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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. I suppose if we don't hear anything by tomorrow evening we could always phone them and ask what's going on?
  2. Same here. The office probably doesn't re-open until tomorrow.
  3. This is getting crazy.....I've got a feeling it wont be announced until tomorrow morning (as in after about 7)
  4. I'm really nervous and I haven't even entered!!!!!! Fingers and toes are crossed though!
  5. HEY DAZ -I KNOW YOU!!!! It's taken me this long to realise. Small world... I was that random girl (Layla's friend) who was talking to you about Scissor Sisters in the queue at Nelly Furtado's gig in Feb, Remember?..probably not... Anyway great pic!!! and thanks for the vid!
  6. I'm pretty sure the disabled area is here... At the end of the balcony level directly over the stage. Having to stand there wouldn't be too bad!
  7. I really don't like support bands. They just make you tired and bored before it starts instead of revving you up like they're supposed to!
  8. HE DID HAPPY ENDING?! Hope it does it at the rest of the gigs too. And good choice of covers too! I love both of those songs!
  9. Ok. Or I could just run around shaking my glitter pot over everyone Tinkerbell stylee
  10. The glitter gets EVERYWHERE. I tested it a little bit on my face today to check I wasn't allergic to it (I'm usually allergic to stuff like that) and it's kinda spread everywhere!!! Anyone standing near me will end up covered in pink glitter - you've been warned.
  11. Theres a shop that's kinda attatched to the Academy that sells loads of weird gothic clothes and stuff but It's really good for glowsticks, glowing facepaints and hair spray and eyelashes and glitter and stuff! We went there today to get most of our stuff!
  12. Bumpity bump My and my friends bought our outfits today We literally walked around the shops in Birmingham for about 5 hours to get them! I'm gonna wear my purple swirly wirly lollipop top, neon pink tights with my neon pink wig, pink sparkly belt, neon pink, purple and yellow glowing face paints, huge pink eyelashes, fluffy flashing pink bunny ears (not to mention all the glow sticks and of course my flashing heart ) So just keep an eye out for the walking pink blob My (male) friend is wearing a bright green wig hahahah and his bf is wearing a black afro wig too... We're gonna get some funny looks onthe taxi ride home....
  13. *sigh* I wish I was going to Leeds! It sounds fun! I'd have got tickets if it wasn't for my exams There's no way I can miss any more days off college
  14. I can't stay up any longer - I'll be back to check at about 7am when I get up!!!! I'll be sleeping with my fingers crossed for everyone!
  15. I bet you're just gonna be at your computer all night pressing refresh every few seconds until the winners are announced aren't you? I know I would be!
  16. I'm actually kinda glad I didn't have the guts to even enter now! I'd have died by now waiting I think. Anyway Good luck to EVERYONE from here!! There's gotta be at least a few MFC winners!!! (I personally think all of you should win:thumb_yello:)
  17. OF course I'm dressing up!!!!Any excuse to dress up and i'm there. I doubt my sister will though so i'll be on my own hahahah I don't care though. I've got ages to sort out a costume though- It's gotta be a really good one!
  18. It's right next to the stage!!! You get a really good view from there so It won't be too bad if you have to . It's really tiny though.
  19. They both look fine - The 1st one is as central as you can get really. It's about a 5 or 10 minute walk from the Academy. I don't think I've ever actually seen it in person though! The 2nd one is quite a walk - would probably take about...20/25 mins? and is on the busiest/noisiest street in Birmingham (Thursday's student night too)
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