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Everything posted by Ocean_Fairy

  1. Today i was telling my friend how I'd gone off the boy I fancied quite a bit and she said it's not because of Mika is it.... I was like this no! but mind you it's impossible to find a guy of even a close standard round here too many chavs:thumbdown:
  2. I know, do you have the same problem? Us welsh will convert all of Wales to Mikamaniacs
  3. I love your name to and your icon How old are you,I'm 16.Make sure you join the younglings:) have fun here
  4. Ocean_Fairy


    Hey have fun here
  5. I love it here but because it's not the holidays I can't spend as much time on here as I'd like because of school.You leave here for an hour and it's full of new posts,just leave it for ten minutes and it's completly changed
  6. Lol I agree my eyes def didn't hurt so much or my back either....I hate this chair.I want one of those big executive computer chairs. I also didn't think all day in school..wonder what's happening at the forum now in the middle of english
  7. Hmmmm....difficult. I think it would have to be Love Today just becasue it is so happy and bouncy and I love his voice so much in the song.Roll on 30th can't wait to see the video I do love ring ring to but as it's not included
  8. Woohoo another Welsh person have fun here
  9. :roftl: I love this place sooo much,you all make me laugh Does anyone remember what it was like before this club,what did we all do?
  10. Same here,I've been waiting ages but the one on the website's not too intresting I'd rather be here anyway
  11. Why stay a guest,come and join the fun I say
  12. Sorry I'm unusually exhausted today:thumbdown: Speak tomorrow :)
  13. Night Freddie I'm going to bed to, bye my Mikafriends
  14. Lol what if the dogs don't want to be called Grace and kelly.I tried renaming my little brother Mika but he wasn't having none of it . Hey and fullspeedfox
  15. :roftl: I'm the opposite I'm brill in the mor:biggrin2: ning but come the afternoon I'm like a crabby old goat and then I'm awake again come the evening..very odd
  16. Hope he keeps his band,they're all very talented people
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