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2012 - Palatlantico, Rome, ITALY - 10 November - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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The second Roman date was as special as the first one, definitely one of my best Mika experiences in every possible way: very pleasant journey + accommodation + company + awesome show: terrific music and voice, excellent interpretation of all the songs, great connection with the crowd, fun, humor.

He's the ultimate performer and showman, to me it was the perfect gig, he couldn't be any better.

He's also a great coordinator and watching him lead the band and the choir is very interesting and fascinating.

He's getting better and better, if that's even possible.

I saw him more grown-up, mature, more a man than a boy.


There was no support act, it started shortly after 10 pm and lasted about 1.45 h. it was a very long set, he sang 20 songs!


He must have been tired, but you couldn't really tell, he did his best to offer a superb gig; he clearly loves Italy, and especially Rome; he made us sing and clap A LOT.

The crowd was very responsive, ready to follow him and have fun, danced and jumped, especially during Celebrate, EMD and Love Today.

The young guy next to me was jumping like a spring :D:boing:


From Matt's audio you can hear, that there was a LOT of singing along.


There was such a good interaction and participation, that you could feel love was in the air.


We also had a fantastic choir, they were really good! Mika had an excellent idea!


I had a nice view and the acoustics was very good from where I was.

Hubby said it was too loud, but it didn't bother me at all :teehee:

I just couldn't get the talked parts very well.


I had lots of fun and tried not to sing and move too much, in order to fully enjoy him, so during a few songs I was just listening and watching in awe.


He was very energetic: danced and jumped a lot and made funny faces, he knows how to put you in a good mood and make you forget anything else. It's a big party, a celebration of life, he makes you feel happy and grateful to be alive, stronger and ready to face RL.


I loved all the songs, the old ones as well, he added many new intros and extensions, in order to make us sing more.


The new arrangements are fantastic, the new songs are superb and irresistible live, Stardust is sung so beautifully that it hurts, I can't tell how much I like Origin of Love and Popular; Happy Ending, Underwater, Rain, LYWID, Celebrate (with the slow intro) are so touching.


He really writes and sings with his heart on his sleeve with great power and passion.


I love the new album to bits, but it's even better live.


I was expecting him to speak a lot in Italian like in Vigevano, unfortunately he hardly did it, a part from the greetings and the Italian verses in Origin and Stardust.

He must have had no time or energy to prepare for it.


I met him after the gig, and I must say, that, besides being an amazing and genius artist, he's definitely a special, good-hearted, thoughtful, sensitive guy; nothing new actually, but after Rome he's even dearer to me.


Hubby didn't take videos this time: we were next to security and he didn't manage to reach a spot with a good and free view.

The upside was that he could fully enjoy the show :pinkbow:


Fortunately there are many excellent videos on youtube, and probably more will come.




I forgot to mention the posters :doh:

We hold them at the beginning of Origin of love and they've been a success, Mika really appreciated, and at the end of the gig when he held one of them towards us, taking it out of his hat, in order to thanks us, he was really moved and so were we all :wub2::tears:

A big thank you to the fans who had the idea and worked to realize it! Kudos to you! :thumb_yello:




SETLIST (thanks Matteo!)


01 Relax, Take It Easy

02 Blame It On The Girls

03 Popular Song

04 Billy Brown

05 Blue Eyes

06 Lola

07 Rain

08 Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

09 Stardust

10 Underwater

11 Stuck In The Middle

12 Love Today

13 Love You When I'm Drunk

14 Elle Me Dit

15 Origin Of Love

16 Happy Ending

17 Celebrate

18 Grace Kelly

19 Lollipop

20 We Are Golden

Edited by mari62
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we left Padua the morning after the gig at about 9.30 am. It was going to be a long journey by train...the fast one is too expensive and we like chatting, so not a bad opportunity! :naughty:


As you can see we welcomed a nice guest


even if a bit too posh IMO :teehee:

(me, Valentina, Simona G., Valmont69 and Nezza)


some of us pretended to be like him :teehee:


Simona G and valmon69)


Eventually we arrived in Rome and Valmont69 (Myriam IRL) went and took her car and drove us to the hotel! How amazing was that? we saved a lot of energies and time! Thank you Myriam! :huglove:

Mari62 was already there and we greeted her, then we had a good snack with tea and home made cake! What a nice surprise.


We arrived to the venue at <about 7.00 pm, there were a lot of people there!

We ended behind row 10 I think, but the venue was not big and we could see pretty well.

Handed out the posters and the gig started, and you could see Mika was tired and his voice strained. Sound sucked as in Padua, I could not hear his voice over the instruments! :shocked:

But he's always full of life and energy, and the audience was very hot. They kept on singing and dancing like mad





At the end he reaised Monica's poster, and full success was accomplished! :thumb_yello:




After the gig we went outside but the barriers which were scattered around and could be used to make a line of fans, were stored inside the venue gate instead




The people waiting were not that many and very quiet according to me. They would listen to us if we suggested to form a line behind barriers. But which barriers? A line without them becomes a crowd in no time.

Then Mika arrived and was soon surrounded by the crowd....no way he would greet everyone, so he left and I watched all at a distance.


The day after we spent a lovely time with friends and we went to a store to set things right. :mf_rosetinted:

here's the shelf of new arrivals after our action :mf_rosetinted:



Edited by robertina
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Myriam was amazing indeed, thanks again! :huglove:

And thanks everyone for the company! :wub2:

some of us pretended to be like him :teehee:



:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:


At the end he reaised Monica's poster, and full success was accomplished! :thumb_yello:



:tears: :tears: :tears:



The day after we spent a lovely time with friends and we went to a store to set things right. :mf_rosetinted:

here's the shelf of new arrivals after our action :mf_rosetinted:



:naughty: :naughty::naughty:
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brava! You beat me to that.


Valerria prepared a book with pictures of our towns we had sent her, and a short description for each town, strictly in ITALIAN! :naughty:

he has to practise his Italian, hasn't he :shun:


this is Pilgrim Mika wandering through Italy and visiting all our beautiful spots...





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please note the Manager IS laughing...it's a start :wink2:


Oh Robi that's so lovely ... :wub2:


Some of the gifts he gets are so amazing ... so much thought goes into them ... you should all be very proud of yourselves :huglove:

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his facial expression is so intense.... :wub2:


Lovely photo ... I really wish I could stop reading all these report threads ... it just makes me miss him more ... and what the hell I'm going to do after December I have no clue :aah:

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This is Mika in Rome with his present from the Italian fans!






sweet memories :wub2:


brava! You beat me to that.


Valerria prepared a book with pictures of our towns we had sent her, and a short description for each town, strictly in ITALIAN! :naughty:

he has to practise his Italian, hasn't he :shun:


this is Pilgrim Mika wandering through Italy and visiting all our beautiful spots...






he laughed SO hard when he saw this pic :naughty::teehee:

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There was no support act, it started shortly after 10 pm and lasted about 1.45 h. it was a very long set, he sang 20 songs!


He must have been tired, but you couldn't really tell, he did his best to offer a superb gig; he clearly loves Italy, and especially Rome; he made us sing and clap A LOT.

The crowd was very responsive, ready to follow him and have fun, danced and jumped, especially during Celebrate, EMD and Love Today.


We also had a fantastic choir, they were really good! Mika had an excellent idea!


I loved all the songs, the old ones as well, he added many new intros and extensions, in order to make us sing more.


The new arrangements are fantastic, the new songs are superb and irresistible live, Stardust is sung so beautifully that it hurts, I can't tell how much I like Origin of Love and Popular; Happy Ending, Underwater, Rain, LYWID, Celebrate (with the slow intro) are so touching.


Yes I completely agree with the Stardust statement. It was the most beautiful song of the night I think. I like it on the album, but God, the acoustic piano-voice version is gorgeous :blush-anim-cl: Almost cried !


I'm glad you like the choir :huglove:. I was unsure that you could hear our voices, it seemed to be very noisy already



brava! You beat me to that.


Valerria prepared a book with pictures of our towns we had sent her, and a short description for each town, strictly in ITALIAN! :naughty:

he has to practise his Italian, hasn't he :shun:


this is Pilgrim Mika wandering through Italy and visiting all our beautiful spots...






I love it soooo much. That's super cool. I love the way he laughed when he saw it. So good to have a vid to remember that :thumb_yello:

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Yes I completely agree with the Stardust statement. It was the most beautiful song of the night I think. I like it on the album, but God, the acoustic piano-voice version is gorgeous :blush-anim-cl: Almost cried !


I'm glad you like the choir :huglove:. I was unsure that you could hear our voices, it seemed to be very noisy already

so true! :tears:

Oh yes, I could hear you well, you were awesome and beautiful :wub2:

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