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Everything posted by girlintheblue

  1. well done that man. haven't seen the photos but have heard of them...
  2. Think kilts should be on the knee? Wendi will keep me right here. Too much above the knee is appalling and the ones below the knee are almost worse! Not exactly mini kilt, in the way that leezy has a mini kilt! Hers is very nice! Don't know where she is tonight. We miss her!
  3. actually, not entirely convinced by that * takes cover *
  4. David Tennant looks good in anything. He's too cool for school. Also, has 2 hearts so he's gotta lotta lotta love to give!
  5. I have a choccie habit. Really, an addiction which I try to combat by eating as healthily as I can at other times!
  6. What can we do to convince you that kilts are cool??
  7. Yes, something like 95% of all garden centres in Scotland. Not long started there after 6 years at home with the kids, work every day 9.30-2.30. I would love to drop a day, just to be able to get stuff done in the house and garden. After our busy period, maybe mid summer, think I'll ask to have Friday off. If you don't ask......
  8. You need to come and see Mika in Scotland, MM - Martin wears a kilt very well indeed!
  9. My dream job. Feel like I'm almost there.....I do get out in the nursery to check and tot up what people buy, we're trade only, so get to talk to landscapers etc about the plants. Feel like we might be scaring off loads of would be posters with all this gardening talk!
  10. I had this yesterday when I came home from work, my kids 'helped' me sow loads of seeds. I wish my greenhouse was bigger so I could fit a chair in! I love the time of year when I can just go in and potter! Growing tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, sweetcorn, courgettes, strawberries, raspberries, potatoes, onions, spring onions, purple sprouting broccoli, peas and lettuce!!!
  11. MM, you and I have something in common! I grow loads of fruit and veg for the family and now work in a nursery. Just in the office at the moment, but am hoping to spend more and more time outside. Love it, could prick out seedlings all day!
  12. Freddie, how did you get on with your family last weekend? I was with mine tonight in Glasgow and I nearly lost the will to live. Also, this weekend coming I have to go away for 2 days and 2 nights with my entire in-law clan.
  13. sure you could tend a couple of window boxes! must start a gardening thread - sure it'll be a winner!
  14. I just sowed those seeds yesterday! I'm a bit of an organic gardener!!!
  15. Hi MM, hi Wendi! Wendi, is it glandular fever you have? Nasty.
  16. LLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Hmmm, thought she was on tonight, may have to text her. Yes, she did this poll, didn't she? I mean, it wasn't you was it Freddie?
  17. I'm in total agreement. Because, the people who voted other places need a chance to choose between the top two choices. I would go to Brighton if pushed (and it's a lot of pushing between Fife and Sussex!) but Newcastle is my preferred option. We should just have one date I think, or else we will be meeting in a wee pub with, like, 6 of us! Definitely a function room with lots and lots of disco dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leezy, if you need me to help let me know, but obviously my knowledge of how to do polls etc is a big fat 0.
  18. Hmmmmm, feel like this guy tried SO hard to say something negative in every sentence. He must've had to have a lie down afterwards. Still, as NY said, 'keep on rockin' in the free world'. To each his own.
  19. Maybe we could name a day and have a meet in Brighton and one in Newcastle, and you could go to whatever one suits?? Obviously can't always keep everyone happy, but that way we could please quite a number? Also does it have to be in winter? Brrrrr in Newcastle in November!!! If it's going to be mostly UK folk who don't have to make huge travel arrangements, what about end August or something?
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