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Costume :)


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Sorry- didn't know where to put this, I'm still sort of finding my way around here :)


Anyways. On Friday in school we got to wear Halloween costumes. Thursday night and I still had no idea what to wear to school. I happened to dig through a drawer and came across a red fringe-y belt. Then, my red sneakers caught my eye. Then Blame it on the Girls started playing on shuffle on my computer. It was meant to be. Knowing very well that my friends who say I'm dangerously obsessed would probably KILL me the next day, I decided to be Mika. Awesome decision. (I did get a few disgruntled looks from said friends, but in the end they were OK with it :biggrin2:)


I wore white jeans with a white button down shirt and the aforementioned red belt and sneakers. I dug up as many bracelets as I could find, made a pom-pom bracelet (pretty cool if I do say so myself) and dug up a brown wig, which turned out to be perfect. But the best part was I carried portable speakers and played Mika music all day long!


I discovered two teachers who are secret Mika fans and everyone loved the constant music-- myself included- I was in a good mood all day!


Most of the pics are really awkward so I'm not gonna post them :blush-anim-cl: maybe later if I find a better one :)


but here's my rendition of a 'Mika jump'... (pardon the shirt riding up, it was a little small)



Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe tonight!

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Sorry- didn't know where to put this, I'm still sort of finding my way around here :)


Anyways. On Friday in school we got to wear Halloween costumes. Thursday night and I still had no idea what to wear to school. I happened to dig through a drawer and came across a red fringe-y belt. Then, my red sneakers caught my eye. Then Blame it on the Girls started playing on shuffle on my computer. It was meant to be. Knowing very well that my friends who say I'm dangerously obsessed would probably KILL me the next day, I decided to be Mika. Awesome decision. (I did get a few disgruntled looks from said friends, but in the end they were OK with it :biggrin2:)


I wore white jeans with a white button down shirt and the aforementioned red belt and sneakers. I dug up as many bracelets as I could find, made a pom-pom bracelet (pretty cool if I do say so myself) and dug up a brown wig, which turned out to be perfect. But the best part was I carried portable speakers and played Mika music all day long!


I discovered two teachers who are secret Mika fans and everyone loved the constant music-- myself included- I was in a good mood all day!


Most of the pics are really awkward so I'm not gonna post them :blush-anim-cl: maybe later if I find a better one :)


but here's my rendition of a 'Mika jump'... (pardon the shirt riding up, it was a little small)



Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe tonight!


Amazing!!! you do look like Mika! Fantastic decition... I dressed up as Olvie form popeye

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