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Everything posted by Droopsy

  1. haha, I guess you're right! Never thought about it like that... But idd! It's true lol:insane:
  2. lol, well I was def the first one in my group to like Mika!!They only know him because of me! And I don't know if they like him... yeah, they think, oh grace kelly is fun... but i don't think the other songs would be to their taste... anyhow, I voted the first in my WHOLE COUNTRY! Why? Well when I became a fan, it was like Belgium had no idea who Mika was, I even think they still don't quite know.. It's not like he's in magazines or something... very frustrating... But I get my Mika dose here, don't worry
  3. haha like monica in friends once said: Oh god!! he's making his sex face!!! lol I loved that quote:biggrin2:
  4. wowwww I really like this!! you're very talented!!! can't wait for the next chapter!
  5. i heard on an interview that he's way too busy to have time for a sex life for the moment. And that he has groupies, but that he just takes time to talk to them and that they're happy then. so i guess not
  6. well i smoke too, but i don't think i will do it forever... i do think that when my life is more structured that i will make the decision to stop. and i can do it , i quitted once, and i didn't smoke for 2 years... but then a lot of things happened and all my new friends were smokers... you know how that goes... i don't think he smokes though, he doesn't look the smoking type
  7. omg mika really is turning into a psychopath:shocked: maybe he escaped the mental hospital too once, and he doesn't want me to come over cause he knows me from the hospital:naughty:
  8. oooohh exciting! *goes off and reads further*
  9. hmmm interesting, so does nobody in here smoke?
  10. Oh then I want to be the social worker in that mental hospital! And I want to have a good band with you guys lol, it's like us against the doctors hehe. I'm qualified you know! I worked a few months in a psychiatric hospital (at a locked wing!!) as a social worker for my internship so... the name.. I think my real name (Priscilla is good enough, don't matter to me).
  11. omg this goes toooo far:blink: lol:roftl:
  12. I already posted the link maybe you could put it in the main post?
  13. well yeah lol, girls normally aren't referred to as dudes
  14. okay so here I got to disagree a bit... of course bullying is hard, but i don't think it's one of the worst things that can happen.. There are a lot worse things a child can go trough... yes it's very bad, you won't hear me say something else.. and it shouldn't exist. But we still have to have a little perspective.
  15. no problem! And oh god, nobody has ever called me "dude" before! loolll:shocked:
  16. well it's just like I said before. I don't think you should make this thread about anyone. Imagine someone made this thread about any of us, a member. About you, and everyone would start to talk about what's ugly about you and stuff. God, you just don't do that in my opinion.
  17. it's this one: it's at 7.52 minutes at 4.50 something he tells about his dad and stuff
  18. well my problems weren't bullying, but idd, there was a time I always used to wonder, why did this have to happen to me? why at that age? How can someone else choose to destroy your life? It's all the same questions I think... But... I've grown up too, (after years of self analyzing lol) and now I can say: Okay so it has happened, it's in the past.. Everything happens for a reason, and I eventually got stronger out of it...
  19. Well, that's something I always thought about too... And I don't dare to say that he really is as happy now as he "acts". Of course I don't know it. But when I look at me... I've had a difficult past as well, and nobody would ever tell... I'm not the happiest person, but people are always totally shocked if I tell what I went trough. My facade isn't totally fake, I've become happier, but deep down there's still that empty feeling. I just choose not to show/tell just anyone. It's also a way of dealing I think. Of courseee you can complain every day of what bad things happened to you, but that will only drag you down further I think. Back on topic, I do think he's a lot happier now, but still deep down I'm sure he's still (a bit?) down about it. Otherwise he wouldn't tell those things in interviews I think if he wasn't still dealing with his past.
  20. bwaaahahahahahahahahaha!!! that must be the funniest post I ever read here!!! :roftl:
  21. i can't choose between his hair and eyes.... okay i'm going for eyes because they're so expressive...
  22. you have some good points, I agree, the feeling I get on this forum, is real respect from everyone to everyone... And I really think that says a lot about the message mika sends... yes he's different, so what? that's what we call unique, yes he probably has flaws, but that's what attracts us in him. I dunno but I really think everyone here is "verdraagzaam" sh*t I dunno the word in english lol... well you know, respecting everyone as who he/she is, and just, well a friendly bunch of people... and I haven't been here long and I already feel that so that says a lot!
  23. loooll you're right about the sleepy part, but I don't know,there 's something with him and pink lol, i dunno why:mf_rosetinted:
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