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Mika: «I live in a studio all the time»


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Mika: «J’habite toujours dans un studio»

par Gabriel Lecomte


Il revient le 18 septembre avec un deuxième album, «The Boy Who Knew Too Much». Interview exclusive.



Mika ne voit pas l’intérêt de quitter son appart’, car il va partir deux ans en tournée. (Photo: Keystone)


– 20 minutes online. Mika, votre nouvel album ressemble furieusement au premier…


Beaucoup d’artistes renient leur premier album parce qu’il a souvent été dicté par leur maison de disques. Avec le deuxième, ils souhaitent montrer qui ils sont vraiment. Ce n’est pas mon cas. Mon ballon d’essai était très personnel et j’ai voulu continuer dans cette veine.


– Pourquoi ce titre, «The Boy Who Knew Too Much» («Le garçon qui en savait trop»)?


Il est très filmique et évoque plein d’images. A la fois le monde enchanté de mon premier album, «Life In Cartoon Motion», et l’univers plus adolescent du second. C’est un petit clin d’œil à Alfred Hitchcock.


– Vous avez vendu 5 millions de disques. Comment profitez-vous de votre succès?


J’habite toujours dans un studio. J’ai désormais une voiture, mais elle m’a été offerte. Je ne vois pas l’intérêt d’acheter un nouveau logement, parce que je vais être en tournée pendant deux ans. Je vis une existence de nomade, mais elle me plaît.


– Vous ne vous reposez jamais?


Rarement. Je m’ennuie très facilement.


– La célébrité a tout de même ses avantages, non?


Elle est difficile à mesurer. Il y a des jours où je me sens très célèbre parce que plein de gens me reconnaissent. Et puis d’autres où il ne se passe rien et on me traite comme du poisson pourri. La seule façon de se sentir célèbre tout le temps, c’est de s’entourer de flagorneurs. Ce n’est pas mon style. On finit par être déconnecté de la réalité.


– Vous parlez peu de votre vie privée. Les tabloïds britanniques essaient-ils toujours de soudoyer vos amis pour récolter des ragots?


Non. En ce moment, ils me laissent tranquille. Mes amis leur ont répondu d’aller se faire f..., alors ils se sont lassés!


– La question de votre orientation sexuelle obsède beaucoup de gens…


Un peu moins aujourd’hui. Je pense que les gens ont réalisé que je parle de ma sexualité et de ma vie dans mes chansons. Ils comprennent que même si je ne vends pas tous les détails de ma vie privée dans la presse, j’explore abondamment le concept de sexualité dans ma musique. Je trouve sain de garder un jardin secret..






Working on translation:thumb_yello:




-Mika, your new album looks a lot like your first ...


Many artists deny their first album because often it has been dictated by their record label. With the second album, they want to show who they really are. This is not the case for me. My first one was very personal and I wanted to continue the same way.


- Why this title, "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" ?


It's very filmic and evokes lots of images. Both the enchanted world of my first album, "Life In Cartoon Motion" and the more adolescent world of the second one. It's a little nod to Alfred Hitchcock.


- You've sold 5 million records. How do you benefit from your success?


I still live in a studio. I now have a car, but it's been given to me. I do not see the point of buying a new house, because I'll be touring for two years. I live a nomadic existence, but I like it.


- Don't you ever rest?


Rarely. I get bored very easily.


- Being a celebrity benefits nontheless, right?


It is difficult to measure. There are days when I'm famous because lots of people recognize me. And others where nothing happens and they treat me like garbage. The only way to feel famous all the time is to surround myself with sycophants. That's not my style. You end up being disconnected from reality.


- You talk little about your privacy. Do the British tabloids always try to bribe your friends to gather gossip?


No. At the moment they leave me alone. My friends told them to **** off and then they left them alone.


- The issue of sexual orientation obsesses many people ...


A little less today. I think people have realized that I talk about my sexuality and my life in my songs. They understand that even if I do not sell all the details of my privacy in the press, I explore the concept of sexuality in my music a lot. I find it healthy to keep some secrets.

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Mika does not see the benefit of leaving his apartment 'because he is leaving two years on tour. (Photo: Keystone)


- 20 minutes online. Mika, your new album looks furiously at first ...


Many artists deny their first album because it has often been dictated by their record label. With the second, they want to show who they really are. This is not my case. My trial run was very personal and I wanted to continue in this vein.


- Why this title, "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" ( "The Boy Who Knew Too Much")?


It is very filmic and evokes lots of pictures. Both the enchanted world of my first album, "Life In Cartoon Motion" and the world's second most adolescents. It's a little nod to Alfred Hitchcock.


- You've sold 5 million records. How do you benefit from your success?


I still live in a studio. I now have a car, but she has been offered. I do not see the point of buying a new home, because I'll be touring for two years. I live a nomadic existence, but I like it.


- Do not you ever rest?


Rarely. I get bored very easily.


- The celebrity nonetheless benefits, right?


It is difficult to measure. There are days when I'm famous because lots of people recognize me. And others where nothing happens and they treat me like rotten fish. The only way to feel famous at all times is to surround himself with sycophants. This is not my style. You end up being disconnected from reality.


- You talk about some of your privacy. The British tabloids they always try to bribe your friends to gather gossip?


No. At the moment they leave me alone. My friends said they were going to be f. .., then they are tired!


- The issue of sexual orientation obsesses many people ...


A little less today. I think people have realized that I talk about my sexuality and my life in my songs. They understand that even if I do not sell all the details of my privacy in the press, I explore extensively the concept of sexuality in my music. I find it healthy to keep a secret garden ..

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I keep staring at your signature, and watching Mika's sarcastic little eye roll, :roftl::hypo:


:roftl: Lovely isn't it :teehee:


Can't seem to find that vid:blink:


Would you post the link,please, Droops?:wink2:


Thank you! :thumb_yello:


PS - Does Mika have a huge pimple on his cheek????

Righ on the day of the shooting?

Poor Mika...:(

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Can't seem to find that vid:blink:


Would you post the link,please, Droops?:wink2:


Thank you! :thumb_yello:


PS - Does Mika have a huge pimple on his cheek????

Righ on the day of the shooting?

Poor Mika...:(


Yes it seems so, but he still looks adorable :wub2:

Here's the link: http://www.andreavecchiatovideo.com/mika/index.htm

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PS - Does Mika have a huge pimple on his cheek????

Righ on the day of the shooting?

Poor Mika...:(


It would appear so. :naughty:

However, I think this is the first time I've ever seen him with a proper zit so he's lucky that he has flawless skin 99.9% of the time :shun:

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It would appear so. :naughty:

However, I think this is the first time I've ever seen him with a proper zit so he's lucky that he has flawless skin 99.9% of the time :shun:

I knew I remembered that spot from somewhere :shocked:




Maybe I should visit this place less...:aah:

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