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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. That's exactly my point. Bianca's words are classed as stale, third hand info. I'm not trying to judge anybody or take sides or whatever, all I wanted to say was that from what I read, even though I am sure Suzie did not mean it in any offensive way, it COULD be taken the wrong way. I was just pointing this out and suggesting that perhaps it could be thought through a little more. Like we found out earlier - unfortunate wording can lead to problems. I don't think Bianca would be upset with Suzie, I think she'd be upset that something she said has been picked apart like it has and been the subject of pretty fierce debate.
  2. Obviously it got lost in translation, but from what you wrote I just got the idea that because she's a non native speaker you can't take what she says as truth, which is a little bit of a dodgy area, in my opinion. I'm not having a go, like I said, I just want to make sure that this doesn't end up making Bianca feel bad for something she said in passing. What I find more ridiculous is that this is quite clearly a case of crossed wires - Laurel responded to something that Bianca said, which she had no reason to believe wasn't 100% truth, when really, it was just worded in what seems to have been a misleading way, then this all kicked off, when really Laurel was talking about something which, we have discovered didn't actually happen...yet there are still debates going on. But like I said, I just want to make sure Bianca doesn't get upset about this, because as we all know she's a very sweet girl and I think she'd be gutted to find that there have been arguments since she made an off hand comment.
  3. I'm not gonna get involved in all of this, but my problem with the bolded statement is that it suggests that we should take everything that anyone who has English as a second language says with a pinch of salt and shouldn't respond until it has been double and triple checked by eye witnesses. I know this is slightly over exaggerating the matter, but I do feel like it's quite patronising to Bianca, who actually is a very compentent English speaker. She may have worded something so the meaning got a little lost in translation, but to take all future posts from non-native speakers as what, half truths? is kind of bordering on rude in my opinion. I'm not having a go, or anything, I'm just asking that you perhaps consider what you say a little more, because it could be taken the wrong way. As for ettiquette at concerts, I think we're all old enough to know how to behave at gigs so this matter really needs to be put to rest.
  4. Was that in Blue Eyes? I thought he did that in a different song? He only really did the hips shaking on the last bit before the end, but you can see it quite nicely in my video. He comes over to the side where I was and my camera's quite zoomed in. Yummy stuff.
  5. Haha I don't mind people shouting out fangurly stuff, but they do it during the quiet songs because nobody else is shouting and they want him to hear them, but it just ruins it if he's in the middle of singing I See You and someone just goes 'MIKA YOU'RE SO SEXY'. It's like 'yeah, we know it, he knows it, didn't you see the way he was shaking those hips in Blue Eyes? Now shush, because it's SRS!Mika time!'
  6. LOL you made me feel a little bit like how Mika must feel every night - I've never had somebody shouting my name while I've been on stage before.
  7. Ohhhh could you see it coming out the bottom of the mask? I didn't realise. And yes! I could hear you! Very clearly!
  8. I had NO idea how you recognised me and was waaaay surprised when you were shouting at me from the front row, hahaha. Gaaah it was so much fun. Oh and the English language is wonderful, because you can add 'ish' onto the end of any word and it alllll makes sense. Did anyone film the Love Today intro? I found two videos on youtube but they both start at the doom, da da dee da dee doom bit, which is inconvenient for my vanity. Also, my vids haven't been put on the first page yet, here are the links, for simplicity's sake: WAG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITLeEN7B-kM Dr John: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgt1S4tJBx0&feature=channel Blue Eyes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc5xq8F8iMM&feature=channel I hope lionheart doesn't mind but I took a screen cap from their video, it makes me squee, a lot.
  9. Oh you star! *hugs you* You're a very very wonderful person! XD And I love the picture of us before the gig too - it's so cuuuuute!
  10. Yesss you should definitely go for it! It's an AMAZING experience, and you never know when you'll get a chance to do it again, so definitely go in for it. It's such a lot of fun! And you don't have to stand outside for hours and hours queueing. XD

  11. You're welcome! Did they turn out good? OMG YOU ARE MY FAVOURITE PERSON EVER. It was me that he grabbed at the end and dragged forward, and the only other video of it completely missed that bit because they were filming the confetti, but you've completely made my day. Thank you SO much! And yes! Upload Kick Ass if you can! Lots of fun with the band on the one!
  12. He's a nice polite young man. He doesn't stare. Or maybe he caught a glimpse and immediately averted his eyes. It would have brought the LOLZ if Yasmine had snapped it with him looking lower. And you're welcome. I really do enjoy Blue Eyes live...and it has nothing whatsoever to do with his hips. Nope. Not at all. Oh who am I kidding?
  13. Aw, thank you so much! The girls and I had a blast, it was SO much fun.

  14. Nice to meet you too! And you're very welcome. XD

  15. He was next to me in the bow in Vienna. Then afterwards he turned to me and said 'you all right?' and I said 'yeeeeah!' After the gig he was having pictures with people and he ducked under the barrier to go to the car but he'd left his suitcase behind, so I went and got it for him, and managed to bash Jimmy in the process of wheeling it over.
  16. No I reuploaded it. It should be working *goes to investigate* EDIT: It's working fine for me. O_o
  17. Dr John - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgt1S4tJBx0 I was the last BG to get backstage cos I wanted to film right to the end, hahaha.
  18. Still processing, but this is Blue Eyes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc5xq8F8iMM
  19. He was! Even though I bashed him with David's suitcase! Embarrassing.com!!
  20. Pictures!! I haven't even looked through these yet, haha. http://s928.photobucket.com/albums/ad129/Lozzington/MIKA%20Vienna%2029032010/
  21. It's my favourite ever in the whole wide world. *has new desktop background*
  22. Yeah, he's a polite boy. GAH those eyes. I could seriously just omg, I need to hug Yasmine lots and lots. She's the most wonderful person alive.
  23. So it turns out that Yasmine is the most amazing woman in the world and took TWO pictures on my camera, because neither Mika nor I were looking at the camera in the first. Gutted my flash wasn't on, so the second's SLIGHTLY blurry, but definitely not bad at all, but here's the first, cos I haven't uploaded the second yet: http://twitpic.com/1c61p9 *dies just a bit* I think he may have seen a little more than he was supposed to but never mind. I was actually bending over so I could fit in the picture and wasn't blocking anybody out, but um...yeah. Hopefully he's not scarred for life.
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