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Everything posted by girlintheblue

  1. *peeks round door* is this a friendly place??? Only looking for a wee cuppa coffee!
  2. The thing is, no matter where we hold it, it's going to be easy for some people to get to and not for others....... once the poll results are in, we'll decide and just have to stick with it. It won't suit everyone this time, but we WILL have another one somewhere else in the country. Why not???!! As I said before, we could have a regular thing. You coming Sunny Monkey?
  3. Please come Mika Mad, I don't know a huge number of people on this forum but you are one I do know and would like to meet! Hope we can fill a function room - much better idea. I was on a hen night a couple of weekends ago in Edinburgh and it was a nightmare trying to talk to people! Too old and deaf....
  4. Hi Robertina, can he reach the high notes???? Or does he just play and not sing? My 8 yr old also plays keyboards, but not quite at that stage yet!!
  5. Just thought, bars maybe not a good idea with younglings in tow! Maybe go for leezy's idea of function room of some sort??
  6. I think it's best to go somewhere where people know good places to go. What I mean is, it would be awful to go and trail round bars that are dire. The thing is, we can't please everyone and it may mean that some people can't come this time, but why not make it a regular thing where we go to different places each time? If it's just UK folk mostly, then we don't need that much notice each time. Even if just a few folk meet each time, eventually we will get round everyone!
  7. Whaaaat? After all that cutting and pasting??? Can we all bring someone? Can I bring Mika?
  8. Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh
  9. Edinburgh would be fantastic, but I am slightly biased! Just a quick swim over the Forth for me!
  10. OK, I know all the Scottish folk on here, but not sure actually how many English/Welsh/Irish etc. Guess it will be mostly from UK. Did I read right that some folk are bringing their families? Read through thread so fast I may have got that wrong - but I can assure you my family will be left WAY behind with this one! They will only interfere with my disco dancing.............
  11. have you seen it Freddie? I have - very good, everyone should see it!
  12. Leezy just told me about this on school run! How exciting is this???!!! Agree about having one in UK and maybe Europe or whatever. Only practical. SO, if it's the UK, WHERE????? I'm up for the Newcastle suggestion - rather than London, although it must be said that wherever we decide I'll be there - and Leezy and me will be sporting our superduper Lollipop t-shirts!!!! Hey, we should all get them!!! Can't wait to get my dancing shoes on!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hi Shezzy - glad the YouTube thing is working out for you!
  14. i was talking with leezybeezy a couple of weeks ago and i was talking about taking mika as my lover (as you do) and she was saying 'what about your husband and kids?' and I said I thought the kids would be absolutely delighted if I took him in!
  15. just by barrowlands - don't go there please! Had this conversation on another thread!
  16. A couple more - don't know if they've been claimed. First, Ricky Gervais's personality and wit - someone else can claim the face and body.... Also, Stephen Mangan (I think that's his name?) who is Dr Secretan in Green Wing??
  17. take it you're not pub crawling at the Sarie Heid?!!! I'm from Glasgow originally by the way, moved to Fife 12 years ago.
  18. look out for us there - we will be easy to spot, me and leezybeezy! My 2 kids have just made posters of mika and put them on their walls! My 8 year old wrote on his 'well, what do you think? is mika great, or is mika great?' Cool kids. My husband, meanwhile, is practically packing his bags!
  19. sorry, it was a while ago. Try using search and put in grace kelly youtube or something??? I watched it and put it as a bookmark. To watch whenever I feel the need!
  20. At least we have some more hand signals to use in addition to 'FREDDIE!' Most helpful. Although my kids insist that is the sign for 'loser'!
  21. I got it from a link on a thread on here somewhere, it was a YouTube vid.
  22. hey scg, haven't seen you on here for ages! You going to Barrowlands?
  23. has anyone claimed Spike from Buffy? If not, he miiiiiiiiine....
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