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Everything posted by girlintheblue

  1. I was out in Glasgow a few weeks back, and the amount of women out and about on hen nights with glitter stetsons, fairy outfits, nurses outfits etc etc was unbelievable. They were all being left alone (ie men were scarpering!!!!). I don't think Glasgow folk would hassle women dressed up, they have a good sense of humour. Honestly, I would say, if you want to dress as a Lollipop girl or whatever, go ahead. And scg, don't you live in Bearsden???? Not exactly neds-ville!
  2. I would imagine that by 5pm, the ones who have chosen Mika over footie will have been queuing for a good couple of hours!!! This is interesting though - means that we won't all be together for the afternoon which is a bit but I can understand if you're a footy fan then the match is a big deal. We will just have to have two separate groups!!! And meet up afterwards! Leezy!!! Will not be beside you AGAIN!!
  3. Annabelle, I can assure you - things are NOT messed up in Glasgow!!
  4. ?????? I lived in Glasgow for the first 26 years of my life and I've never - nor anyone I know - been mugged or seen a knife on the street! I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm sure like any big city it does in certain areas. I spent about 10 years out every Friday and Saturday night in the centre of town and have seen some fights obviously, but nothing out of the ordinary. I think you're unnecessarily scaring people here!
  5. WOW!! Just seen the post above, and the amount of people now on the list!!!! May take a little bit of time to go round that many people - a year or so! Like your idea better!!!!
  6. Haven't really read what you are going to do, but are you going to start with person 1 who signs a bit of paper and then posts it to next person on list and so on? How long would that take? That would be cool though - the list would have gone all round the world. I guess if we're going to present it to him in November in Glasgow - that's still 4 months away. But people would have to be pretty quick off the mark. I suppose when it's to do with Mika, people would make a special effort!
  7. *rings enormous bell* Round up, round up! Do your civic duty! Round up, round up!!!!
  8. Ashton Lane! I used to live near-ish Byres Road/West End and that was where we hung out! Thanks for the extra tickets Sheena! Now I have persuaded a total of 4 different groups of 2 friends to come to Mika when they wouldn't have otherwise! Should be on commission!
  9. from 'girls about town' to 'mad chicken girls on the rampage'!!
  10. Should I order the glitter stetsons, or shall we have a think about the chicken heads (sorry, still to pm some of you about that!). We could have both? Stetsons only £1.99.
  11. Haven't posted here for ages, but just dropping in to say I'm still with this!!
  12. Great face! Am off to Glasgow to battle acts of terrorism...see later. I am a weegie, I will survive...
  13. No, I couldn't bring myself to watch the Diana concert. There are SO many classic Office moments. I remember when I first saw it, before it was well known, on BBC2 - it was the one when it was Tim's birthday and he had the radio cap. David Brent comes up to him and talks about how you should cherish your parents and how his were both dead and Tim says, your parents are dead? And David says, 'well, my dad's not DEAD, but as good as....' And says how he's in a home! SO funny. Ricky is a genius. And Stephen Merchant's face is incredible. He was born to be a comedian.
  14. What????!! I LOVE Ricky! I'm on his mailing list! Didn't know about that! Office and Extras - amazing comedy...
  15. Tbh, I'd be very surprised if he toured again. Yes, I was lucky to see him - handy living in Glasgow. Everyone (music/comedians) went there. Still do.
  16. I have seen the great man - in Glasgow! I remember my stomach was SO sore at the end from laughing so much!
  17. Billy sounds quite refined next to Rab! 'You are the hand that bought the ticket!'
  18. OK, this is how I speak so you must all listen carefully so that you can all understand me in November!!!
  19. A campaign! I like campaigns! Can we make placards?! Doing well with the names - I don't know half of these people! *makes mental note to get out of Oldlings more often*
  20. any thoughts of what we are going to do with this list?
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