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Everything posted by girlintheblue

  1. Hello???? Is the 18th to do with the MTV competition??
  2. Is this the one with the MTV competition attached??
  3. It's the mono brow and skelly eyes.
  4. John Hannah. He was also in Four Weddings and a Funeral as well as Sliding Doors. Not bonny.
  5. The two funniest men on TV (in my opinion!). LOVE the 'Shagger of the Year' conversation! Hijacking your thread a bit, Rainbow, but it IS in connection with Russell Brand...... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5KUW4KwEySY And, is it just me, or does Russell look REALLY like Nigella Lawson these days?? If only I could post the pics side by side, but am not allowed....
  6. Rainbow, check out these guys. Any one a potential husband! (except the guy in the leather kilt, he mine!!) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sywhUhlbNYg
  7. Really??? That look hasn't hit Dalgety Bay as yet.
  8. I'm with you on that Wendi, but I fear that a small animal could live in his hair and he wouldn't notice.
  9. Tall, skinny, eyeliner, BIG hair, snake hips, black tighter than tight trousers, big flouncy black shirts......
  10. I would upload a photo for you.........but I can't.
  11. I like you like this too!!!! What else shall we talk about?
  12. Who's the bloke with the eyeliner doing a Russell Brand impersonation?
  13. Yes, it's sitting on my desktop and I can't upload it!!!!!!!
  14. Don't think I can post pics, let me try.. Can't post it and it's a tartan skirt/thong!!! Can I email it to someone? When am I going to be able to upload pics???? :sneaky2:
  15. Wow! You know I just had quite a weird thought! That must be brilliant for those wee guys. 99% of the time they're constrained in tight briefs, and that very special day - not only were they allowed to hang free, they had a view!!! A view!!!! I bet they long for the day their owner says 'pipe band competition'!!!!
  16. He was really young in it, and particularly gorgeous.... Quite sure I can't upload this photo, but will try.. huh.
  17. OK, having looked 'long and hard' at each and every photo on this thread, and assessed them on their own individual merits.... the best yet to my mind are David Tennant - for saving the universe (and London in particular for some reason) from aliens time and time again Billy Boyd - for his contribution to saving Middle Earth from destruction by Sauron and his evil minions. Mel Gibson - for doing whatever it was William Wallace did to save the Scots from invasion (don't want to mention the 'E' word). See, you can have yer hunky guys in mini kilts all you want....but to look REALLY good in a kilt, you need to have hero quality.
  18. Glasgow and Scotland feature so much on this forum, but am I right in saying that it's only me, Wendi and Sheena who are actually Scottish????
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