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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. Ok change of plan. My friend is meeting me at 2pm in town and we're gonna go straight to queue. I can still meet a tte bull at 3 though I guess if you need me to.
  2. Your hotel's Aston direction Okay i'm gonna go for a bit - this sites not helping me contain my excitement very well.
  3. Yeah most websites are saying its gonna stop raining by about 10am then brighten up in the afternoon. It's gonna be warm(ish) anyway so that's ok
  4. I'm sooo excited - I just really hurt my ankle dancing up the stairs I'm gonna go and dry my hair then i'll be allllllll ready ...just gotta wait another 17 hours before I go out :|
  5. We'll JUST be going inside!!! (The doors do open at 7 don't they?)
  6. I'm a freak - I don't really like chocolate. I've only managed to eat half an easter egg so far and tha's taken about 5 weeks :S
  7. I'm sure we'll be able to get it to him somehow! I'm just really excited!!! I'm having to literally force this pizza down because i'm too excited to eat!
  8. I'm sitting here with a hair mask on and body mud all over my face...nice. Oh and Bex i'm totally for that idea!
  9. I keep singing and i'm supposed to be saving my voice I can't help it though hahah
  10. I have a black bag....With a multicoloured star badge on it. I'll probably wear my flashing heart too for ID purposes
  11. I'm trying to remember what everyone looks like but I'm terrible with names and faces!! I'll do my best though. If you see a girl randomly wondering around wearing bright pink tights - go up and say hi because it's probably me
  12. I'm glad I decided not to book my train then! I still haven't got a second reply yet though :| Not very well organised!
  13. Good idea...or maybe I should just bring a tent! Wow how cool would that be?!
  14. I'm taking a teeny little bag...which is actually smaller than my purse I think and i'm bringing my face paints, glow sticks, glitter, wig etc in a carrier bag so that when i'm in there I can stash the carrier bag somewhere. I'll be wearing the wig and I can shove the paints in my pocket (or someone elses bag) and then I'll have my camera in my hand...my phone and some cash in my bag and that's it I think!
  15. Well it's more of a grotty canal than a river I think You definately can't drink then or you'll end up in the canal. 3pm at the Bull?!?! Is that agreed yet or not?
  16. Ok i'm officially VERy VERY EXCITED hahaha I'm literally grinning from ear to ear watching youtube clips to get me in the mood There's no way i'm gonna be able to sleep tonight!
  17. Yeah they need to work out the difference between just plain excited and drunk and rowdy pfft. Hopefully they'll be more understanding at Birmingham!
  18. Fate!!! It's gotta be fate Mika's gonna like....invite you all to an aftershow party to make up for it or something and it'll be 10x better than Leeds! We'll have fun tomorrow no matter what happens!
  19. I've done exactly the same but I know i'm gonna be mega excited tomorrow so it won't matter We'll have to have a sing along inthe queue to get us all hyped up
  20. I don't mind either way. The bull is easier for those who haven't got a clue where they're going I guess.
  21. Of course we can. There probably wont be any other people queuing at that time anyway I don't think.
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