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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. I have converse. and skinnies. and red top and a rainbow necklace. [ mikaish ] :] xxx
  2. I dont live in london. I live in manchester..which is a while away.. lol When i went france, it was the same time...when mika was perfoming in paris. and i was like OMG IM LIKE IN THE SAME COUNTRY AS HIM. But yeh.. brb just gnna catch up with some topics xx
  3. Oooohh put me down! I'd like to sing!! :] xxxx
  4. Awwww..thanks shelby *hugs* Awwww...But you live in america i only live 4-5 hours away from mika. OMG. I DIDNT EVEN REALISE I LIVE 4-5 HOURS AWAY FROM MIKA. nehow..yess..lool......i...should be allowed to go...but my parents are NOT letting me go. *angry face*xxxxxx
  5. Totally agree on that one me-mi-ka.
  6. Ahhh... My good friends atlast... The day is over.. A whole day...and i've not been on... Damn! lool I gotta catch upp... sooo how are you all? Everything okkay? any mika goss apart from the exibition Which i cannot go to. xxx
  7. loool thankkkyouu! Oooh...i just noticed it.. rofl. I'm really slow! loool yh... I'll be off too.. I got school tomorow! lol xxx
  8. Ohh i never even noticed she was in the video! oopS1 let me go and watch it lool xxxx
  9. tfsss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ily
  10. OMG. your right! Aghhh loool... It sounded like grace kelly at the beginnign! xxx
  11. Thankkyou for the update! LOL thanks xxx
  12. I could go on for ever.. about the stupid things he did tho danika! LOL He came in wearing a wig...and told us he was goin to have a sex change! It was hillarious BUT VERY WEIRD! lol. and i had him for my art lesson a few times... That was hillarious too. ahhhh the times...loool
  13. LOOOL. and...eventually sir found out i liked him! LOL. It was obvious that he knew. He was stringin me along. ROFL. I was so upset when he left though! ROFL. I'm over it now! But what an experience! lool
  14. He had a stubble. and then..he got rid of it and got a moustache! Which was sooo annoyin!" I was dead annoyed! I mean come on ! MOUSTACHE! ! lool Once..I was sat in the cantene with my friends .. and i wanted to buy a maths revision book off him! and i said to my friends " I need to go and see sir..I need to pay him" You know what danika! they took ti the wrong way! ROFL. They were like PAY !!!1 SHIREEN WE DID NOT EXPECT THIS FROM YOU! LOL I was like OMG. It's just a revision book! LOL Soo yeh..They teased me sooo much! It was getting outta hand!
  15. LOL. Yehh..I also loove gayy's they rock! Anyhow.. Yes.. Well..My REAL maths teacher called..mrs hatton well she broke her leg so we had these cover teachers for like months! soo all we did was mess about. We had different teachers each lesson. and we did stupid crap work. I was dead frusrated coz my SATS were near and i had no proper maths teacher! However..I just got over it. One day.. His name was mr.richards. He walked in. He was one clumsy teacher nad he was new to the school. and he was fit. He had a stubble. So i walked in.. Smiled and said " helllooooo sir.." LOL and he goes " hi" Me and my mate smiled at each other. and i went So ur new and he goes yess... To be contnued .....
  16. My maths teacher was a Knb! LOL He used to sing and everything.. Shall i tell you the story lool? Awwww bye cazzzz! Loveyuou xxxx
  17. Ohh and i recently had a thing for my maths teacher who's just left! I might of told you that one! rofl. Now..it's danikas or caz's turn! xxx
  18. Boys.. Okkay.. Well.. I tend to like loads an laods of boys! My kinda-off brother in law Calls me a man eater! See..you learn something new about me everyday! and I may well be a maneater.. But ive nto had any boyfreinds or nething! LOL. I sound so saaadd!
  19. *drinks water* Thanks cazz! LOL. Come on lets ave a ravE lool Lets dance to big girl and sing! or is everyone too tired! LOL xxx
  20. Topic guys..:] LOL... topic..= Boys? Boyfriends? xxx
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