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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. LOL. Hmm.. Soo...LOL... What's the topic? ANyone got any gossip? xxx
  2. Heyy Everyone *hugs* My lovely sister caz...will you get me a bottle of cold water :] xxxxx
  3. LOL. I had a 6inch italian veggie patty. I wanted the tuna. But my friend zoeyy is a vegan and screams if i have any kind of meat or fish near her. LOL. me and josh tease her big time! LOL. thanks Soo wuu2 now? xxx
  4. Well... I came on here at school coz we had free time. So i was like kinda on here for two hours! at school! rofl. and i just came back.. coz i went out wiv my friends [ josh and zoeyy ] We went subway! rofl. and then we had this discussion about mika and mcfly! lool and now i've got a cold. LOL Apart from that...I'm very well thankyou xxxx
  5. Ooohh...I'll go and have a look in a moment. :] So how are you sister? xxxx
  6. Awwwww.. I hope he gets better soon! xxxx tfs
  7. hahaha! Thanks for the pic! xxx
  8. Hello :] How is everyone? OMG. CAZ. I adore your sigg :] xxx
  9. Oooohh thankyoou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. OMG. Enfa...This thread just keeps coming up! LOL. Your fooling everyone ROFL.
  11. Thanks for posting! What a F***** Bi***! Sorryy,.. xxxxxxxx
  12. Awww wow you speak romanian. Awww teach me! LOL.. I speak..Hindi/urdu and english and learning french! loool xxxxxxxx
  13. Awwww okkkayy *hugs* lol Loveyou too...bye talk to you soon xx
  14. I'm thirsty! LOL Since your talking about water! I got Lunch next yeyy! LOL My friends just officially called " obssessed with mika"! Woohoo! lmao xx
  15. ROFL. OMG GIRLS i WAS JUST ON THIS SITE and you can like find out your fame name and i put mikas name and it came up flint millions! as his fame name! rofl! xxxxxx
  16. Heyy vanessa! Yupp..we doo..we talk about random stuff loool xxx
  17. LOL. Yuppp..I'm in D.T :] But the teacher said we could go on the computers and do what we want! All the other sites are banned! such as myspace and msn! Thank goodness this issnt! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. Yeyyy...anothaa hour on mfc! Woop woop! So girlies.. what are we talking about? xxxxx
  19. LOL. Loveyoutoo.. Hello again xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  20. I'm baccck! LOL I'm on the computers in d.t Woohooo! :] xxxxx LOL Have i missed any gossip? xxxx
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