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Everything posted by mel_tinydancer

  1. OK, yep. Today is a crappy day and i'm pretty sure it's 90% due to PMD. ugh. At least I get to go home tomorrow.
  2. Hahaha I was going to look up this thread but you beat me to it! ... I'm suffering from PMD.
  3. Here are all my pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/22327118@N06/sets/72157622511353051/
  4. Finally back!!! Didn't bring a computer with me to Chicago and I was dying to get on here after the show last night. Anyways. THE SHOW WAS AMAZING! Set list was amazing, he performed amazingly, band was amazing, just amazing. pics and vids coming. only complaint I had was some VERY rude people that were near me, not MFCers or anything as far as I know but very, very rude people... that really ticked me off. BUT IT WAS AMAZING! Nothing could have ruined it for me though, if Mika's there I am happy.
  5. EXCITED TO SEE MIKA TONIGHT but also tired because I didn't sleep BUT MOSTLY EXCITED!
  6. GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!!! See you tomorrow!!!! CAN'T WAIT!
  7. Just kidding! hahaa My roommate agreed with me too... fail.
  8. I'm pretty sure it's because it's right off Lake Michigan and the wind from across the lake blows right into the middle of the city.
  9. and do some crazy kicks then roll around in the mud. :naughty: I've been running around like a clown on purpose all day!!!!!!!!! Trying to get through my anatomy class today was torture and now I have to go to chemistry which is going to kill me....
  10. Wouldn't it be fun if it just rained for a minute?! THEN WE COULD SING!!!!!!!!
  11. GOODNIGHT! I really don't see myself sleeping anytime soon...
  12. It's definitely a national holiday in the world of Mika. In my world, it's like... better than any holiday I can think of. Better than christmas, birthday.... it's like getting to go to heaven for a day. LKSJDHFL! OMG I am going to die of excitement i'm like nervous!
  13. I hope so!! AHH I'm so excited I really don't even have words to explain!!!!
  14. Out in the cold in front of the theatre more than likely... bundle up! I'm just gonna show up and yell- WHERE MY MFCERS AT?!?!?! OOOO! I can't wait to see! I got some white face paint pen type thing today and I think i'm going to do the white triangle on the cheek like Mika's been sporting lol.
  15. My mom says the exact same thing. Parents just don't understand.
  16. Haha these are so awesome!!! Can't say I've ever seen him do a shoot like this before.... and now I want a doughnut!
  17. I can get twitter updates on my phone, I get alerts when Mika tweets and stuff, but usually when I try to send tweets it doesn't show up on twitter until hours later. Edit: I just sent a tweet from my phone though and it went through alright this time. I don't know. haha
  18. YES! I seriously am afraid i'm going to buy everything. What i've seen of the merch looks SO CUTE... hold on i think i have a pic http://www.flickr.com/photos/urmusic/4011771151/in/set-72157622586390266/ You can see some of the stuff in this pic. there's a giant poster of the album cover that I want for sure. and there's another really cute shirt I saw a picture of.
  19. Ah! It's gonna be so cute! I'm more than willing to chip in for tip/whatever else! AHhh It's gonna be so amazing. THREE DAYS THREE DAYS THREE DAYS :aah::mf_lustslow::woot_jump::pbjt: SORRY FOR THAT!
  20. OMG! Am I the only one that had no idea there was even a video coming out soon?! How did I not know about this?!?! I just got home and it was like... "Oh here's the new video for Rain." WHAAAAAAT?! That being said. This video is amazing. I think it's beautiful and artistic, really quality filming and costume, set design, it's incredible. I think this is my favorite video ever.
  21. Glad that everyone's gotten their tickets now, right? One way or another.... 4 DAYS! This is literally all I can think about.
  22. My mom says she'll go out and get food for us while we're queuing it up! Her back's messed up and she'll throw it out if she sits in the cold.... so i'm sending her to get us diet coke and pizza, or things of the sort.
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