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Everything posted by girlintheblue

  1. That was amazing Blue Sky - I am sitting here crying! Have posted it on Oldlings, sure they will appreciate it. Her voice! Incredible....
  2. *Tries not to have mental image.....* damn, too late!
  3. Am going to take my willy hat to Oldlings. I'm sure it will go down a storm! Imagine how they would jiggle about when dancing!
  4. You might have to tuck one behind your ear to see the stage properly. Imagine meeting Mika and him looking and then DOUBLE TAKE!!! Not sure I'd have the courage to say to him 'do you like my willy stetson?' with a straight face!!
  5. Just been surfing a bit for glittery stetsons. Will need a full list of who wants what colour (know some of them already). If you want a stetson and haven't told me the colour already, then PM me and let me know. They are only a couple of quid. Alternatively, if anyone wants the 'willy stetson' as seen below, let me know! :naughty: (please, no!)
  6. I've got a badge but some might not. Ask in Oldlings, I think 90% of people going are from there!
  7. The Oldlings are still trying to recover from seeing this!!!
  8. Yes Robertina, I'll keep your ticket here, safe and sound!
  9. I've not come across you before, but pleased you're joining in the Glasgow fun!!
  10. It's Glasgow in November. It WILL rain! In fact, at the gig in May it rained. I had to keep my head down so the rain went on the back of my head and didn't go on the front (VERY straightened) bit!
  11. If you fly you can come for the two nights - like us. We will all be going out on the Friday night!
  12. Thanks! He has just been bowling with the Boys Brigade and seems a bit cheerier. I always seem to feel things more than them. Am an emotional wreck when it comes to the kids.
  13. This one is definitely for the Mothers' thread. School sports day today. Definitely the worst day of my year. My son (8) was last and second last in the races...I feel really Especially as he was upset too. At least the horror is over for another year. At work today (now I'm working, at least I don't actually have to witness it) someone said 'well, someone has to be last' which made me even more:crybaby: I really feel for him. AND my other son (6) is a super-sprinter who is BOUND to do well at his sports day on Monday. Sigh...
  14. Hi Happikali - have been lurking here - amazing stories, have you calmed down yet, or still reliving the dream??!
  15. http://www.highlandstore.com/acatalog/Mini_kilts.html Actually, this is a mini-kilt, whereas what I got was a tartan mini skirt - that's why mine was cheaper. Just google 'mini kilt' and see what comes up! The kilts are made to order, using heaps of material to get the pleats at the back - go for a tartan mini skirt, much cheaper!!
  16. A fortune!!! Kilts are really expensive! However, as it happens on Friday night leezy and me are going to a ceilidh (a Scottish dance) and we will be wearing mini kilts. This is a picture of mine! They are about £60
  17. Help!!! Am on too many threads!!! Just wanted to check in on Newcastle - 5 months to go!!!
  18. OK, we've got up to page 4 girls - let's make Donny the runaway favourite! Hooray for Donny (wherever it is!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. As if! You are my missed-mika-on-tv-babspanky-to-the-rescue guru!!!
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