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Everything posted by findingmywords

  1. Coconut Skins & The Animals were gone Arcade Fire
  2. I understand. I've been feeling that way too Feeling bored and don't know what to do, in a strange mood. Confused. Maybe I should eat something... Food makes everything better
  3. Oh great! Wow, two years seems like such a while haha. Thanks Do you like them?
  4. Kitty, Daisy & Lewis are a three-piece band comprising of the teenage siblings of the Durham family. Their music is influenced heavily by R&B, Swing, Jump blues, Country and Western, Blues, Hawaiian and Rock 'n' Roll... The trio are all multi-instrumentalists playing guitar, piano, banjo, lapsteel guitar, harmonica, double bass, ukulele, trombone and accordion between them. They live in London. They have supported artists such as Mika and Razorlight at London's Earls Court Arena. They also played the main stage at Bestival in 2006 and played twice at Glastonbury in 2007. They have featured in Vogue. Just saw them at the Coldplay concert, they were the opening band. Am loving their music! I feel like I'm being taken back in time. They are fantastic live! I had no idea they opened for Mika before... That is really great. http://www.myspace.com/kittydaisyandlewis Check them out!! Anybody a fan?
  5. Fantastico! I'm glad that you like it (Tengo alegria porque te gusta? No se como decir eso jaja) Todavia estoy acostumbrandome a la cancion jaja. Ahhhh okay, ahora lo entiendo. GRACIAS! How can I improve with my Spanish? Do you have any tips? Or do I just have to speak it more? Mi problema es con el grammar. No se todos las palabras tampoco, y tengo una problema con los verbos y como decir las cosas. Gracias otra vez jaja
  6. "But...like, look at a fresh cherry and then one of those. They don't look the same." :lol3: Exactly. Oh yes, I guess we do have comedy festivals haha. And renaissance and country and stuff like that I guess. Music festivals! Okay, I'm gonna go do some readin' Goodnight! Talk to you later!
  7. Same here haha. That would be so great! And the mud festivals and strawberry festivals. I love how they celebrate just everyday things haha. Yay mud! Yay tomatoes! In my area, there aren't things like that going on.
  8. Oh! Out of context, that is funny Ooh, cherries are great! Do you like the cherries they put on top of shakes and stuff? Personally, I think they're Oh man, I want to travel to Italy or Spain just for the Tomatoe festivals Tomatoe fights would be brilliant.
  9. They taste great! They look like shriveled up alien things though... But yummy aliens. I am one of those "some people". I eat tomatoes like apples Pick it off a tree and take a huge chomp from it, that's how I like it What's your favorite fruit and vegetable?
  10. ...:blink::roftl:


    You run to the basement and somehow get to the bathroom pipes and break them and find the... waste and preserve it in a jar. Mmmm. You bring it to the gigs and MFCers have a ceremony and dance around it and later throw it on stage... Mika= :shocked:... :puke: and runs for his life. Never returns to our area haha.

    :lmfao: Guh! Creepy!

  11. :lmfao: Ahh, how beautious.

    Poo aroma, Mmmm. Maybe his poo smells of flowers? Bounties of flowers.

    You take a recorder and record the sounds of him doing business.


    Eww.. okay, that's really creepy haha. Too far...

  12. I'm reading a book called The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly. (The front artwork is by Rob Ryan, which drew me to it) The book is a kind of fairy tale storybook and its reminding me of Mika. I'm thinking he might like it. It has the dark fairytale aspect tied into it. For example, tales from the book: "In one story, a princess was forced to dance all night and sleep all day by the actions of a sorcerer, but instead of being rescued by the intervention of a prince or a clever servant, the princess died, only for her ghost to return and torment the sorcerer to such a degree that he threw himself into a chasm in the earth and was burned to death in its fires. (Another) A little girl was threatened by a wolf while walking through the forest, and as she fled from him she met a woodsman with an ax, but in this story the woodsman did not merely kill the wolf and restore the girl to her family, oh no. He cut off the wolf's head, then brought the girl to his cottage in the thickest, darkest part of the forest, and there he kept her until she was old enough to wed him, and she became his bride in a ceremony conducted by an owl, even though she had never stopped crying for her parents in all the years the he had kept her prisoner. And she had children by him, and the woodsman raised them to hunt wolves and to seek out people who strayed from the paths of the forest. They were told to kill the men and take what was valuable from their pockets, but to bring the women to him." Very interesting tales. The book isn't all filled with tales, its about a boy whose mother dies and his father falls in love with another woman and she has a baby, and they move into a different house. His room is filled with all these books filled with these fairy tales, and he can hear the books whispering to him. That's how far I've gotten Thinking of buying him a copy...
  13. I'm feeling good! Happy, a weird mood (but good weird) and ponderous. Creative and artistic, want to use the levers and cranks in my mind to make something, a painting, redecorate, feng shui, who knows?
  14. :lol3:

    Nice!!! Awesome hahaha.

    "Can I use your bathroom?....*uses bathroom*... Bye". And you never clean your bathroom again. You frame the toilet on your wall, and the sink, and the door, and put the air that was in the bathroom whilst he used it into a jar and put it on your bedside table. *end of daydream*



    Yes, I hope to be hoping!... (?)

  15. By the way, here's another music video that used the same style/method:
  16. Yeah, same here. I hope they make a "The Making of" video, that would be fantastic. And when you look at the white that fills the clouds, it doesn't move with the cloud, it kind of just looks like a pattern filled in. Maybe they used a computer to fill in the colors of it? That would make it much easier haha.
  17. Oh man! Okay, looking forward to that. I don't know, I feel weird... I feel like my Mikaness is rubbing off! I was never really accustomed to listening to pop, I was more into mellow music. With the new album, I'm sure the right song will come to plunge me back in...


    :lol3: That is funny, haha.


    *goes to listen to it*

  18. :lmfao: Exactly! Maybe, start daydreaming about Mika randomly pulling up next to my car and winking, or a kind of hippie bus full of MFCers pulling up next to my car and we blast We are Golden and start to dance in our seats and then I get out of my car and go into the bus and you're there and every MFCer somehow fits in this Mary Poppins van and we drive across the world with Mika and he performs and we just have an amazing time and its kind of like a musical how everything is magically coordinated to happen.

    What are your Mika daydreams? Do you ever daydream of him coming to your school? :teehee:


    :lol3: Okay, let us plan.

  19. Response to your PS:


    I'm starting to warm up to it!! I really like singing it by myself with no music, I like the lyrics and I feel like I can really relate to it, but when I listen to the actual song, I'm still "eh". I know this is what Mika doesn't like, but I'm sort of at the "It's okay" phase, and starting to lean towards the "I'm liking it" phase. With Mika songs, there are many phases.


    AND YOU?!

  20. :lol3: I feel like I'll be driving and I'll see a tree and say, "Oh look! A tree!", and then crash (Well, not that bad haha, but still). It just feels like there are so many distractions! Especially with Mika's music, how more distracting can his music be? The first year of driving I think I'm just going to sit in silence and keep my eyes glued to the road.


    I have no idea when it ends haha. Let me check....



    ...Ends August 9th!

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