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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. <high fives> I think it's just because it's too early in the morning - I'm the same. Last night I was really excited and tonight I think I definately will!
  2. I know they don't exactly match up on here but yu get the idea. The shop names are only rough - I can't do them all from memory but they're pretty much right I think. It's simple! - Just one main high street.
  3. My throats pretty bad today. I'm having the day off college so I can 'rest' ready for tomorrow It's gonna rain and I don't think walking home through muddy fields in the rain is gonna help! I've been sucking those antiseptic throat sweets all morning - I NEED a voice for tomorrow!! TOMORROW! WOW IT'S TOMORROW!!!!!!! *freaks out*
  4. Hahahaha oh dear - Am I going to have to run around town putting up signs on shop windows and stuff with big arrows on to point you in the right direction?
  5. Me too - I gotta be up for college at 6 *yawn* I'll do some diagrams tomorrow of how to get from the bullring to the Academy and point out as many shops/landmarks as I can so that you won't all get lost! (I have nothing better to do with my time!) G'night! x
  6. You know the bottom left of the screen where the scale is? Theres a road there? (The one that you can follow right from the Academy. If you walk down there it's the main high street. It's at the end of that road. you can't go wrong - you can spot it from miles away!
  7. If I still don't find a job by the end of summer I might have to consider it! It's honestly pretty hard to get lost here though. Its just one main street really!
  8. Is it the walking part that's confusing? I can give you a very detailed guide of where you need to go if it is? Here's the bigger version by the way... (Oops I've put Mc Donalds a bit too close to the Academy)
  9. My dad said that the 'cheaper' one should only be about £4... he said it's cheaper than the NCP one anyway. Here's the diagram. The blue dashes show the way you'd have to walk to get to the Academy from the carpark. You cant walk across from by Argos because its a lower level and there aren't any steps down to the Academy (that I know of) EDIT: Han gon i'll upload a bigger version
  10. Yeah the Academy postcode should be fine- It's just across the main road! I'll do the diagram too so you can see how to get to the Academy entrance (It's kinda underground so you have to walk around it ...)
  11. The best parking place is probably not the NCP one. Theres one the opposite side of the road thats an outdoor one and it's alot cheaper I think. I'll draw a diagram on the map from googlemaps and show you (Just bear with me a minute). The entrance is on Chapel Street which is opposite the Aston university accomodation. It's literally just across the road from the Academy.
  12. Probably outside the Academy I guess because the queue will have started by then. If you want I (or a few of us anyway) could come and meet you somewhere if you can't find your way to the Academy?
  13. you could say that yeah Such a shame we won't even see our legs once we're in there! Like my eyelashes too?!
  14. When we saw Lily Allen there in November, my friend (who's also coming on Thursday) recorded half the gig on a huge camcorder! We were right at the front of the balcony. He got caught though and they ripped the tape up and threw him out half way through. They're fine with regular digicams though! His was just kinda obvious
  15. I normally just do that :S I cant find my camera case though. and my skirts way too tight to fit anything in the pockets hahaha
  16. Aww that's so sweet. I really really hope we get to meet them!!!!! Not sure how long I can wait after though - My dad's got to drive over to pick me up and i'm not sure he'd be too happy about having to come out at about 1am or something :|
  17. Still can't believe you got a note! I want one haha What exactly did it say?
  18. I never normally take bags to gig because 1) they get in the way 2) you get them searched which takes up valuable running to the front time. (Can't remember if they check at the Academy or not though) But I think i'm gonna have to. I've got my wig,face paints, camera and purse and stuff so i'm gonna have to. I'm gonna take a small handbag for when i'm in there and a carrier bag to put my wig and stuff in before I go in.
  19. Same here!! I warn you though - i'm really quiet and shy!! Well, until I get to know people. Actually i'll be on a Mika high so I should be ok!
  20. Hahahahhah That stuff really does work though - ours is 4 years out of date I realised last week.
  21. Hahahahah That would be pretty funny if they did... I had a cold last week and it's come back to haunt me again I think :| I'll get the throat sweets down me and try not to get caught in the rain again like today (WE HAD A TORNADO TODAY!! apparently... A small one anyway) WE CAN'T BE ILL ON THRUSDAY!
  22. I'm not exactly a huge fan of either :|
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