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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. oh ! no, thank you for thinking of me... i'm just not the collecting things kind of fan i guess... i don't even know what to do with her drumsticks i wanted "so hard" it was just a trip, just for fun and now i have 2 drumsticks looking at me from where they are... i guess i'll have to start learning how to drum now i did read the itw, though, thanks for posting and translating anyhoo, all that to say, no thank you
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PxDJYCJs6g yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah !! FINALLY !! :naughty:
  3. not sure, her success and what make her songs so good is in the lyrics, and as for france for exemple, people don't pay attention to the lyrics of a song... especially if the song is not in french sooooooo... i don't know for other countries, it must be something typically frenchie
  4. apparently, it seems that the stages mentionned are the big main stage of the day, but that she'll play on smaller ones...
  5. oooooooooh !!!! yes !! that's it ! thank you bab. on a more serious note : i would really WAIT and see... let it mean buy my ticket at the very last moment... or if there are some day tickets, that's better... anyway, do whatever you want, i'm not there to tell you what to do !! but 1 gig every other day is... a lot for someone with such a poor health...
  6. europe still has got a lot of them !! we just want HER and it happens that she's from cali...
  7. the funniest thing is that i barely got to chat with her in the end cause people mere constantly arriving to take a pic with her, and since i had already 2 pics with her (from paris and london last year), it was logical to let them before me... but in the end i was using people conversation if i wanted to have a chance to say a word but it was cool anyway... i told her what i wanted to, but not much more sorry, i didn't pay attention to your dates... but i was there the 2 other gigs too...
  8. so that makes something almost every single day in July, right ? it reminds me of something, but can't put my finger on it...
  9. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14374
  10. ha ha !! that's not me this time and about europe, last year she had given me something about a secret show in paris in october that never happened... or it was so secret that i didn't hear of it, even if she was supposed to keep me updated... i think it didn't happen... but she'll come... eventually... i would go to london for her too...
  11. VALLY !!!!!! :groupwave: i barely post but glad to see you back !!! for the time you'll stay...
  12. oh yes, i hadn't seen the list... i was in london in february... so you must have heard me... or maybe not... i also might have taken a picture of you with her at the after so-called party cause i was around her trying to chat during the whole evening and people thought it was a good occasion to ask me to take their pic with her totally kidding, i didn't mind at all, since it was making them go faster anyway... she got the book from the MFC, can't remember who was responsible for it... maybe CazGirl ? i think... not sure...
  13. album out June 17th now !! due to too many suicide treats from people waiting
  14. more than that :das: can't tell them all now, but i met her after almost every gigs i went to and she's the cutest and the nicest and the tiniest person i've ever seen don't get me started about her or read the thread... you have mostly 2 people posting in it : Freddie and me don't know if we've been to the same concert once, but i'm the idiot yelling "cheriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisse" in the middle of a silent moment... yes, that's me...
  15. yeah, yoppappoppyyy is quite tired of bumping the thread alone :sneaky2: but she still LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE cherisse
  16. In case you missed the bulletin on myspace... Our friends at www. 1iota. com are looking for die hard KATY PERRY fans to be part of his mini-concert on Last Call with Carson Daly Monday, April 7th 2008. Last Call with Carson Daly features celebrity guests, cutting edge performers, like KATY PERRY, with plenty of surprises, panic, and general pandemonium. The best part is, KATY PERRY will play 1-2 songs on the LAST CALL INDOOR STAGE just for you! If you are interested in seeing KATY PERRY in person and being a part of the Last Call with Carson Daly audience, please click KATY PERRY TIX or visit www. 1iota. com and follow these simple steps: - Click the 1iota TV Shows button - Click the Last Call with Carson Daly logo - Choose the KATY PERRY event link to request tickets ATTENDANCE TO THIS EVENT IS BY INVITATION ONLY!!! Remember, BE QUICK, because space is EXTREMELY LIMITED!! MUSTS: - YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 16 YEARS OLD - YOU MUST BE AVAILABLE ON APRIL 7th . FROM 5:45PM - 8:00PM - YOU MUST HAVE A VALID PHOTO ID - PLEASE DO NOT WEAR WHITE, LIGHT BLUE, BEIGE OR LOGOS, AS THEY DON’T COME ACROSS WELL ON CAMERA - PLEASE DO NOT BRING LARGE HANDBAGS OR KNAPSACKS - NO CAMERAS OR RECORDING DEVICES
  17. not even that !!! my problem is more with her actual songs that are just words put one after the other and understands who wants to :blink: and i'm pretty sure no one understands them but everybody looooooooove them cause it's her... and they looooooooooove her... Joe le taxi must have been her song with the most of a sense... and even that one wasn't really meaningful anyway... maybe it's not really the right place to bash her
  18. joe le taxi... her 1st song ever i think...
  19. no, no dirty stuffs... if only, it would at least mean something !! her songs have NO SENSE at all, in everyway you look at them... only playing on words, using sound similarities between words making sentences, etc. it's so rubbish you wish she could only saviour her happiness with johnny depp without singing but i think french like her cause she's really sweet and very rare, so anything she makes becomes something important, like an event, and they like it cause they don't know when will be the next thing... she's France little child...
  20. having a headache... for the 197458063th time in a row... won't be able to say rubbish tonight, can't watch the screen...
  21. debut album One Of The Boys out on june 24th 14 days later than i expected ... official... http://www.katyperry.com
  22. *waves frenetically* youhou !!!! MODS !!! could you please merge the 2 threads ?
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