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Everything posted by girlintheblue

  1. *faints* this is too much for me. He must have asked him - how would he know that??!!
  2. no, can't make it - sadly I have to do a big Asda shop - the only evening this week I can do it and there is NO food in house!
  3. Anyway, if kath's going away, she'll probably be glad of us getting the actual material, also Rejects will have loads of trouser patterns. When can you go? I'm supposed to be in Glasgow on Saturday, but just found out I can't get car, so I'll either be training it on Saturday, or meeting my friends on Sunday instead. Have texted them (because obviously it would be outrageous to phone and speak to them!) and waiting to hear back. What I'm saying is, I can go this weekend, but don't know yet if I can go Sat or Sun!
  4. i take it we can't send him a message on his myspace, but kath can?? Opportunity missed!!!
  5. how do you know he's online just now, like on here? MAAAAARRRRRTIIIIIIIN!!!!!!
  6. Can deffo not make the Monday, as I will have to ask for Tuesday off for in service day. I'd quite like to be material-getter with leezy, as I LOVE Rejects with a passion! Colour - gotta be red??! Just have to make sure the pattern we get isn't 'slacks'!!
  7. Am reporting for duty. Thinking cap on. Creative juices flowing. Mika mindset switched to 'high'.
  8. just keeping this at the top, never know who might be reading!
  9. I am far too excited about this to be a normal sane person! Kath, have you contacted Martin yet? Can you tell him we are doing this and need to give them to Mika, hopefully before the gig so he can wear them onstage - how cool would that be! If that's not possible, tell him we do need to be able to hand them over. Just so he knows they are coming! Right, will be back on just after 9. Thinking caps on girlies!!!!
  10. kath, I've just read all this and am so excited! I also have a sewing machine, so if I can help in any way...maybe one of us could pin up and cut and the other sew together?? Also, we have a really good material shop in Kirkcaldy which definitely does tartan - I'm thinking a red tartan, maybe brushed cotton????!! I had planned to throw a pair of tartan boxers with Martin's name on them, onto the stage cos he'll be wearing his kilt - so that ties in nicely! We need to broadcast this though. Do you think we should do a 'tartan trousers' thread and keep it near the top until the 16 May? It's just so when Mika comes on the forum, he can't miss it. The only problem is getting his inside leg measurements. I know you are going to ask Martin, which is our best bet, but if he doesn't get back to you, what are we going to do??? I'll be back on about 3.30 today, but maybe we should all arrange to 'meet' back on here at 9pm tonight??!
  11. Robertina, just reading your post has really cheered me up today! xxxx
  12. where did you get a ticket for the gig? I thought it was sold out. No matter, how exciting for you! Sure you will find really cheap flights to Glasgow, that won't be a problem!
  13. do you know someone who works at barrowlands - or is the ticket distributor people? i know someone who works behind bar at barrowlands, but can't do much for us I'm afraid.
  14. Was quite sure it was to do with his relationship with his father? Talks quite a bit about friction in the song 'this is who I am, this ain't a greater plan to break your heart' (or something). Presumed it was about growing up in his family (based upon tradition) and sometimes it wasn't easy, being the middle one of 5 kids, fighting with parents etc, looking forward to living alone - 'in honesty' etc etc. I thought he wasn't talking about it because it's so personal - who wants to talk to a journalist about your personal life???
  15. scg, hope things get better for you.That's the second post I've read of yours when you've said things aren't too good. If you want to chat, PM me...
  16. I think we can quite safely say that Mika does NOT have a wife!!!
  17. Loads of flights from London direct to Glasgow - hundreds! Let us know if you are planning to come - we will meet you!
  18. Yes, please do come and meet us all there - the more the merrier! As for transport, isn't flying almost the cheapest now? Unless you want to sit for 12 hours on the glorious overnight bus!!!
  19. how about this? 'attention-seeking bastard' did have me sniggering a bit though!
  20. what did you order? Save me looking back through thread.
  21. Only about 1,200! Must get from you how to do it. Going to bed ridiculously early tonight after emotional trauma of weekend. Speak soon.
  22. They are lovely Mika Mad, wish I could put mine on, but that is WAY beyond my capabilities!
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