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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. That just made me so happy. I've missed that boy. woops- how could I forget to add, that even just the homepage looks amazing. Can't wait to see the rest of the site. How cool is that? He has like his own little entourage of creative people to design his own little world.
  2. Hey guys, good news! Our favorite canadian boys won the NXNE fan choice awards!
  3. hey, just uploaded flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/jackiejay/ feedback is appreciated!
  4. *clears throat and checks the watch that i don't have on my wrist*
  5. not that she's obligated to mention Mika, but she finally did! you can tell how tired she is of all these questions...
  6. hey flickr members! vote for my photo! : ) http://flickr.com/groups/thecoffeecup/discuss/72157605336350926/ #4!
  7. ever herd of the movie four eyed monster? its about a couple that met online and when they meet in person, they don't communicate verbally, only threw notes. -and it's a true story, the couple themselves made it, they basically just filmed their relationship. it's an independent flim, it's pretty hard to find, i've yet to see it, but this just reminded me of it,haha.
  8. So, Mika needs to get his ass back to new york....now. next north american tour, i'm going to toronto, boston, new york and philly. I have friends to stay with everywhere, well, obviously new york, and i just need to find someone in philly! haha. come baccck meeeeeks!
  9. Because I'm a photographer, deffinetly myspace. There's millions of people who can find your work. and of course, to keep up to date with musicicans and other photographers.
  10. I'm starting to get a lot more responses to my work on flickr.. and it feels really good.
  11. Hey lovlieees, here's a cute little interview with Nate and Daenen I found on youtube.. maybe you've seen it, maybe you haven't *shrugs* enjoy:wink2:
  12. Haha, very cool idk why but this reminds me of one of my photos, they're not reall similar though *shrugs*
  13. california is beaaaaautiful but if she's willing to take you ANYWHERE in the U.S I'd pick hawaii hands down
  14. gaaah,she's gorgeous and I love Perez's costume.
  15. Canon Rebel XTi my baby/love of my life/ might as well be my right hand <3 and i'm really clueless when it comes to editing photos, photoshop is like a different world to me, no idea how to use it. I use this program Picasa that's run threw google, that's a free download I believe, just to do basic fixes with lighting and stuff, but that's it.
  16. Enhanced? idk what you mean haha. I have a nice camera, that deffinetly has a lot to do with the quality.
  17. Yay, another person! and thank you very much!
  18. Aw! cute shot! Here are some of my recent photos: <BR> <BR> <BR>
  19. thanks! haha, uh, i have no idea i don't even think the lipstick has a brand on it. it's just like a deep red lipstick, but it comes on much brighter hope that helps
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