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Everything posted by Ocean_Fairy

  1. Hey :welcomeani:your puppy is adorable Have fun
  2. Yay well done Becks! All that power posting paid off
  3. Sorry to hear that get well soon
  4. Hmmm I have this bear that I've had since I was little it has come to bed with me every night for 15 years.He's a bit grubby now though.I used to have a huuuge collection of my litle ponies when I was younger but I think I sold them
  5. Lol the most random Mika things like that really brighten up the day.If it comes on in the car in the morning I'm so happy but then it also makes me think damn I want to be on here!
  6. Heya glad you found your way here,have fun
  7. I love MCR lastest songs to and I can't believe how rude The Fratellis were they sem lovley in interviews and stuff! Thanks for posting this
  8. Same here I always tell people off if they say he's only a OHW.Usually they haven't bothred listening to the album:thumbdown:
  9. got saddled with a name that means plastic bag in Morocco, curse of the middle child! :roftl: thanks for posting!
  10. Hey have fun yep I was bewitched too
  11. Awww sweet, poor lost boy and this is such a great description "One of the most charming, delightful and altogether sunniest singles in ages. " He liked egyptian music how awesome is that!
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