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Everything posted by avoca

  1. that's fantastic!! love the style! what'd be your fave song? and beatle also? mine's an easy game, john and paul
  2. that'd be my second fave, after eleonor ribgy! *high five, esperia*
  3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. I have a family tradition for the fab4! my dad was a fanatic too! good taste runs in the family tee heheee
  4. +sorry if there's been another in past: this forum is so huge, it's impossible to keep track+ beatles fans: so, who's in? *rises hand frantically* apparently our boy is in too
  5. it's not silly. that song's one masterpiece!
  6. "eleonor rigby pickes up the rice in a church where a wedding has been lives in a dream..."
  7. never noticed about any other world.. coolness! eleonor rigby is my fave beatles song.
  8. so true!! i think billy brown is his most beatles-ish song!!
  9. i didn't have that much trouble finding them when I made him the present for milano concert. they sorted out cute and he liked them *needs a smiley with braces LOL*
  10. I couldn't agree more with this statement.. just I'd say THE BEST track in the album thx so much for sharing
  11. I had seen some adorable ones in milano.. like a colourful "braid" with little bells hanging from it.. very mika-ish. those would be cute, the bells are little and didn't make noise. we won't be like santa claus while walking 'round. gos, I wish i had got one of those!
  12. thx for that. now stupidly stupid question.. link to calendar pls..? I cannot spot it :blush-anim-cl: UPDATE: no worries miss bright 2007 here found it. sorry for the dumb question. I just could not spot it at 1st..
  13. does anyone know the august concert schedule? I am hoping to go and see him somewhere, depending on where o.c. *keeps fingers crossed*
  14. I am in all the way, but please no rubber wrist band cause I cannot wear those and I wanna wear it!
  15. mi-ka mi-ka mi-ka *votes frantically*
  16. you can vote more than once.. just checked...
  17. thx a lot, babspanky. I wish press would be clear and just didn't randomly mention "feat. mika"...
  18. oh my goodness, great for all the aussies!!!
  19. done! thx for sharing. can one vote only once..? *evil grin*
  20. thx a lot, hotdlp!! haha that on the left is my hand, liftin' high the box I am made and gonna give him LOL http://picasaweb.google.it/nymphfairy/20070412MikaSConcert/photo#5054437622750812306 many of these are freaking adorable!! thx ever so much for sharing, titania!
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