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About Jazzy

  • Birthday 01/12/1990


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  1. This gig was amazing, not least because we turned up at about 8.15, got a spot right in the front, and went back to our hotel about 30 mins after the gig finished to enjoy a night of luxury. Also Happy Ending was bloody spectacular.
  2. Managed to get centre of row B for me, Ingie, and Niko, which after Wednesday's BS was a nice result.
  3. Stalls are sold put though, Silver. I'm not paying £50 a head to climb stairs.
  4. Couldn't get 3 tickets together and was on it at 9am. I'm definitely not cross...
  5. Happy Birthday



  6. Well we've been called selfish foreigners but we can handle that. Think we're currently public enemies 1-5 right now but couldn't care less.
  7. Simona we have saved yours. We won't be heading down to front row so don't worry. Just tweet @ingievV when you arrive and we'll let you know where we are.
  8. Okay, I'm going to say this once and only once - the people kicking off because they didn't RSVP until we were giving out wristbands and are complaining need to just deal with it. We are working with very strict instructions and we are sticking to those without exception. If we don't, we won't get nice things like this again, so you can abuse us in French all you like, you can tell us whatever story you choose, but if your name is not on the list we printed off at midnight last night, then it's tough. Also, if you mob us and don't take no for an answer, if you really think that we, being fairly logical people would make exceptions for people exhibiting behaviour like that then you're very mistaken. I hope those with wristbands will behave themselves tonight so that everyone can have an awesome time, especially Mika.
  9. No no no no. I love him when there's an open bar. He loves me all the god damn time.
  10. So we had a really lovely time last night. The show was really really fun and had a bit of an edge. When he said on the Graham Norton show that he had a conversation with 'himself' what he actually meant was that he was flirting with himself. 'Oh Mika, you're so good at the piano, oh Mika, you're so handsome, oh Mika, what a lovely chin you have' and this went on for quite some time. But it was hilarious so I'll let him off. When he came out he was in pretty good spirits, I had a nice bottle of the new honey blend JD for him to enjoy over Christmas, just as a little thank you for all the weird and wonderful things that have happened this year. He looked down into the bag, then this huge grin just spread across his face, he looked up, and raised his hand for a high five. No words needed, hahaha. He signed my copy of TOOL which I had in the car and grabbed it when we went to collect the gifts, so that was lovely. Thomas was kind as ever - when we rolled up 30 minutes before show time he was like 'why aren't you in the warm?!!?' haha. He's ace. Anyway, lovely time, was awesome seeing my lovely ladies again, and laying in bed with breakfast listening to our email get read out on the radio was a pretty sweet way to finish our mad little weekend.
  11. Luke's made a mess in my bed from hearing our email read out. Or more precisely, from hearing Mika say 'aw cool' to our email. It's quite disturbing.
  12. Orrrr I can wait for the TOOL artwork to be released and do a new one altogether!
  13. I don't have the internet until August 20th. It's gonna have to wait. I've been doing these essays on my iphone. XD
  14. Really? Not sure about you but I think I owe someone a drink...or several. XD Tbh it doesn't really upset me what the crazies say (though when they spend 4+ months stalking me I do tend to get a little shirty) it's just that I cannot be arsed with the aggro that's bound to come. In one way I'm sad that I feel I can't post stuff on here despite the fact that I know I won't get any **** from you guys. It's the lurkers you have to watch out for. I'd be lying if I said I'm not gonna enjoy letting them stew while they imagine what happened. Though I'm not sure they'll even get close cos I certainly didn't think things would turn out that night the way they did.
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