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"Stick it to them" The arguments about Mika thread


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First let me tell you what happened the other day:

I mentioned Mika to my friend, who we shall call Sue, and brought up the subject of Mika and the girl who was in our drama group, who I shall call Jane, said "Ugh! Mika is SO over!"

I proceeded to get into a *Heaated debate* (not argument) with her and she was saying that if Mika isn't big in New Zealand then he's not big anywhere else and I said she was wrong. She said that nobody paid attention to him and I said that I have spoken to many a fan/hater of Mika and I'd say he gets his fair share. She said that when she went to the town bookfair, there were about 14 "Mike-ah" CD's (after correctly saying it less than a minute ago) and nobody was buying them and I said well I guess you're right then, obviously if he's not popular at the Paraparaumu bookfair then he MUST be so over - Thanks for opening my eyes *thick sarcasm* and she said "Actually there are bookfairs from the lions' association all around (the town and the near city of Wellington) so I gave more argument.


So basically, this thread is for people to post unkind comments that people have made about Mika and the best comebacks you know how.




"He's a one hit wonder"

To you maybe. Mika is well liked around Europe and sells out concerts in the USA even though he doesn't get played on their radio. Grace Kelly put him in good stead but he's also known for songs like Lollipop, Happy Ending, Big Gir (you are beautiful) and Love Today.

"But he's SO gay!"

*States the obvious* But does Mika's sexuality have any bearing on what kind of a performer he is? I mean, you can be a homophobic all you want, that's your choice but I choose to listen to good music and IDC who - Or WHAT - Mika sleeps with. And BTW, Mika has said in Gay&Night magazine that if you want to give him a label, call him bisexual.

Are you sure YOU'RE not gay and just jealous? :naughty:


"Insert comment about his man-bits and high pitch voice here"

Mika has a perfectly normal voice when he talks and he sings low as well like in Big Girl and also in a lot of the verses of his songs - Including grace Kelly - and he chooses to sing high pitched in the choruses because he has an amazing vocal range.

(My alternative if you don't like the person) Mika sings low too and he can sing high because he has amazing controle and vocal range - Do you know what octave range is? Do you recon you could sing like that, if you can sing AT ALL? You know what I think? I think you've got a problem with how high he can sing purely because you're too closed minded to realise he sings low too but you wouldn't know that because all you want to do is tread on people who you know are better than you. That's really sad you know.

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Oh this is goood! :teehee:


Most people that I encounter haven't heard of Mika, and since I'm in high school and I see most of them pretty much every day, they've looked up the guy. And it's something that's bound to happen--if you REALLY like someone, then there are others who will automatically dislike him, just because of your obsession. I've tried to tone it down, because my conversations used to go like this:


Me: ---And have you heard of Mika?

Them: Grace Kelly guy? Yeah, I like that song.

Me: He's just fantastic! What a guy! *blabs*

Them: He's not that great.

Me: Yeah he is! *blabs*

Them: No he sucks. :sneaky2:


And just like that! It would turn from them genuinely liking him to them hating him, just because of my obsession! This isn't just a flaw of few, it's pretty inherent human nature. So I've tried to fangurl less when talking to people. :naughty:


BUT you still get the argument of people who just won't drop it! Here they go...


He's SO gay. (Honestly, this kid tell me this like EVERY day)

Reply: Uhm, you don't know that, and I don't know that. Besides, what's wrong with that? :blink:


His music is so unoriginal.

Reply: Mika writes all of his material: lyrics, music, etc. Because it's likable, genuine, and mainstream-friendly doesn't make it unoriginal. Because he chooses to write approachable pop and not wayyyy out there indie funk freejazz (which CAN be good!) doesn't make it unoriginal.


Mika sucks.

You suck. :sneaky2:


That's all I got for now. :naughty:

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Oh and i get the man-bits comment a lot, but I just say "his manbits get 100 page discussions on a fanclub, don't be so petty. :naughty:"


Just be like "uhm, there's a song called ONE FOOT BOY. And I think we all know what THAT'S about."




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Just be like "uhm, there's a song called ONE FOOT BOY. And I think we all know what THAT'S about."






thanks for making me hysterically laugh :roftl:


and i love this thread

people tend to get VERY fed up with my 'obsession'... I think the most common statement is something along the lines of 'uggh, he's so old'-- a lot of non-fans dont even realize that LICM isn't his only album!

But hey, they're the ones missing out :wink2:

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Mika's gay!

YOU'RE gay!


Man-bits quote"

You WISH you had Mika's bits!


Do you want to MARRY Mika?" (not said in a nice way)

No, I wanna marry you! *Gropes you* (This is effective if you want them to leave you alone and never talk to you again :roftl:).


Mika's a girl!

(For a boy) Keep telling yourself that love. When you realise you're mas**r**ting about a guy, call me and I'll direct you to the nearest YMCA.

(for a girl) I know how you do long to brade his hair at your sk*nky sleepovers but he's a bit out of your leauge!

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in drama once the radio was playing and happy ending came on and a guy was saying mika was really bad (it was a while ago, and he was half joking cos he liked to provoke me) and i proceeded to argue with me until the song had finished. i then chased after him reciting the whole of Love Today into his ear... i don't think he said anything else about him after that :naughty:

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Mika's gay!

YOU'RE gay!


Man-bits quote"

You WISH you had Mika's bits!


Do you want to MARRY Mika?" (not said in a nice way)

No, I wanna marry you! *Gropes you* (This is effective if you want them to leave you alone and never talk to you again :roftl:).


Mika's a girl!

(For a boy) Keep telling yourself that love. When you realise you're mas**r**ting about a guy, call me and I'll direct you to the nearest YMCA.

(for a girl) I know how you do long to brade his hair at your sk*nky sleepovers but he's a bit out of your leauge!


^^^^^^^^^^ i'm so using that if i need to!!!! :lmao:

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This guy followed me home once (anyone else weirded out by that???) and walked a few metres behind me and started going "MIKA'S GAY! MIKA'S GAY! MIKA'S GAY! MIKA'S GAY! MIKA'S GAY!" so I proceeded to sing Love Today (the high bits "I've been crying...") and eventually he was like "STOOOOOP SINGIIIING!"


"Mika died"

Hmm what a shame it wasn't you.

"Mika's going to die of an STD"

Obviously he gets more action than you then.

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Mika's gay!

YOU'RE gay!


Man-bits quote"

You WISH you had Mika's bits!


Do you want to MARRY Mika?" (not said in a nice way)

No, I wanna marry you! *Gropes you* (This is effective if you want them to leave you alone and never talk to you again :roftl:).


Mika's a girl!

(For a boy) Keep telling yourself that love. When you realise you're mas**r**ting about a guy, call me and I'll direct you to the nearest YMCA.

(for a girl) I know how you do long to brade his hair at your sk*nky sleepovers but he's a bit out of your leauge!




Nice ones!




I find that when you agree with someone on what they say about Mika or make a joke of it then they leave you alone... The amount of times my dad says he's gay is incredible, and I just say "Yeah he is"...



I learnt that after I said that Elijah Wood is hot and my friend said he was gay... he stopped pretty quickly once I started agreeing with him :naughty:

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Nice ones!




I find that when you agree with someone on what they say about Mika or make a joke of it then they leave you alone... The amount of times my dad says he's gay is incredible, and I just say "Yeah he is"...



I learnt that after I said that Elijah Wood is hot and my friend said he was gay... he stopped pretty quickly once I started agreeing with him :naughty:

But Elija Wood IS hot! :mf_lustslow:


What are you going to do when you stop liking Mika?

IDK, probably find someone else to be obsessed with...

Oh, I thought you were going to say you'd never stop liking Mika...

What, you expect me to be a Mika freak for the rest of my life? What are you crazy?

Um... Yeah, sorry :boxed:


So you can make THEM seem like the weirdo :roftl:

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