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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. I'm getting anxious. I'm hoping it will all be okay by the time I fly but I don't really have any alternative transport methods, what with being on a big silly island and the silly French train strike. UAHAUIEUA
  2. Ah, gutted for you guys, but hey, you'll get the last show of the tour, that'll be special, right?
  3. This is what I got this afternoon...maybe Italian emails are as slow as Italian post? Hi The promoter, Francesca Bevilacqua (Barley Arts), has now confirmed to us that the tickets for the Mika show in Milan on the 21st April will not be mailed but customers are asked to collect them from the Mediolanum Forum on the day of the show. Please take your order confirmation e-mail and some identification to the venue box office, from 3pm on the day of the show. I’m sorry that we were not able to mail these tickets to you as planned. We will now refund the postage cost that you were charged. Kind regards Helen@sandbag
  4. Oh gosh! Thanks so much! Something I have learned since buying my ticket to this gig - Italian folk are amazingly kind. Thank you!
  5. UGGGGGGGH collecting from the box office. This will be interesting in another country. *bashes head against wall* They're refunding the postage cost, and when I read that I ACTUALLY said out loud TOO F*CKING RIGHT!!!!
  6. Yeah, my friend didn't GET why I was going to so many gigs, or going all the way to Vienna to see him, but she came to one of the London shows with me and the first thing she said afterwards was 'okay, I get it now'. He's definitely talented at making people fall for him. I believe the appropriate phrase is PHWOOOOOAR.
  7. Thank you! Happy Easter to you too!

  8. LOL aaaaw bless. That was such a cute moment though. I haven't managed to find any either. I wanna see how hard I hit him with the flowers! Yay! I'm so glad you had a good time! He puts on a hell of a show so if you weren't crazy in love with him before you saw him, I'm sure you are now. Welcome to the MFC!
  9. Argh, something I forgot about the gig, when we were having photos done afterwards, John was taking them, and he was trying to take one on Ircazo's (I think) camera but he couldn't get it to work. We were standing there for ages, holding our smiles trying not to blink, and then after about 15 seconds Mika just goes 'JOOOOOOOOOOHN!!!!!' It was well funny. He sounded like a little kid that was getting totally exasperated with his Dad. Needless to say we all giggled. A lot.
  10. Yessssss let's be friends! *accepts request* :aah:

  11. Hahah yeah, I think we should leave the legs alone now, hahah. Oh goodness. Thank you for that, just what I need before I venture out into the cold to walk my dog. That'll keep me warm for sure.
  12. I'm not really sure about that...I'd rather a gig be the whole gig, and not really edited too much. Apart from obvious continuity issues as well, I think you'd notice the change in atmosphere too much. I think what would need to be done, if he had an endless supply of money, would be to film maybe three shows and then choose the best out of them and then use that one and that one alone. I don't like the idea of mix and matching.
  13. I apologise. He'll be the boy with one foot that's eleven stone...and the other's a twig...and I'm sure there's probably SOME sort of joke in there, but I just can't seem to nail it. LOL talking about nailing things on Good Friday. Whoops! Yeah! I know! I thought John had forgotten because we were all sitting there before and we hadn't had any forms or anything. Maybe he hadn't printed them off yet or something.
  14. You signed that so if you broke your neck you couldn't sue him. And also cos there were TV crews out and about and you need to give them your permission to use your image if they wish.
  15. LOL that would certainly make the sales sky rocket if there was a bit of nakedness on it. But then you'd get horny old women pushing you out the way in the shops so they can buy it, despite never having heard any of his songs. I prefer him like that too, but my imagination had a bit of an unfortunate moment!
  16. Ahahaha. The first leg was a twig, because of small venues, but the second leg is like a tree trunk, cos of the big ones. :roftl: And now I'm imagining Mika with one twig-leg and one tree trunk-leg. Oh dear!
  17. Boy managed to do TWO dvds on his first album, it wouldn't surprise me if he's got one hitting the shops on Monday. :roftl:
  18. I think he'd be waaaaaaaay too precious about his own shows to let someone else's remix be a part of it. Well he had the first leg of the European tour that just finished in Basel. Now he's going home for a bit of a break, some rehearsals and then he'll be starting again on the second leg, which takes him right up to...Luxembourg, I think? It's just the different sections of the tour, nothing super glitzy or special, you know? I think the venues on the second leg are quite a lot bigger on the whole - Milan is pretty huge, Dammy is big too, I imagine the French ones are massive as well. Also, the venue in Milan is a sports arena type thing so has bad acoustics, so perhaps he's planning something pretty major visually that he needs a lot of space for?
  19. Regarding the Rain remix, I think it's just something he's come up with himself for the show, like the extended intro to SITM, (though he stole it from...was it Brahms? I can't remember) or the drumming intro and sped up ending of Lollipop. I think it's much better than the original, and gets the crowd going, and also, saves his voice a little bit because he does less 'RAIN RAIN RAIN'ing.
  20. I'm just messing. I'm going to sleep now, because I should probably see SOME daylight tomorrow/today, despite being a student.
  21. I think sending her a message is a good idea, just to get the facts straight to her before she comes in and reads this explosion that's happened in her absence. Gossssh this is all such a lot of drama. And like I said (I forget how many times, but I do want to make it clear) I wasn't trying to have a go at you, I just wanted to make sure no more upset was inadvertently caused.
  22. My point is that your original post could have been taken as patronising. I am sure you didn't mean it, but it did have the potential to be taken that way. I bring it up because I am friends with Bianca and would not want her to get upset over something so trivial. But, Suzie, you seem to have missed the point that you are not the only thing she could get upset over. I feel she could get upset over the SITUATION. Which is not you. It is something entirely different. I feel we are completely missing each other's points though, so perhaps we should just lay this matter down, as nothing is getting achieved here.
  23. This section here: "when someone picks out a phrase from the post of a non-native speaker who might not have used the best verb to describe an action, and writes judgemental opinion on someone else based on that" suggests to me that someone shouldn't be making an opinion, judgemental or otherwise based on something a non-native speaker has said, that we must always assume that they have used the wrong verbs if we disagree with what they're saying. Like I said to Sara, I'm sure you didn't mean it to come across like that, but that IS an interpretation I got from it, and like I've said already, I'm not trying to be argumental here, I'm just trying to make sure that there is no more unnecessary upset caused by people taking things as they were not intended. And again, like I said to Sara, I didn't mean she would be upset with you, there's no reason for her to be upset with you because of this, but, well, I'm sure you've read what I wrote in reply to Sara so I shan't waste our time repeating it.
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