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Everything posted by girlintheblue

  1. how distressing! obviously you're emotionally scarred to this day! Today, I heard Edith Piaf and thought well, that must be his choice. My boss was singing along and I said, that's Mika's Tracks of My Years. And then Mika started talking and my boss said, 'is that him?' and I said 'yes' and then he started talking to me about work related things!!!!
  2. wouldn't dare! only been there a month or so, and they already have me down as 'potential stalker' cos of my Mika obsessions! If a Mika song comes on the radio I can't help myself yelping out 'MIKA!' and they all give me a look!
  3. I actually quite like the one where he's looking down. But it's the clothes, even his hair in these photos. I said before he looks like man at C&A and I stand by that statement!!!
  4. should have said, you did a really good job, it does look great - it's just the images of him there that I don't like. As leezybeezy said on another thread, we both like him a bit - rougher!
  5. sorry, I just do not like this photo of him, have posted on this on another thread.... don't know what it is, but it's just a bit too, you know, 'clean'???!!!
  6. love the description, 'porny and horny'. Must try to use that in conversation!
  7. I thought I claimed Donnie Darko quite early on!!
  8. must go, been on for nearly an hour! maybe see you here tomorrow!
  9. unfortunately at my kids' school, they have to go in big clothes as that's the theme this year. My 8 yr old wants to go in one of my (many, yeah right!) dresses. Just cannot allow it, he'd be beaten to a pulp before he crossed the playground! What age are your kids?? Earlier on I just came on here for a quick look and Lewis said 'Mika, Mika, Mika' with a big sigh! May be neglecting him! Lewis, not Mika!!
  10. you're right, but it's a sacrifice we all have to make.........
  11. yes, he didn't look toooo impressed! Must keep mine on when I see him in May!!!!!!!!!!
  12. mika mad, I have to keep that side of things well hidden. I cannot imagine my son's face if he saw me screaming my head off and dancing around madly, elbowing people out the way trying to get to the front row. I think it would scar him for life!!!
  13. meant to say to you leezy, Lewis (for everyone else, my 8 yr old son) has done a power point slide show - don't ask - and one of the slides has 'This is Mika. He has got pants!' and then he clicks and a photo of Mika at the Glasgow show appears - the one where he's holding g-strings!
  14. absolutely. We must be selfish when it comes to Mika. Loved the comment re Lollipop. Know what you mean!!!
  15. As I said somewhere else, Mika playing in the car has stopped all fighting and moaning in the back seat. They take turns choosing which song and then quietly sing along. My 8 yr old knows all the words to most of the album, except Any Other World which he refuses to play!!! My 5 year old said to me, you don't fancy daddy anymore, you fancy Mika!!! Loved the quote earlier on, can't remember who, whose child said, I could be humble, I could be bumble!!! I would love to take my kids to see him, but, for me, Mika is a girl thing - as in, me and my friends, spesh leezybeezy. I'd like to see him twice, once with the girlies and once with the kids!
  16. Finally, for the moment. Walnut Whips. Coffee flavour preferably, but you don't seem to get them anymore, so I'll claim vanilla.
  17. You can have Jake Gyllenhaal, I have Donnie Darko! Have converse trainers gone? I don't want the boots, just take the trainers. I know Friends has gone, what about Monica's apartment? can I have that? Oh, and Aragorn, Son of Arathorn. (not sure I've spelled that right). If he's gone, can I do a deal to share?
  18. PMSL at that! Same as me! I wasn't listening to a word she was saying, just thinking 'STOP TALKING'!! And saying, uh huh at the appropriate pauses. Same tomorrow I imagine. The slot is only, like 10 minutes. Surely I deserve that?????
  19. having to listen to all of Ken Bruce again might be above and beyond the call of Mika-duty!
  20. bleugh, you can have them. Hope you have a long and happy life together!
  21. thanks for that, heard his voice in the distance again and heard Iko Iko (a big favourite in this house too) but nothing else. My boss wasn't even in, and I said to the girl who works beside me, 'oh, it's Mika's tracks of my years' and she talked all the way through it....
  22. definitely don't fancy him, but would take him as my husband for his wit! His sense of humour and neuroses about life and death are exactly the same as mine! We could sit night after night and talk about our fear of death! Then you could give me John Taylor back......
  23. He's still looking good! I will have to satisfy myself with Woody Allen whilst you have JT. I do love Woody, but........
  24. I'm afraid I am being very selfish here, but it's JOHN TAYLOR, fgs! Remember the square jaw and floppy fringe?? Sigh. We could share then. Don't say I'm not good to you!
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