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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. Oh that's all right! I'd already got mine and Rose's tickets signed and I'd seen him backstage too so I'd had more than my fairshare of Mikatime. I was really glad to be able to take pictures for her because it was SUCH a beautiful drawing and he was really chuffed with it. Lovely to catch it all on camera.
  2. Oh WOW I was gonna ask John if I could get mine and Rose's tickets signed but then I thought oh I'll just go and wait round the back with the others! Wish I'd stuck with you now Marianne!! Still, I can't complain, had a wonderful evening. I was in my car yesterday evening and I thought about everything that had happened and I just screamed really loudly while I was driving,
  3. That's a rule at nearly every venue in the world though...if you take a professional camera in they assume you'll be using it for professional purposes...in which case you'd be paid for the photos you take, so unless you have a licence, you won't be allowed. Also, press photographers are only allowed to take pictures for the first three songs of the show, so if you're in the crowd with a professional camera, you'll be taking pictures throughout, which goes against the general rules of it all. And I am another person with a Lumix. I got a TZ3, which is a little out of date now but works like a dream. Would quite like one where I could zoom in and out whilst videoing, but tbh, until this one packs in, I'm gonna stick with it. I've had it for over two years now and never had a single problem with it. I had a Sony Cybershot before and it broke after about 8 months. LAME.
  4. Good! I'm glad!! I'm dreading my mum noticing that my phonebill isn't £10 this month. Though I rarely go over so I don't think she'll mind too much.
  5. It wasn't gonna be a long one but then I got kind of carried away. He was filming something for a French TV show backstage and we were walking along and they were filming and he just yelled STOP! at us and we froze and he carried on walking past us with the camera. And after we'd done some rehearsals on stage he walked past again and said 'WUNDERBAR!' which made me LOL. ANDDDDD *is remembering more* he was kneeling on the stage for us during rehearsals and told us to really whack the flowers at him, so I did, and hit him square in the chest and it made a nice noise. Can't remember how hard I whacked them during the gig, but I'm pretty sure they hit him. I can't wait for Milan... Yesss you should get to more, so you can see the WHOLE show as well, it's greeeeeeat.
  6. It's nice to BE back! I can't understand German, at ALL. I was so bad at it that I was way too scared to go to get anything to eat because I feel rude strolling in and just talking English in a foreign country, so I got Bianca to come with me so I'd stop being a little scaredy cat.
  7. Yay!!! You joined!!! I'm Jazzy, (obviously) but I was the one with the glasses yesterday. It was lovely meeting you.
  8. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I can't even BEGIN to tell you all what a great time I had, despite being awake for about 40 hours non-stop and being MORE than tired. Yasmine recognised me from before and when Anna walked past she was all like 'Hiya!! How you doing?' which made me feel just a little bit cool. Was lovely meeting the other girls - it was a really really nice group. And the other MFCers too, especially Bianca, who I have been waiting to meet for quite a while. The soundcheck made me die a little bit, because he actually jumped up on stage to do it properly, whereas he doesn't usually, but they played My Interpretation and I completely died. He was wandering about the standing area and I was pretty chilled about it (actually, I was texting Rose and looking WELL not fussed that he was about) and then they started playing that and I went into fangirl mode. Gutted he didn't play it at the gig but I'm sure I'll get to hear it at Milan, Dammy or Eden. OH YEAH he grabbed me by the hand during Lollipop and pulled me to the front of the stage. That was quite nice/squee-worthy. Afterwards he was meeting some special needs kids and we were hanging about waiting for our photo and it was so amazing to watch him having proper conversations with these kids, and he was on his knees for most of it so he could have eye contact with them (most of them were in wheelchairs ) but he was just so good with them and it made me die a little bit. Then he came over to do the picture with us (Yasmine was mega mega good for getting this arranged real quick, I heart her) while he was still in his X shirt and all sweaty (). We were getting them done on different cameras and there was one more to go but I hadn't got mine out and given it to John yet so I said 'Can we make it two more pretty please' and Yasmine took my camera and then Mika just says: "You're English!!!" and I said "Yes!!! London!!" then he said "You're a Londoner!" and I said "Yes! East London!!" Then, after we were done with pictures he said "What are you doing here?" and I just said "I've got a student loan," and shrugged. He laughed and said about how that's what he used to do with his student loan, and we LOL'd a bit and then I said it kind of balances out because I don't really drink and he laughed. *sigh* Oh and he said we were REALLY great, he said it as soon as he came over. He was all really hyped up from the gig and it was so nice to see him like that because we usually get him on the comedown but he was completely buzzing. Afterwards I hung around to see if I could get mine and Rose's tickets signed and was dead pleased that I managed to get them done, particularly Rose's. I said to him 'one of them is Rose's but she couldn't make it' and he smiled in an 'aaaaw, Rose!' kind of way. LOVE IT. Anyway, better wrap this up because I'm leaving to see Kick Ass in about ten minutes. Was gonna go to sleep but it's my first night back HOME hom and I'm gonna hang out with the BFF. I pulled back the cover of my bed and found a bit of gold confetti though. LOL. Got some videos, I'll upload them tomorrow - I have the second half of WAG but it's from the side of the stage so there's a restricted view and I don't know what the sound will be like, but hey, it's nakedness AND SPEAKING OF WHICH. When he came off after Relax, John was clearing us out of the bit where the band would be coming off after WAG, but I was last going round to the other bit and Mika just walks down the ramp, unbuttoning his shirt then pulls it off as he's walking in my general direction. I SWEAR if I ever lose this memory I will die. It was brilliant. Needless to say I dawdled. Quite a lot.
  9. At the airport waiting for my flight. Paranoid i've forgotten something but i've got money, passport, tickets, camera, and hair straighteners, that's it, right?
  10. Just need to finish packing my stuff then I'm driving down to London...and I'm gonna go to bed at about 7pm because I have to be up at about 3am. WOOOOO! And then I'm not gonna get to sleep until about 1am the next day. Exciting stuff!
  11. What kind? Kettle Chips are the absolute best things EVER in Salt and Vinegar terms.
  12. Well if you get it in Amsterdam you can always get a refund from Sandbag. And state that you bought it in Amsterdam because it was less time consuming to fly to another country and purchase it there.
  13. I sent them a really arsey email about two weeks ago. They told me it'd be sent out after Christmas and that they had no stock, so in my email I said that this raised two questions: 1) Which Christmas, exactly? 2) If you're so low on stock how come I've seen that shirt up at the merch stand every night of the entire UK tour? I mean REALLY. There is a limit to the amount of sh*t I'm willing to swallow.
  14. WOW! So impressed with the lightening fast service! Ordered in October and received my voodoo shirt today! I was expecting to have to wait at least another three months.
  15. We'll be the big group at the front of the queue being very cold but very excited.
  16. Too many syllables though. There's definitely an 'a' sound in there, so it's either "with your faker smile" or "when you fake a smile." It sounds more like 'with' than 'when' but if you think about general sentence structure if you say 'when you do this and when you do that' it makes more sense than 'with your this and you do that'. Though of course, Mika may cite artistic licence and throw all rules of language out of the window.
  17. *resists overwhelming urge to say 'and it dooooon't...don't make sense'*
  18. I'm 99.9% sure it's we ARE free, cos he's free from the restraints that being cool imposes. If you're cool you can't do certain things or you'll stop being cool, if you're not cool and you accept that, then you can do whatever the hell you like without worry about any reputation you might have. I think the running with blood on our knees is either a reference to being pushed around by bullies or, that he's been messing about and he's got a bit roughed up in the process, but it doesn't matter because he's not got an image to maintain.
  19. Hmmm, having listened to it a billion and one times since, I think it might be 'WHIP it at your feet'. I'm not certain, but it's what I'm hearing. It's definitely not rip.
  20. I think we all do. We'll all have to join chess club and fight over who gets to play him. :roftl:
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