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Win a private piano lesson with MIKA & other merch - North American fans

Blue Sky

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Well, there may be winners that we just haven't heard about -- I guess not everyone is an MFC member :shocked:




But still it would have been to nice to hear. And it would have been

nice if there had been that build up we talked about -- you know, one

day an announcement that the first round winners have been chosen, then

a day or two later, the next round of winners, and so on... I really thought

that was how they would do it.


But then again, what do I know? I really thought people would be

notified by email before they got something in the mail, just so

they could make plans well enough in advance :doh:


You mean there's Mika fans who are NOT on the MFC?! :shocked: Whodda thunk that?! :naughty: I guess a lot must have found out they won through the phone so they weren't given the instructors to tweet or write on Mika's wall.


I was hoping they would have made an announcement on Mikasounds about who had won that way we could see. We're still waiting on the WAG contest winners to be announced. It's almost been a month. :teehee: I'm pretty sure I didn't win that either but I'm curious as to who has!


It’s kind of fun and shocking to receive something that you didn’t expect, but i hope they announce the big winner of the piano lesson, and yes, not everyone is MFC member...


I don’t know how was Toronto m&g , but the Montreal M&G was stressing due the backstage pass, and there were like 30 people waiting to meet him so it was a blink of an eye m&g


Yikes. :boxed: Did you get a picture with him or did you just get to shake hands then have to leave?

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KaylaKozy Ahh! I won the Golden Ticket to see @mikasounds in concert! So excited!! Hopefully I can get the date changed though :/



She's from CA :aah:


Geez people are still finding out about that? I figured it was done and we weren't going to hear about the other gigs. :naughty:

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I have abandoned all hope of seeing Mika any closer than the 9 feet away from the stage I will be in Seattle :tears:


I suppose it will be nice to be pleasantly surprised if I do bump into him.


You're only 9 feet away from the stage? That's not bad at all!

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No, but if I don't get to actually meet him, the closest I can get to giving him the present I made is chucking it at his head from 9 feet away....and the furthest I can throw anything is about 3 feet.




Sounds like I need to give you some throwing lessons. :blink::naughty: What are you wanting to give him? I still think 9 feet is awesome. The last gig I was way more than 9 feet away and this time, 4 hours. :roftl: If you don't get to meet him try to find someone from his crew or someone who's going to meet him... either that or you could always wait and try again next time that way you'll get to see his reaction and know that he actually did receive it.

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Dude, I am SUCH a girl. All of my strength is in my legs. I've got nothing in my arms. I'm like T-Rex.


Also, I am utterly THRILLED that I've got front row center seats to my first ever concert and that it's my favorite ever artist. That's dream come true stuff. It just isn't "able to give him a gift" stuff.


And there's not going to be a next time unless my life is radically different the next time he's in the states. I live in a deeply rural area and am deeply poor and have spent everything I have on this one night. I've given up seeing my friends next year for this (and I only get to see them one weekend of every year.) I'm only able to visit my friend in Salt Lake for my birthday because she's covering most of the expenses, cuz it's my birthday and I haven't seen her 10 years.


Color me melodramatic, but this is a monumentally huge deal for me. Once in a lifetime kinda stuff.


But, if I can't get it him, I can't get it to him and life will go on.


You have front row?! Geez by the way you were talking I figured you were in row 6 or something! :bleh: I remember one of the Canadian gigs everyone was able to move up.


Hah don't get me started on rural areas. :naughty: I know all about the boonies. How far is the closest clothing store/mall? :teehee: Also being broke sucks big time! I've decided that at this rate I probably won't be getting a job until next year. :shocked: Thank goodness I don't have a shopping addiction or anything.


Try to find out where the back door to the venue is because maybe after when he pops out you can hand it over before he gets on the bus.

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Dude, I am SUCH a girl. All of my strength is in my legs. I've got nothing in my arms. I'm like T-Rex.


Also, I am utterly THRILLED that I've got front row center seats to my first ever concert and that it's my favorite ever artist. That's dream come true stuff. It just isn't "able to give him a gift" stuff.


And there's not going to be a next time unless my life is radically different the next time he's in the states. I live in a deeply rural area and am deeply poor and have spent everything I have on this one night. I've given up seeing my friends next year for this (and I only get to see them one weekend of every year.) I'm only able to visit my friend in Salt Lake for my birthday because she's covering most of the expenses, cuz it's my birthday and I haven't seen her 10 years.


Color me melodramatic, but this is a monumentally huge deal for me. Once in a lifetime kinda stuff.


But, if I can't get it him, I can't get it to him and life will go on.


If you're front row just wave/shout/whatever and show him you've got sthg and he'll probably come closer and get it. We've handed things to singers who were performing on festival stages (much further and much higher) like this. Boys like gifts ;)

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I have a long wait ahead of me for when he gets his astro-boy butt down here to Texas. I'm prepared for a long wait. . I'm still sad thoguh. A good part of that isn't just not getting to see him. I haven't seen a proper concert since I was 17 during the Monkee's anniversery tour.


There is nothing like hauling ass on full speed with a back pack and a full size bean bag chair racing to claim your spot in the mud to watch your boy sing. The sweaty grimy bit I could do without but I love the adrenline rush. I don't think there's anything more fun to do than to go see a concert of someone you really enjoy.


I really can't be too gritchy about it thoguh as I've only known of Mika since July anyway. I'm sure there are others whohave waited far longer than I. Also this is so much easier with You Tube. I would have just died over being able to watch concerts on youtube when I was a teeny bopper doing the fan-girl madness.


It's like just uh. I wanna gooo. like now. But yeah real life n' all brings me back to relality. XD Mika is a fantastic distraction thoguh.

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The last Monkee Concert I went to I was about that far from the stage. I was lucky thoguh as it was at Billy Bobs which is a freaky Cowboy Texas Music Club. We had reserved Seats. No one rushed the stage really but then again my few indoor experiences with concerts were fairly tame. It's the big outside in the mud Oldies Festivals that were insanely wild with people rushing the stage and what not and doing a few not so legal things. :shocked:


I just hope most MIka fans (company excluded of course cause I'm sure most of you guys behave yourselves as best as you can in the presence of Mika) are not as vicious as The Monkee's fans have been. LOL XD. Maybe I just went to wild concerts I dunno. It was all in 1995-2001. XD.


Yeah, but front row is nine feet away and I probably won't be moving up when everybody rushes the stage because I've got a bad back and really don't see myself standing that long without doing myself some serious damage. I might get lucky and have an extraordinarily good night and be able to move forward, but I'm not counting on it.


The closest mall is a two hour drive and the closest store that sells anything my size is four hours away. Also, I don't know how to drive, so I only make it to the mall when my mom makes her annual pilgrimage. The lack of decent jobs doesn't help.


I'm getting to Seattle the day before the gig, so I'll have time to scope things out. I've already checked out the building schematics of the theatre online, but am not really sure which door he would use. Mostly, I'm just going to hang out for as long as I can after the show and see if I get lucky again.


I'm just worried that I spent all of my luck getting those seats and will end up walking back to my hotel alone in the middle of the night with my gift still tucked in my purse. Wouldn't be my first time alone in downtown Seattle in the middle of the night, but I'll do my best to avoid experiencing that again.

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I wanted to see that show so badly!

Even if they had made a stop in Montana, there's no way I would have been able to get my parents to take me. I was even farther out in the boonies back then (6 hour drive to the closest shopping of any kind.)


I lived in Dallas at the time I was lucky that they swung my way SO many times.My mother is a first Gen Monkee fan which is the only reason I had a ride to the concerts.It was crazy but awesome. I never got a Meet N' Greet thoguh.

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Yeah, but front row is nine feet away and I probably won't be moving up when everybody rushes the stage because I've got a bad back and really don't see myself standing that long without doing myself some serious damage. I might get lucky and have an extraordinarily good night and be able to move forward, but I'm not counting on it.


The closest mall is a two hour drive and the closest store that sells anything my size is four hours away. Also, I don't know how to drive, so I only make it to the mall when my mom makes her annual pilgrimage. The lack of decent jobs doesn't help.


I'm getting to Seattle the day before the gig, so I'll have time to scope things out. I've already checked out the building schematics of the theatre online, but am not really sure which door he would use. Mostly, I'm just going to hang out for as long as I can after the show and see if I get lucky again.


I'm just worried that I spent all of my luck getting those seats and will end up walking back to my hotel alone in the middle of the night with my gift still tucked in my purse. Wouldn't be my first time alone in downtown Seattle in the middle of the night, but I'll do my best to avoid experiencing that again.


9 feet is still awesome! You'll see. :) The last concert I went to (not Mika's) I was way more than 9 feet away but oh my gosh I felt so close. So much excitement builds when you're walking past rows and rows and rows of seats. Then when you sit down and think you're sort of far and you turn around and realize you're super lucky you're not in the very back. It's a great feeling. :naughty: I don't blame you for not leaving your seat though. I'd have a hard time decided if I could leave mine or not with my bad feet, although leaning up against the stage would be great.


Our nearest mall is around 3 hours. Stupid sticks. :naughty: Stuff that fits me though is 45mins away and I'm afraid that whenever I DO get to move I won't be anywhere near one of those stores. :boxed: Definitely can't order online. It'd be a dream but different brands run sizes differently. It's the only one I can shop at. I'm starting a diet soon though so that hopefully losing some pounds will take some pain away from my feet.

What was stopping you from learning how to drive? I think I read it once not long ago but I can't remember it. I hear you on lack of jobs! I can't stand watching the news now because everyday they talk about more jobs being lost here. It amazes me that we even have some to loose now! :boxed: Now my gripe with this part of the state is they waited TOO long to order flu vaccines and they screwed all of us over. I was suppose to get my shot last Friday then it was pushed back to today. Now they've canceled it claiming there's no more vaccines left. :boxed: Also the hospitals here are saying that if we go to them sick they won't test everyone for the swine flu. Uhh... I'd like to know if I have the regular flu or a deadly one. :boxed: We're going to be so screwed when the flu/swine flu breaks out here and being on the border it's bound to happen soon. All in all the day I get a job and get to move I'm going to be so happy I'm going to crap a rainbow. :lmfao:


Go scope out the place when you get there! Then before the gig try to find the tour busses around the venue. I know at Boston they're out front. Maybe ask around too to see if people know what door artists leave through, that way you won't be walking back alone with the present tucked in your purse!

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I went to a concert where somebody was able to get a present up to a Musican by way of one of the security guards. Not quite as personable but that's a possible option too.


My mom originally wanted to give the portrait she made for Micky Dolenz to him in person. However due the type of venues we decided it was better to mail it. He ended up calling her to thank her :shocked:. (and I'll never forgive myself for not picking up the phone.. I probably would have said something stupid anyway thoguh so it is just as well that fate kept me from that.

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I have a long wait ahead of me for when he gets his astro-boy butt down here to Texas. I'm prepared for a long wait. . I'm still sad thoguh. A good part of that isn't just not getting to see him. I haven't seen a proper concert since I was 17 during the Monkee's anniversery tour.


I think Mika hit Texas in 2007 but hasn't been back since. This is the second time the south has been left out. :dunno: Maybe once he announces an actual full US tour he'll hit up some more areas instead of just the north.

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I think Mika hit Texas in 2007 but hasn't been back since. This is the second time the south has been left out. :dunno: Maybe once he announces an actual full US tour he'll hit up some more areas instead of just the north.


I hope so I didn't know who he was then. Superstar informed me of his past Texas gig. I'm pleased to know he's been here. Shame that I didn't know who he was at the time thoguh. :blush-anim-cl:

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I almost think it will be better than being right up front because the stage looks pretty tall and I am very short, so being up on an incline and having a direct line of sight will save my neck


*starts whistling* aaaalways loook on the briiight siide of life.


You'll get a better view of him too! My first gig it was in some dance club/bar type place so you had to go down two steps to get to the stage. I wasn't an MCF member then because I was too afraid to join from my past board experiences and it was my first concert ever so I didn't know that being by the stage was fought for. Instead I stood on top of the two steps closest to the stage so I'd be standing level. :wub2: Mika came over and posed once when I tried taking a photo but I had to hold my camera over my head because of everyone's arms and I didn't aim it up enough and cut his head off. :tears:



The reasons range from wanting to be ecologically friendly to having panic attacks in cars and having poor depth perception. Mostly, I just don't want to. :blush-anim-cl:


I get panicky in a car too sometimes. Sometimes it happens for no reason, other times it's because of a lot of traffic. I'm used to being the only one on the road, and traffic for me is like 5 other people, so when I do drive to an area where a bunch of cars surround me at once I get nervous. :boxed: I think I've gotten over that after living in MA for almost a year and driving back from my interview when my mom was sleeping and I wasn't far from NYC. Traffic was BAD. If I could move cars with my mind... oh boy. :naughty: I think I tried once. :aah:



First, :roftl:


Second, ME TOO! I have wanted nothing more than to leave this place from the first day arrived here. I have always hated it here. I would rather be anywhere but here. Hopefully, I can make that happen in the next year or two. I've got Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D. At least one of those is bound to work.


Don't believe me? I'll let you know when it happens so you can look outside. :aah:


I didn't really want to move until around the end of high school. I wish I had as many plans as you do though. :naughty: I only have Plan A. Get a job and MOVE. :naughty:



Honestly, I booked a hotel for the night before the gig just so that I'd have plenty of time to get used to the distance between my hotel and the venue and to scope out the venue for escape routes :naughty:


So, you ARE a creeper. :teehee:

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I hope so I didn't know who he was then. Superstar informed me of his past Texas gig. I'm pleased to know he's been here. Shame that I didn't know who he was at the time thoguh. :blush-anim-cl:


I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll get to see him next time he's back in the states! He's so good live. The first time I saw him I forgot that I was shoulder to shoulder with people and that my friend was beside me. :aah: No, I wasn't on any drugs. :naughty:

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Sorry, I just shouted that when I got to that part and had to share :biggrin2:

Seriously, that had to suck. :huglove:


Poor Mika. :(

And yeah ughh I wanted to kick my face when I saw it after. I got a SUPER good pic of his shirt. :naughty:



I literally have to stare at the dashboard when I'm a passenger in Seattle. I completely freak out when I see the traffic there. I am entirely unable to cope.


The traffic here isn't much better, but since we only have two lanes and straight roads, there's much less that can go wrong. The roads in Seattle are all twisty and screwy. Terrifying.


Is it the fear of getting into an accident or claustrophobia? Dear if you're bad with twisty screwy roads never ever visit VT. :naughty: The roads we have to take to get to my mom's parents house are some of the curviest hilliest ones. Could make anyone get motion sickness. :naughty: We took a different road not long ago that I couldn't remember. I was amazed with how many hills and sharp turns there were. I'd be afraid of it during the winter. The only thing I hate about straight roads is that's when everyone speeds and tailgates you trying to get you to speed too.


I want to move to NYC and take the metro. I'm ready to be done with driving with stupid people on the road haha. I was driving one day and thought about how much I'd miss riding around listening to Mika, but then one thing after another went wrong with people on the road that when I got home I decided not driving for a long time would be nice haha.



As my friends say: Post pictures or it didn't happen :naughty:


Well, you'll have to take one because I'll be too busy making the happy rainbow. :roftl:



When I was younger, I only ever had Plan A. Now, I've had so many failed Plan As that I've decided to try having multiple plans and see if that increases my chances of success :biggrin2:


(Most of my problems were too much reliance on others and not trusting my gut. Let others help if you need it, but don't be dependent on them if you can avoid it and ALWAYS follow your gut!)


What in the world are all of your plans? All I can think of is get a job and move or go to school and move.


I don't like being dependent on people. :teehee: I like being independent too much. I've had problems where people who always need someone else around get mad at me for going off and doing my own thing. *shrugs* haha



No, I'm not! I'm a woman with a mission!


Seriously, I just want to have the best chance of giving him this gift because it took way more work than I've put into a gift for anybody and it would suck to not be able to give it to him. Mostly, I'm just insanely proud that I wrote him a book that's actually a good little book and not just a Mary Sue or piece of fan fiction or lame attempt to make him notice me. That's the whole reason I didn't put any identifying information in it. I wanted it to be something he could enjoy on a flight. I think I succeeded and would like it very much if he had the opportunity to enjoy it. I even made it legible and my handwriting is atrocious. Taking the time to make it legible added an extra degree of difficulty because it's very hard to keep my thoughts straight when I have to write slowly.


OMG!!! I just told my friend that I was thinking of chucking it at Mika's head during the concert (because I love hyperbole) and he responded:

"British musician Mika was hospitalized following an American concert recently, but on the bright side he was quoted as saying the attempted homicide weapon was 'a good read'"




Wow you wrote him a book?! I was wondering what your gift was. How long is it?! You do have an extra copy too so you're not giving away you're only one right? Why oh why in the world didn't you type it? Although you may be one of those people who writes faster than typing haha.

Love what your friend said! :aah:

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I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll get to see him next time he's back in the states! He's so good live. The first time I saw him I forgot that I was shoulder to shoulder with people and that my friend was beside me. :aah: No, I wasn't on any drugs. :naughty:



Teee hee I know that feeling. I would always get so transfixed at Monkees concerts .Everybody else would be screaming their heads off. I'm the one still as can be just trying to take it all in.

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That is awesome that you wrote him a book. I hope you've at least photo copied it for yourself. I generally always take a picture or photocopy any art I give away so that I have record that it existed outside of my own mind. I will send lucky gift giving mojo your way. I hope your able to present it to him nicely in a way that you'll remember =-).




Sorry, I just shouted that when I got to that part and had to share :biggrin2:

Seriously, that had to suck. :huglove:




I literally have to stare at the dashboard when I'm a passenger in Seattle. I completely freak out when I see the traffic there. I am entirely unable to cope.


The traffic here isn't much better, but since we only have two lanes and straight roads, there's much less that can go wrong. The roads in Seattle are all twisty and screwy. Terrifying.




As my friends say: Post pictures or it didn't happen :naughty:




When I was younger, I only ever had Plan A. Now, I've had so many failed Plan As that I've decided to try having multiple plans and see if that increases my chances of success :biggrin2:


(Most of my problems were too much reliance on others and not trusting my gut. Let others help if you need it, but don't be dependent on them if you can avoid it and ALWAYS follow your gut!)




No, I'm not! I'm a woman with a mission! :naughty:


Seriously, I just want to have the best chance of giving him this gift because it took way more work than I've put into a gift for anybody and it would suck to not be able to give it to him. Mostly, I'm just insanely proud that I wrote him a book that's actually a good little book and not just a Mary Sue or piece of fan fiction or lame attempt to make him notice me. That's the whole reason I didn't put any identifying information in it. I wanted it to be something he could enjoy on a flight. I think I succeeded and would like it very much if he had the opportunity to enjoy it. I even made it legible and my handwriting is atrocious. Taking the time to make it legible added an extra degree of difficulty because it's very hard to keep my thoughts straight when I have to write slowly.


OMG!!! I just told my friend that I was thinking of chucking it at Mika's head during the concert (because I love hyperbole) and he responded:

"British musician Mika was hospitalized following an American concert recently, but on the bright side he was quoted as saying the attempted homicide weapon was 'a good read'"



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Completely relate. I've been driving for roughly 2 years. I've been driving completely on my own for 8 months. I was in a car accident in 2003 that made me scared to death of driving. I wasn't able to over come it till I moved hereto Austin. Driving is still super trick for me but I'm able to get back and forth to work on my own allthoguh not many other places as of yet. It's still a work in progress.



Fear of getting into an accident. The first accident I was in left scars on my face from broken glass. Fortunately, my scars don't show, but they did from the time I was 16 until I was 24, gradualling fading over that time. That's a really hard time in life to have scars on your face, but it took attention away from the acne!


The second accident I was in ruined my lower back. I was in physical therapy for two years.


In both cases, I watched the other vehicle come towards the car I was in without slowing down. So, when I watch traffic, I have flashbacks and can't see that the other cars are actually slowing down and stopping.


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Teee hee I know that feeling. I would always get so transfixed at Monkees concerts .Everybody else would be screaming their heads off. I'm the one still as can be just trying to take it all in.


I try not to scream much. I always seem to forget when I'm recording then listening to it after I get embarrassed. :roftl:


Fear of getting into an accident. The first accident I was in left scars on my face from broken glass. Fortunately, my scars don't show, but they did from the time I was 16 until I was 24, gradualling fading over that time. That's a really hard time in life to have scars on your face, but it took attention away from the acne!


The second accident I was in ruined my lower back. I was in physical therapy for two years.


In both cases, I watched the other vehicle come towards the car I was in without slowing down. So, when I watch traffic, I have flashbacks and can't see that the other cars are actually slowing down and stopping.




It's a deal! :roftl:


Oh wow! I'm sorry that happened. :( No wonder why you don't like to drive! Accidents are friggen scary. I've only had someone slightly bump me from behind but it was my first time getting to drive with a friend in my car and that was scary enough.


Someone I used to be friends with has sort of the same problem you do. She's afraid everyone is going to pull out in front of her. She's been in so many accidents, and stupid speeds up to 80mph, but when a car is around she'll start saying "please stop please stop" in fear that they won't.



I've applied to a college nearby.

I'm scoping at Salt Lake City as a possible location, since my friend has made a birthday trip possible.

I'm searching the Portland, OR job sites to see if there's anything worthwhile.

If all else fails, I'll start checking the Seattle job market again. I hate Seattle, but not as much as I hate it here.


Nice! I hope one of your plans work out! The Salt Lake City one would be nice since you already have a friend in that area! I think it'd be hard moving to an area where you don't know anyone and having to work. It's easier when you move to an area and go to school because you're always around people to make friends with, but working is a different story. Luckily if NYC happens I'm going to live with one of my last roommates so it won't be so lonely. I couldn't imagine being in such a busy area yet feeling so alone.


I've had that problem with people who are just as independent as I am. I'm used to not being welcome in groups, so I occassionally forget that my friends LIKE having me around and wander off away from the group when we are doing stuff together. I just get distracted by shiny things. :naughty:


Mostly, they get mad at me when I forget to say, "Hey, would you like to join me?" (I'm so used to doing stuff by myself that I just forget.)


Who doesn't get distracted by shiny things? :dunno: Fuzzy and bright colored things also are nice. :teehee:


It's the only copy, but I know the stories by heart.


It isn't very long. I had a 5 inch x 7 inch blank book that reminded me of him. So, I filled it with my best stories. Since I chose an anecdotal theme, I had a very difficult time walking that line between something written for an impersonal audience and something written for a personal audience. I've read over it after a significant break and I think it works as something written for an impersonal audience. The last 5 pages are total fangirling, but I figured he'd forgive me if he ever got the chance to read it :blush-anim-cl:


I didn't type it up because I wanted it to be something unique. I write and type at about the same speed (slooooow). It's definitely the only one of it's kind in the world, even though I've done similar projects for close friends, but those were intensely personal. This one was my first actual story book.


Even if he doesn't get the chance to read it, the project was worth doing because I had some major breakthroughs in my writing while putting it together. It will just be more fun if he actually gets to read it because he's the intended audience.


Wow! I hope you're able to give it to him! I bet he doesn't receive too many hand written books! :naughty: That'll be a nice gift from the heart! I bet you told him you love him repeatedly those last 5 pages. :teehee::naughty:

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