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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. Yes. My bedroom one (onto the extention roof below though) Can you lick your toes?
  2. Eeeek 1 and a bit days!!!! I'm gonna be there about 1 or 2 I think. I'll just hang around and get something to eat/drink while I wait. And about the exits - the Academy is kinda part of a big building with a market over the top of it and an Argos above it. The Academy is kinda the basement level of it. I have no idea if theres a back entrance because there isn't really a back - It's hard to explain. I think there's JUST the front entrance but i'm not sure. I'll investigate while I wait for you lot to arrive! I'm not making much sense this afternoon becuase we've been eating HUGE lollipops through our 2 hour psychology lesson just - sugar high!
  3. I'm gonna get into B'ham for about midday so i'll be around all afternoon. If everyone can decide on a specific time then I can meet you.Depends what time everyones trains get in and stuff I guess.
  4. Probably yeah - you can't really mistake it for anything else Who's arriving the earliest out of everyone here? Oh and one other thing - I don't know what half of you look like so we might be standing at the bull together for ages and not realise.....
  5. Where about at the bullring? The entrance(s) or the Bull?? or Selfridges?
  6. Good point. Try not to do that though - remember the sticky floor warning - you might never get back up again! I need to try and act ill tomorrow and Wednesday at college so it won't look very obvious that i'm skipping Thursday for no reason Even though i'll be bouncing around in my chair all day ahah
  7. Wow that's alot of travelling for one day!! You're just gonna be in a heap on the floor at the end of the night I think!
  8. Maybe we should all try that.. It might pass the time in the queue. Eeee i'm gettin so excited now even though it's still ages away (kinda) I couldn't sleep last night!!! What am I gonna be like on Wednesday!? When do you arrive here Nicole? Wednesday?
  9. I'll warn you all now - i'm not the worlds greatest singer...And I scream ALOT at gigs so sorry if I damage your ears. Those of you who have never been to Birmingham before http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy7TA8ZYDHM This is the kinda random weird stuff that happens here. Notice how the passers by don't take much notice (I saw this happen!)
  10. Grr it's typical I hate Arctic Monkeys and i'm not too keen on The Fratellis wither
  11. Noooooo I'M GOING THERE ON THE 25TH AUGUST :'(
  12. We'll be sitting outside in silence sipping dilute orange squash
  13. et moi! Although - We shouldn't cause any unnessesary trouble or we might get barred from this one too!
  14. They abuse their power sometimes...just because they're security and think everyone has to obey them. We'll make up for it on Thursday, Don't you worry!
  15. Just save the drinking for inside then! I don't really drink much anyway and I probably wont drink at all so i'll be ok
  16. Oh..I'm not even sure where that is. But I don't drive so i'm not really in check with car parks. Where did you find that one? on a map? EDIT: actually Ithink Londonderry is the closest according to the Academy website.. I'll check it out if I go inton town before Thursday
  17. It's been raining here all week BUT It looks set to clear up from Wednesday Forecast is 21 degrees - partly cloudy for Thursday There's NO cover outside the Academy by the way so it'd better not rain!!!
  18. The one opposite the Academy? THe NCP Albert Street I think it is?
  19. I don;t know whether to go or not!! I want to.. But i'd have to go at about 6am to get a train in time and pay about £25........But it'd be sooo worth it.
  20. I don't think I've even seen a disabled area at the Civic I don't really like it there though. The Academy's better
  21. Eeeeek 4 days!!! We never did agree on a meeting time did we? I'll get there early (about 1pm?) since I don't have to travel much. My friends are meeting me about 2 or 3 I think. I'll just go to a few shops or something while I wait for anyone else to turn up.
  22. Well on the Jayne Collins website it says that you can contact via the email address that we were given or this phone number: 020 7422 0014
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