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Everything posted by girlintheblue

  1. I put this on Oldlings, but not EVERYONE who's going to Glasgow is 'old'!! OK. Have been googling for the Riverside Club and it is alive and well. This is where I hoped we'd go on the Friday night in November - it's a ceilidh place (which then turns into a 'proper' club after midnight!). It's where me and my friends used to go when I lived in Glasgow. It's small, but has a huge reputation in Glasgow and the drinks are cheap. I think Kath thought it was outside the city centre, but it's only about - not even - 10 minutes walk from the train station where Robertina will be arriving. One or two of us could nip out and get her and come back to the club (I think she will be arriving about 10pm). I'm sure ceilidh dancing would be just perfect for her coming off the plane/train at that time of night! I was thinking that out of all of us, only me, Leigh and Wendi are actually Scottish (hope I've got that right!) so it would be a really really good Scottish night! Also - we'd all get a seat and be able to chat - Glasgow pubs are notoriously BUSY and loud! Oldlings remember! The ceilidh finishes at 12midnight, so if we have any energy left, there's a really good bar round the corner called Barfly which has plenty of seating upstairs and a dance floor downstairs (very good music!).
  2. me too. The night eneded too soon. my drunkenness should go on for another couple of hours and be the butt of jokes an teasing. Must roll into bed. Oh no, will be ill tomorrwo. At least we got to 'disco dance't o grace kelly and love todya and do cool hand movement.s.....
  3. well you've got the curly hair, so that's a start. I miss my cuppa tea picture. Maybe I should resurrect it. Oh no, I've drurunk far too much, can't be gothererd correcting my mistakes. Am drinking lots o water to tryt o combat hangover.
  4. Our troops ARE bigger than theirs!!! I've pm'd Fred and Steph who are obviously going to be a big help in this. We'll get this put together. Are we giving it to him in Glasgow then? That's great, as it's probably the biggest MFC turn out of all the gigs.
  5. Definitely. Although I am interested in how we will collect everyone's signatures for the petition! We will find a way!
  6. Mine says Mel too! But I think he got tired of writing by the time he got to the bottom of my CD insert and kind of trailed off. Maybe he was losing the will.....
  7. I take it we're not doing the meet up and that the gig will be the meet up?
  8. I should also have said that if the carrot eating becomes too much, he can always tap his multi-millionaire father for a few quid. Right, the daily grind beckons....
  9. I think I might just check that my booking is OK!!!
  10. Hmmmm......I don't think I'll spend too much time worrying about his financial situation.... We all have to slog to earn our keep (she says, typing quickly to get kids to school on time and then hoof it off to work). However, my wages aren't going to dramatically increase at some point!
  11. I would email them to make sure. Have you got your booking receipt and number? I am notorious for mucking up bookings, losing receipts, losing tickets etc - and it always seems to work out OK in the end!
  12. I didn't think it was amateurish because it used real people, I just thought the ideas weren't very original and lacked imagination. And when I say that, I mean the individual ideas for most of the scenes. I just thought it looked thrown together - and when the dancers were unco-ordinated, it was almost as if they didn't have time to go back and make it look better. Just my opinion..happy that we can all have different opinions!
  13. I'm sure there is, but will check with my husband when he comes home in about 1/2 hour. He's from Troon which is the next stop on the railway line!
  14. You'll be able to get a train straight to Glasgow Central Station. It will only take 20 minutes and I'm sure we will meet you there! Very easy!
  15. Ah, I see. Then you can get a train straight to Glasgow city centre.
  16. I think it would be better for me and MsMewissa to talk like adults about our differing opinions on the Big Girl video than other arguments that are going on here. Walk away both of you!!
  17. I haven't read through the thread, but why are people getting off at Prestwick? It's in Ayrshire!!!
  18. ENOUGH! Let's talk about how rubbish the video is!
  19. *hard hat on* *braces oneself* Worst video I've ever seen!!!! :shocked:
  20. OK I need to rant! Why am I the only one who is bothered about my son's homework???? I have spent the last 15 mins trying to find it while he is out playing and my husband is cycling about on my youngest's bike.... I have just shouted out the front door that I have given up, it's NOT my responsibility and if it doesn't get done it will not be my fault. My husband is a teacher fgs!!! In fact, not even a teacher - a Depute Rector!!! Why is it always down to me!??! OK, am calm. Rant over.....
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