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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. Yeah! I Knew Birmingham Would Be 'the Night' I'm so glad I don't have college on Fridays!
  2. He was very impressed with Nicole coming all this way to see him too! He couldn't believe it and said it means the world to him
  3. Glad I remembered to ask him to sign my ticket later with you lot. DIdn't even cross my mind inside until you text me hahahahah
  4. fihogvhb9skghvu9diwe I'm still freaking out . My cheeks are hurting like crazy cus I havent stopped smiling for the last...2 hours hahahahah That man IS LOVELY He was so so so so friendly even though I was just a randomer who managed to persuade a security guard to let her into VIP hahahahah
  5. Well I told her about people emailing to appear in it and she knew what I was talking about and said "yeah you should come down for it it'll be fun" and I said about having ht emails saying it was cancelled/rescheduled/no longer looking etc. and she was a bit confused and said she didn't know anything about that and said I should have come down but I told her it was too late to book a train now (Without paying about £80 for a ticket) so i'm not really sure what the deal is still....
  6. NO CHANCE! my dad keeps going CALM DOWN!!! but I cant hahhahah
  7. It was crazy. I WAS OFFICIALLY 1st IN THE QUEUE THOUGH! Saw Cherisse and Mikey go inside at about 2.50pm and said hi. ME and my mate were complaining to lollipop girl about them confiscating out lillipops and our 60 glow bracelts!! She wasnt very pleased so I bet she went and told Mika hahah
  8. Ok i'm probably not gonna make much sense here but i'm shaking way too much to type properly. MIKA PULLED ME UP ON STAGE! AND I DANCED AROUND HOLDING THE 'V' OUT OF LOVE DURING LOLLIPOP!!!! Its the 1st time hes dne that!! Then we managed to get to the VIP lounge because I was on stage and stuff and we managed to persuade the security. We got up and there was lollipop girl, a big girl dancer and the cow and the little bow peep from shepards bush gig too. Cherisse came out and we chatted weith hert for a bit - had a pic and she was talkin to me baout the video shooting on sat and about what theyre up to this weekend and stuff. then Mika came out and we were 'hanging out' with him (seriously) for about 20 - 25 mins just havin random convosations as a big group. Had a pic with him and stuff - he sed he spotted me and my mate from before the show when he peeked out- thats why he got me on stage. and erm... after a while he had to go cus he was exhausted. we went out side and i met with the rest of the MFC crew who were waitin. I was completely gobsmacked and couldnt stop grinning and dancing around in a circle. I was also trying really hard not to be sick. Anyways I was just explainin the whole thing to them and Mika came out. Everyone got autographs and stuff (I got my ticket signed cus I forgot to ask in the lounge) and he was sooooo lovely and everything and OMG I cant breathe. Then I had to leave becasue my dad was waiting and wI didnt want to keep Mika too long cus he was clearly exhaused. and i've just got in and im freaking out ...still When I saw him he gave me a hug and I was just going THANK YOU SO MUCH THAT WAS SO AMAZING AAAAAA and he was just laughing and sed no problema nd was commenting on my glowing arms hahahahahah EDIT: sorry bout the million typo's I cant feel my fingers though
  9. IM GOING NOW! Got a feeling I've forgotten something :| I've got my tickets and camera though and that's all I really need!
  10. You'll be with us in spirit Steph!!!! Oh and dcdeb, your never safe from chicken pox - I've had them twice! and i've had measles!
  11. I feel sick - I'm pretty sure it's with excitment and nothing else though. I need to eat but I can't! (I have a habit of not eating before gigs and passing out half way through them so MAKE ME EAT if you see me!) There's a Greggs round the corner from the Academy so I'm gonna stock up on cakes
  12. Eeeee Okay i'm just gonna start to get ready. I just realised that I had everything packed last night ready by the front door....except for the tickets - duh. Got everything though now I think! I'm leaving at about 1 so I should be there for about 1.45. My friend should meet me about 2 after college then we're going to have something to eat and i'll be at the bull for 3! That's the plan anyway.....
  13. Well your hotels the same direction as the Academy only further out so you'll still have to head in the same direction. What time does your train get in?
  14. Do you know the way from the station by the way? When you get through the gates - there are some escalators right in front of you with a pink sign over them saying Pallisades (I think) Go up there turn right and keep going until you end up on a passage way with glass windows on the left side. If you carry on walking you'll end up directly inside the bull ring. look for Topshop or River Island and the exit leading to the bull is opposite there.
  15. I can still do the meeting-at-the-bull-at-3 thing if you want. I was just saying i'll be at the Academy with my friend before.
  16. The other side! hahaha Well unless there's no one else in the queue
  17. No just one. Well there are 4 I think but it's just one big door. (That was at the NEC arena) ^That's it
  18. When we went to see Scissor Sisters last year we got there at 10am and no one else arrived until about 12/1. We were the 1st in the queue but they opened the other 4 doors 10 minutes before ours! and so there were already hundreds of people inside with refreshments by the time we ran in!! We were SO angry and had lots of arguments with the security - they told us ours would be the 1st door! Still managed to wriggle to the front during the support act though..
  19. I've never not been at the front row at a standing gig! Even if i'm at the end of the queue i'm an excellent wriggler
  20. I know there wont be but at least we can guarantee we'll be 1st then
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