And now she's gone....

Damn, maybe it was my fault after all....:tears:

Anyway, I'd tell you to go for it, sieze the day and all, but truthfully I wouldn't. I mean, I think you should if you want to have anything with her because you won't know otherwise, but I just wouldn't have the guts to do it. I didn't have the guts to do it....

As for people laughing...well, that's their problem and I do believe that. if they laugh at you then they're the one's who are f*cked up :sneaky2:


well i didnt have nay friends anyway so it was also a relief. Wish i could go back to theatre school again. Was fun... the 3 tests to get in, singing, acting, dancing, stunt even though i was an outsider there too but had fun!

AND with the age thingy.... my mum went back to college 3 years time ago... she is 47 today and about to get an education as a teacher (kindergarten)... She use to say "never too old for anything"


Mmm, I understand the friend thing. I haven't got any friends so I just sit around in the back of the class and listen to music while the teacher babbles on and on. Theatre sounds a lot more fun :original:

I don't think I'll ever be too old for anything, it's just I want to start young so I have more time to do more things.

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I feel.....empty, useless...like I need to do something. Like I'm wasting my time by sitting around and listeneg ti this crap music and doing crap that no one cares about and going to school and doing homework. There are sooo many other things I could be doing! I could be using my time to help people or change the world or help with equality for all people. But no one takes you seriously when you're young and don't have any experence or a college degree. I'm never going to get anywhere until I get at least an Associates. But that's two years of my life that I have to spend doing nothing important! I just have to sit around wasting my youth because society deems it necessary for young people to have schooling. And then when we're old and weak and useless to society they complain that we've never done anything. Do you have any idea how long it takes to get a Ph.D? 12 more years or school, not including the 2 years it'll take you to write your thesis! And with a Ph.D you can do almost anything but by the time you have it you'll be old and decrepid! The Peace Corps won't even take you without an Associates anymore. Andthey want an Associates in computer technology so you can help developing countries hook up to the internet. I don't care about that!!! I want to spend my time worrying about the people who don't have FOOD!!! The people who haven't eaten in a week because they're giving all the scraps they find to their sick dying children! Why would I want to connect them to the internet? They haven't got houses to put a computer in! And if they did do we really need to have more people addicted to doing nothing? That way all of the world can sit around wishing something were happening and talk to each other about what should happen then do nothing?!?! Might as well give it to them because they'll never be taken seriously without a college degree and most of them haven't ever gone to a school and definitely can't afford thousends of dollars a year to have some old indifferent man telling you things that don't effect the world anyway and really don't matter to the quality of life for anyone!



That's how I feel.

I completely, 100% agree with you. I have nothing to add, because you said it all.

Just let out a frustrated scream! Go in your room and just go GAAAAHHHH, in your pillow maybe, to stifle the sound. It really helps.


Actually, I think I will add something haha:


This ideal life that society has shown us, as in a good education, get married, have kids, a nice house, a dog, money, career. "Two kids, a dog, and then the cautionary wife/husband." I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!

This is just my personal opinion, but I want to LIVE! I want to EXPERIENCE everything, I want to travel and make a difference!!! I want to feed the hungry, help the poor, love the unloved, help the hated. If I just lived my life in a house with my kids, I would feel unaccomplished. I wouldn't feel like I had a life lived worthwhile by the time I died. This world is so freakin' amazing, there's no way I'd let all that go. Of course I want to fall in love, possibly even get married, but I just don't like the way marriage is, having to sign a contract. I feel like its binding you to the person, and I know that's the point, that when you love the person you get married because there's no way you'll stray away from either way, but just right now, it doesn't appeal to me.

The worst thing is, I'm in my last year of high school, trying to get good grades, thinking about careers. And its making me think that either way, that's where I'm headed, into that dead life. Society has gotten me in its claws, and I'm thinking about what college I'll go to, what I'll spend my life doing for the rest of it in a career that hopefully I'll get into. I just want to live a life well spent, that's all...


And another worst thing is, I can't travel the world and experience everything IF I DON'T HAVE MONEY. Which means I need a career. Which means college.

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Mmm, I understand the friend thing. I haven't got any friends so I just sit around in the back of the class and listen to music while the teacher babbles on and on. Theatre sounds a lot more fun :original:

I don't think I'll ever be too old for anything, it's just I want to start young so I have more time to do more things.


Theatre is fun... if you are into it! Been into it since i was around 12 but never finished it cos i "ran away". Went to the Uk for 6 months...

I understand the start young thingy :thumb_yello: What my mum wanted too but she got 3 kids where 2 of em needed/needs special need. Im surprised that she has survived all the things she had and still have to go through :shocked:

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I know how that feels. Except I fell in love with my best friend. And didn't tell her...and I guess things became too intense or something and she accused me of treating our friendship like a serious relatonship without the sex.

And now she's gone....

Damn, maybe it was my fault after all....:tears:

Anyway, I'd tell you to go for it, sieze the day and all, but truthfully I wouldn't. I mean, I think you should if you want to have anything with her because you won't know otherwise, but I just wouldn't have the guts to do it. I didn't have the guts to do it....

As for people laughing...well, that's their problem and I do believe that. if they laugh at you then they're the one's who are f*cked up :sneaky2:


I also don't have the guts to tell her.. I mean, I would tell her if I knew how she would react and how other poeple would react. I am more afraid of her reaction and other people's reactions than of actually standing there saying some simple words like "I like you" or "I love you".


Yeah, it's their problem, and I know I should just ignore them, but I can't. I always get very insecure when I think people are talking about me, or looking at me or laughing at me. And I always believe that what they say is true, even when I know it isn't, I still can't help but think it is. Everyone always told me I was an ugly, fat, worthless whore, well, the people at my previous school, and I still believe that. Even though I can't be a whore as I've never even kissed someone, but yeah.. At the school I am now they don't really pay attention to me.

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I completely, 100% agree with you. I have nothing to add, because you said it all.

Just let out a frustrated scream! Go in your room and just go GAAAAHHHH, in your pillow maybe, to stifle the sound. It really helps.


Actually, I think I will add something haha:


This ideal life that society has shown us, as in a good education, get married, have kids, a nice house, a dog, money, career. "Two kids, a dog, and then the cautionary wife/husband." I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!

This is just my personal opinion, but I want to LIVE! I want to EXPERIENCE everything, I want to travel and make a difference!!! I want to feed the hungry, help the poor, love the unloved, help the hated. If I just lived my life in a house with my kids, I would feel unaccomplished. I wouldn't feel like I had a life lived worthwhile by the time I died. This world is so freakin' amazing, there's no way I'd let all that go. Of course I want to fall in love, possibly even get married, but I just don't like the way marriage is, having to sign a contract. I feel like its binding you to the person, and I know that's the point, that when you love the person you get married because there's no way you'll stray away from either way, but just right now, it doesn't appeal to me.

The worst thing is, I'm in my last year of high school, trying to get good grades, thinking about careers. And its making me think that either way, that's where I'm headed, into that dead life. Society has gotten me in its claws, and I'm thinking about what college I'll go to, what I'll spend my life doing for the rest of it in a career that hopefully I'll get into. I just want to live a life well spent, that's all...


And another worst thing is, I can't travel the world and experience everything IF I DON'T HAVE MONEY. Which means I need a career. Which means college.


OMG! Thank you sooo much! :aah:



It is! The ideal life is disgusting! Along with the idea of what people should look like! it makes me so sick! I mean, I want to fall in love, duh, but I don't even think I could ever get married for fear of being tied down. I don't know why I need a piece of paper to tell me I love someone and want to be with them forever. If I want to be with them and that person wants to be with me then we'll be together! And if we want to ahve children we'll have children. You don't have to be married! I hate that idea. At least if you're not married and something goes wrong the breakup is easier and cheaper.

You see, you need scollege to get somewhere in the world but I'm pretty sure, if people would let me, I could go out and get things done without learning about history or calculus. You don't need those things to help people! I don't want a career because by the time I finish the proper schooling for whatever it is I won't be able to change my mind without going through the whole riduculous process again! It just doesn't make sense!

I want to travel too! And I want to spend my life doing things for people but there's no way I can do anything without money and as you said that means a career which means college. Neither of which I want.

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OMG! Thank you sooo much! :aah:



It is! The ideal life is disgusting! Along with the idea of what people should look like! it makes me so sick! I mean, I want to fall in love, duh, but I don't even think I could ever get married for fear of being tied down. I don't know why I need a piece of paper to tell me I love someone and want to be with them forever. If I want to be with them and that person wants to be with me then we'll be together! And if we want to ahve children we'll have children. You don't have to be married! I hate that idea. At least if you're not married and something goes wrong the breakup is easier and cheaper.

You see, you need scollege to get somewhere in the world but I'm pretty sure, if people would let me, I could go out and get things done without learning about history or calculus. You don't need those things to help people! I don't want a career because by the time I finish the proper schooling for whatever it is I won't be able to change my mind without going through the whole riduculous process again! It just doesn't make sense!

I want to travel too! And I want to spend my life doing things for people but there's no way I can do anything without money and as you said that means a career which means college. Neither of which I want.


I AGREE!!!!!! :thumb_yello:

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Theatre is fun... if you are into it! Been into it since i was around 12 but never finished it cos i "ran away". Went to the Uk for 6 months...

I understand the start young thingy :thumb_yello: What my mum wanted too but she got 3 kids where 2 of em needed/needs special need. Im surprised that she has survived all the things she had and still have to go through :shocked:

It's not my thing but it's of course great for those who are interested in it :thumb_yello:

your mom sounds like a great lady :biggrin2:


I also don't have the guts to tell her.. I mean, I would tell her if I knew how she would react and how other poeple would react. I am more afraid of her reaction and other people's reactions than of actually standing there saying some simple words like "I like you" or "I love you".


Yeah, it's their problem, and I know I should just ignore them, but I can't. I always get very insecure when I think people are talking about me, or looking at me or laughing at me. And I always believe that what they say is true, even when I know it isn't, I still can't help but think it is. Everyone always told me I was an ugly, fat, worthless whore, well, the people at my previous school, and I still believe that. Even though I can't be a whore as I've never even kissed someone, but yeah.. At the school I am now they don't really pay attention to me.


Well, maybe start slowly. Hang out with her a bit if you can and progress into the 'I like/love you' stage. I know it's hard to do, I couldn't make myself do it. I've never even said that I love her aloud. Not even to myself. :huh:


I know what you mean. I was teased a bit at school, fat, ugly, etc. And I actually did get whore a bit cause I have a habit of flirting a lot but not going anywhere with it. But somehow I progressed myself to the stage that I really don't care if other people snicker at me because, unless they're close, then they really won't effect my life. And they'll prolly even forget I exist after a few months. I've never been one to be remembered.


Anyway, just try to remember that they really don't matter. I mean, she does because you like her and I understand being nervous about her reaction, but the rest of them don't matter at all. I hope whatever you decide to do works out well :huglove:

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OMG! Thank you sooo much! :aah:



It is! The ideal life is disgusting! Along with the idea of what people should look like! it makes me so sick! I mean, I want to fall in love, duh, but I don't even think I could ever get married for fear of being tied down. I don't know why I need a piece of paper to tell me I love someone and want to be with them forever. If I want to be with them and that person wants to be with me then we'll be together! And if we want to ahve children we'll have children. You don't have to be married! I hate that idea. At least if you're not married and something goes wrong the breakup is easier and cheaper.

You see, you need scollege to get somewhere in the world but I'm pretty sure, if people would let me, I could go out and get things done without learning about history or calculus. You don't need those things to help people! I don't want a career because by the time I finish the proper schooling for whatever it is I won't be able to change my mind without going through the whole riduculous process again! It just doesn't make sense!

I want to travel too! And I want to spend my life doing things for people but there's no way I can do anything without money and as you said that means a career which means college. Neither of which I want.


I AGREE!!!!!! :thumb_yello:


+2! :thumb_yello:



Well, at least we all understand each other haha. And I'm sure many others think that way too -sigh-

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Well, at least we all understand each other haha. And I'm sure many others think that way too -sigh-

Yeah but unless it's a massive group (and maybe not even then) nothing will change cause the people with power are the ones who support the minority with the bad ideas.

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I wasn't even thinking like that! :aah

*watches again*







:lmfao: OMG! YES!

And the look on his face! :aah:

YOU didint think like that? :lmfao: what is happening to this world! :roftl:

Now that I'm watching videos I watched this again

And feel :wub2:

This version makes me really happy :biggrin2:

Most of you can guess why :teehee:

We can. :mf_rosetinted:

what i thought the 1st time i heard it :naughty:


:lmfao: Not suprised. at ALL! :naughty::roftl:

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