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Say Something Random pt. 26 - Attention mes amis, regardez-vous le bear polar!


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I tried that and it only stays for a few hours even with a s*itton of gel. :aah: And it doesn't look so good on me, but wavy hair does which is basically impossible to get and let it stay. :sneaky2:

500full.jpg This is the most wonderful hair in the world for me and why must she be so beautiful and talented and amazing and perfectly perfect and rguhitulhilutg


AHh,I remember getting my hair curled at the hairdressers,put a lot of hairspray on :aah:


Aha sure is:teehee:

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Oh god, don't remind me of that. :aah: Other people choke on cigarette smoke, I choke on hairspray. :roftl:

She is my idol. :bow:


Most people do?:aah: I smelt of smoke for the rest of the night after being with my boyfriend and his friend,his friend is the one that smokes but I ended up smelling of it :L


Aw bless:teehee:

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Most people do?:aah: I smelt of smoke for the rest of the night after being with my boyfriend and his friend,his friend is the one that smokes but I ended up smelling of it :L


Aw bless:teehee:


Right, should have mentioned that I actually *like* the smell of it. :roftl: I wouldn't smoke them, but I just love the smell. :aah: But I cannot stand hairspray, I get a cough attack that won't stop for the next half hour. xD

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Right, should have mentioned that I actually *like* the smell of it. :roftl: I wouldn't smoke them, but I just love the smell. :aah: But I cannot stand hairspray, I get a cough attack that won't stop for the next half hour. xD


That's odd cos I do too .__. Though my mum thought I started smoking since I smelt of smoke down to my boyfriend's friend =3


Ahh,yeah it catches on the back of my throat :aah:

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That's odd cos I do too .__. Though my mum thought I started smoking since I smelt of smoke down to my boyfriend's friend =3


Ahh,yeah it catches on the back of my throat :aah:


Wow, you're the second person that loves it besides me. :aah: I love those smokey rooms and how it's like mist and then when you're in some cafe or something and they light those sticks that smell like lavander or something vjkhfjvhkbgk :swoon: My parents both used to smoke and when I was little I hated it and I annoyed them because I wanted them to stop. And then my dad got astma and had to quit and my mum quit after a decade of me beging her to. And then, ironically, I started to like the smell of them. And now I can't tell her because she'd kill me. :roftl:

And it stinks. :aah:

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Wow, you're the second person that loves it besides me. :aah: I love those smokey rooms and how it's like mist and then when you're in some cafe or something and they light those sticks that smell like lavander or something vjkhfjvhkbgk :swoon: My parents both used to smoke and when I was little I hated it and I annoyed them because I wanted them to stop. And then my dad got astma and had to quit and my mum quit after a decade of me beging her to. And then, ironically, I started to like the smell of them. And now I can't tell her because she'd kill me. :roftl:

And it stinks. :aah:




Oh right,my dad smoked but he had to stop cos if he carried on he would lose the feeling in his legs :/ I'm alright for coming across smelling it,quite a few people I know smoke so :aah:

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I ADORE that. It's so 80s and so adorable and krfghreughierhui WHY GOD WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :crybaby: xD




I watched it on TV about 7 years ago or so and it was the first Tim Burton movie I saw and I cried my eyes out that day. And I still do, every time I watch it. xD I have it on my USB and computer now. :pinkbow: But oh my god THE MUSIC. Danny Elfman is a god.

Hopefully you are not rotten...:aah:


I saw Charlie and the chocolate at my cousin's around last year easter and since then I'm a .. LITTLE. obsessed :mf_rosetinted:

and kill me, but I watched edward and I was SO sad but I just couldnt cry :blink: my body must be kinda stubborn, I WANTED TO :roftl:

ahahaha let's hope she's still yellow :aah:

what? :blink: i dont think its even that special.. :aah: i got so mad while drawing it, i had to fit all the lyrics on the sheet somehow and half-finished it looked so stupid :teehee: its a miracle that i even completed it :doh:

funny, i prefer my lola picture but it has.. eight likes? :mf_rosetinted:



I have curls :mf_rosetinted: *shows off*

Edited by nemobaermydog
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I saw Charlie and the chocolate at my cousin's around last year easter and since then I'm a .. LITTLE. obsessed :mf_rosetinted:

and kill me, but I watched edward and I was SO sad but I just couldnt cry :blink: my body must be kinda stubborn, I WANTED TO :roftl:

ahahaha let's hope she's still yellow :aah:

what? :blink: i dont think its even that special.. :aah: i got so mad while drawing it, i had to fit all the lyrics on the sheet somehow and half-finished it looked so stupid :teehee: its a miracle that i even completed it :doh:

funny, i prefer my lola picture but it has.. eight likes? :mf_rosetinted:


I can't remember the first time I saw it, I just remember my mum thinking how something is wrong with whoever came up with it and me being in love. :roftl:

I can't control it, I don't even notice it any more, it just happens and I turn into a fountain. :aah:

It would be kinda gross otherwise. :aah:

Are you kidding, it's AMAZING. Gimme that too. :aah:

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I found three.

1) They're from Australia;

2) They're nicely dressed;

3) The person at the end is clapping using their elbow.




Didn't think of those three, but I agree. Especially the last one :roftl:

My two reasons are:

1. Thay speak australian english :fangurl:

2. You can here my lovely voice in the end :mf_rosetinted:

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I can't remember the first time I saw it, I just remember my mum thinking how something is wrong with whoever came up with it and me being in love. :roftl:

I can't control it, I don't even notice it any more, it just happens and I turn into a fountain. :aah:

It would be kinda gross otherwise. :aah:

Are you kidding, it's AMAZING. Gimme that too. :aah:


Oh I had that time where I started jumping around happily around anyone that liked mika :mf_rosetinted: literally. :aah:

I dont think my mother has ever seen johnny depp :roftl: It's weird but we don't watch a lot of TV and NEVER go to the cinema :blink:

Awww, have you seen Hachiko yet? :aah: I was a river. Even after the third time and friends around, I loved seeing them cry as much as me :naughty:

But watching tim burton films with those friends is horrible, they only watch action stuff and (verybadwords) german television, so they don't get half of the jokes, aand we have to watch it in german :aah: johnny depp's german voice :puke:

Guess I only like the lola one bcz it wasn't much work and I did it at school. EVERYTHING is better than french lesson :aah:

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Thank you, I find the last one to be fascinating. :mikacool:

Wait, are you the one screaming or the one before that? :aah:


I'm the one with the too high pitched voice :mf_rosetinted: But no I'm not the one screaming, that would be my friend :aah: I'm the one before and after the scream, which isn't really a scream she just saying: "but nooOOO" :roftl:

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Oh :lmfao:


My friend Mark smokes...but I've not long found that out :aah: and he has been smoking for a year,I didn't even know trolol xD

The whole 11th year smokes and a good part of the 9th and they don't really try to hide it by walking in front of the school gate and smoking a pack every break. xD


Oh I had that time where I started jumping around happily around anyone that liked mika :mf_rosetinted: literally. :aah:

I dont think my mother has ever seen johnny depp :roftl: It's weird but we don't watch a lot of TV and NEVER go to the cinema :blink:

Awww, have you seen Hachiko yet? :aah: I was a river. Even after the third time and friends around, I loved seeing them cry as much as me :naughty:

But watching tim burton films with those friends is horrible, they only watch action stuff and (verybadwords) german television, so they don't get half of the jokes, aand we have to watch it in german :aah: johnny depp's german voice :puke:

Guess I only like the lola one bcz it wasn't much work and I did it at school. EVERYTHING is better than french lesson :aah:


I never had those people. K, I do have *one*. :teehee:

My parents love him, but my mum just thought Wonka was mentally ill. :roftl: I go to the cinema sometimes, but not very often. I went the 13th of December for The Hobbit premiere, though. :teehee:

Hachiko? :blink: I make some of my friends watch them and they have no choice. xD Oh, I hate when they synchronize things, it completely ruins whatever you're watching. :sneaky2:

I prefer the TOOL one too, actually. xD OH MY GOD, COULD IT BE? SOMEONE WHO HATES FRENCH LESSONS AS MUCH AS I DO? :shocked:

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The whole 11th year smokes and a good part of the 9th and they don't really try to hide it by walking in front of the school gate and smoking a pack every break. xD



Ah yeah,a guy in one of my classes got caught smoking (not suppose to smoke within school grounds) by the headteacher :aah: He got detention for a week and saying that before the christmas holidays I was meant to go to detention but I never did show up:aah:


I am a rebel:mf_rosetinted:

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The whole 11th year smokes and a good part of the 9th and they don't really try to hide it by walking in front of the school gate and smoking a pack every break. xD




I never had those people. K, I do have *one*. :teehee:

My parents love him, but my mum just thought Wonka was mentally ill. :roftl: I go to the cinema sometimes, but not very often. I went the 13th of December for The Hobbit premiere, though. :teehee:

Hachiko? :blink: I make some of my friends watch them and they have no choice. xD Oh, I hate when they synchronize things, it completely ruins whatever you're watching. :sneaky2:

I prefer the TOOL one too, actually. xD OH MY GOD, COULD IT BE? SOMEONE WHO HATES FRENCH LESSONS AS MUCH AS I DO? :shocked:


Bahaha, I told my cousin I liked wonka's hair (before he took off the hat :aah:) and she was like WHAAT NOOOOO :roftl:

Oh coooool, the only premiere I ever went to was dark shadows, there was NOONE. :mf_rosetinted: but it was really cool, my friend LAUGHED :shocked:

Everyone here's like WHAT. watch a film in english. of COURSE. are you kidding me, it's holidays, I don't need an english lesson :doh: the german voice makes wonka seem like some horrible snob and it's SO not weird :aah:

I guessed you'd prefer the tool one, everyone prefers it :roftl:

OUI, C'EST L'HORREEEUR! aujourd'hui ma prof m'a demandé des choses sur le subjonctif et c'est la seule chose que je ne comprends pas :aah: J'ai pris un 6 (la note la plus mauvaise bien sûr) :roftl:

and that STUPID english teacher won't accept me having good marks, when I do text production or sth she writes 'Why?' after every two sentences just so I'll lose points :mf_rosetinted: like I wrote 'The houses were grey.' WHY ARE THE HOUSES GREY.

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