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Everything posted by vixenbbw

  1. Something else that I was thinking yesterday is the way he's making music now has changed. LICM was a piano album. Obviously the songs were padded out with the usual guitar/bass/drums/etc as they needed to be but it was definitely a man and his piano. On WAG you would never guess that he was that piano man! He could be fronting a band or a solo singer but it's totally guitar/bass/drums music and I think it makes a real difference to how the song will be percieved.
  2. Hmmmmm....Stuart Leslie Goddard...the first love of my life!! The first gig I ever went to when I was 12 was to see him and I went in full Antmusic outfit and Prince Charming make up!! Luckily for you it was before the days of digital photography!!!
  3. Haven't posted on here at all yet as I wanted to actually have an opinion before stating it! I remember hearing the LICM album sampler on Mikasounds and being overcome with excitement as each snippet came on. It felt like I knew every song the minute I heard them. That was all part of the crazy start of the obssession as it will have been for so many others. I instantly loved everything about his work and it changed my life forever in a way that no other artist ever had. So, OK, he's something special. So the anxiety about what comes next was warranted and I felt sick with nerves when I played the new stuff from the LA gig. Would they feel familiar like the LICM songs? Would they be as good? Or better even? My gut feeling was..."oh, no, they're not what I was expecting" (whatever that menns???)..."what am I going to do if I don't like any more of his stuff???" I just kind of felt numb to them all. By the time I bought the EP I had all four songs on repeat and realised that not only did I love every nuance of each one...but that I couln't decide on one over the rest. How did that happen?? Well, I think it was because they were always brilliant, they were always Mika at his best, Mika evolving musically, Mika being more confident in making music.....but the anticipation and expectation overwhelmed me at the start. When I heard the snippets of WAG the same thing happened mixed with "Hmmmm, what will Joe Public make of that?? Will people like him more or less? Does it represent the Mika we all know? Will the world at large "get it"?" I wasn't just listening for my own pleasure, I was listening with the ear of the public and wanting to know what they would think. With that feeling out of the way I can now listen and enjoy and get to know every note, word, etc and add it to the growing collection of songs that I love and that make such a difference to my life.
  4. I've already posted the thread details to him on Twitter! Who knows....I said to him that he didn't have to use the winning title but that you never know...he may like it enough!!
  5. Due to someone's "brilliant idea" Mika is running a competition - to win 3 tickets to the forcoming gig, on Twitter. It's only open til 7pm UK time so hurry if you want a chance to win. He's looking for a RIDICULOUS title so make your ideas as crazy as possible....and who knows?? He may just use your idea! http://twitter.com/mikasounds
  6. Thank you! We really are good for each other on here!!
  7. Sadly, as I twittered...I have a piano exam on the 31st so can't get to London in time even if I won! I have said I'm going to have a go though...will be racking my brains all day!!
  8. I'm half Scottish!! My Aunty (the one I was out with lastnight as she's down on her hols) lives in Cryston where the quiz listener is from!! WIll that score me any points do you reckon???
  9. :roftl: I was actually!! The funny thing is I went in and amended "Thanx" and didn't spot "webcap"!!!!!! I blame it on excited typing!! Oh, and how quickly did you get a reply from your email?? I just texted them.
  10. I'm poised and ready! Thanx for the webcab tip off...I wouldn't have even thought about it!!
  11. It's always weird reading a non fans view of his performances!! Good though, thanx
  12. I thought you might like this!!! I just spent an hour watching your new stuff.....and now I have to go and practice for my exam!! I want to be a good as you so I'm going to put some extra effort in today! Thanks Sammy! xxx
  13. Sammy, everyone's replies are as telling as your own post....that is that Mika attracts very creative fans. I've lost count of the times I read posts about people on here being inspired to do things they never thought possible. I'll tell you my story at the end of my post but I find that as soon as I utter the words "Mika inspired me to change my life" I know I sound like a crazy!! However, it is the truth and it dumfounds me every day! The point is...he has done something to us all and if his music has such a profound effect on you that it pushes you even harder and further then it is amazing. I, like everyone else, have watched your videos with my mouth open in awe...I want to do what you do and feel so far behind that I have to fight the urge to not bother. However, once inspired by Mika...we can never go back so as unlikely as it is that I'll ever achieve anything that I desire...I now have to strive for it each and every day. Keep going........no matter what. xx So, you're young and you want some??? Hmmmm....try being old and just waking up to the fact that you, too want some!!! The cruelest thing is that Mika wasn't around to inspire me when I was young!! I always sang in secret in my bedroom when I was really young (10 onwards) and continued to do so throughout my life but was always too shy/nervous to let anyone hear me. I had a pretty rubbish home life and no support with anything in my life so I drifted through it all just existing each day. I got a boring job and bought my own house as I thought it was the only way to feel any sort of security in the world. Along the way I had a nervous breakdown, lots of therapy, had ME for nearly 2 years then discovered that I had a massive abdominal tumour a few years ago and two years ago on Tuesday I had risky surgery to remove it. If I hadn't had Mika in my life by that time I seriously don't think I would have surved the surgery....he made me feel like I could conquer it! So, with all of the bad stuff behind me and Mika's inspiration I started my long recovery during the summer of 2007. During that time I woke up one day and literally wrote a song! I'd never even written so much as a poem before but I just felt compelled to write...and I haven't stopped! I started having piano lessons in June last year and I'm sitting my Grade 3 exam on 31 July. I'm told that usually it take a year to get ready for each Grade....and I got a merit in my Grade 1 less than 4 months ago!! My teacher can't believe it and although I'm really hard on myself and still feel like I'll never have the talent of folk like you I can see that my acheivement is massive. Coincidence?? After a lifetime of under acheiving and apathy...what's changed??? Yup, Mika!! I've got my sights set on getting to grade 8 which my teacher tells me I have the ability to do (even though it seems like an impossible goal) and I've been offered a place at my local university to do a degree in music performance if I get the Grade 8.....something I can't actually imagine at my age but it's like a shiny golden carrot....urging me on!! LOL. Like some one else mentioned...if I say to people around me that I'm considering going to uni at my age but not to do something conservative and sensible but to learn how to be a musician they all seem bemused and want to know what I think I'm actually going to do with it!! So there you go.....I'm not giving up now that I'm old and I want some!!!! Keep us all informed of how you're doing and we'll all keep watching and enjoying your music. Liz xxx
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