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Everything posted by AshleyMiranda

  1. thanks for translating that violet sky!! ohhh nice pics of him!!!
  2. oh thats great!!!! dcdeb come to this topic!!!!
  3. whoa!!! jjust read ALMOST every single post here!!!! this thread totally makes me blush aahhh *hides incase mika is reading*
  4. that drawing is like perfect!!! breathtaking
  5. wish I got that station lol but thats great mika will be on!!
  6. Interesting how the poll is still open if its over but I voted. 30.07%
  7. no one else i know actually is CRAZY over Mika how I am, but I dont think I'd get jealous if one of my friends was..
  8. eeekk that musta sucked but at least you saw him walk by
  9. oohhh I love guys with curly hair!! add me in!
  10. welcome to the board
  11. I collect little figurines mostly of horses, but learning not to collect anything made of clay or the cats just knock it down
  12. I'm sure everyone looks different if they've got make up on for a video rather then just how they look in person. I dont really see that much of a difference in how he looks though
  13. I cant believe anyone would write something like that!! bad review!!
  14. heheheissimo alrightyissimo thenissimo, writingissimo likeissimo thisissimo isissimo gettingissimo easerissimo
  15. I havent had any chips since last summer.. *steals a couple of bags of chips/crisps from u*
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