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Everything posted by iheartmika

  1. haha you're asking the directionally challenged... i guess it's mainly for me meeting new people. people that happen to like MIKA. and i was thinking maybe we could all/some of us anyway/ meet up sometime or something.
  2. iheartmika! woot! ...now i have to read what i'm supposed to do...
  3. Ohhhkay. I believe we need to have a midwestern thread. and then we can discuss a MIKAFEST. WOOT! who's with me? ***please don't leave me hanging people... JOIN! I command you! ***
  4. hahaha! hmm i remember my concert like it was a week ago... wait a minute, it was a week ago!!! but yes.....i'm kinda depressed :/
  5. ...isn't it for the people who went to the salt lake city concert..?
  6. don't you like how singles awareness day spells sad... yep.. it is.
  7. actually i am lol. that's why i'm not looking forward to s.a.d (singles awareness day aka:valentine's day) bleh.
  8. you all are going to get to know me right now! my name is taylor, girl, and i am 16yrs old. i live in Iowa, bleh. i can be pretty random and i'm very outspoken. i don't try to be rude, most of the time, but i say what is on my mind (both a bad and good quality) i have a dog(dachshund aka:wiener dog) and 3 cats. i love music. i love to sing as well lol. my favorite color is orange, for some reason the bright colors attract me... hmm i wonder why mika attracted me... lol. i have a thing for blue eyes on guys. i like things in odd numbers, for some reason i HATE even numbers. its wierd, i know. my favorite singer/songwriter is jason mraz (sorry mika isn't my number one) i like to find new artists and listen to them. i would say that i'm a pretty 'good' girl don't do too much wrong. let's see... what else could i say... oh! i really like to learn and speak french. soo... if there are any frenchies in here go ahead and talk to me! lol. you can always add me on myspace (http://www.myspace.com/taytay391) or msn (taytay13579@hotmail.com) i'm a pretty social person. ok. intro done. any questions?
  9. JASON MRAZ bushwalla my father's good name JASON MRAZ james blunt paolo nutini JASON MRAZ
  10. sarcasism and me go HAND IN HAND. ***random thought: GET TO KNOW ME! i'm the best thing since sliced bread ...and i want to get to know more MFC people ***
  11. hello insert name here ! Where are you from? oooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkk i'll check out random threads and say hi and put in my input. this fan club is much more difficult for me to understand than RKOP
  12. hil - that picture is from love today,right? since he couldn't actually take off his shirt lol
  13. sweet thanks!!! i hope she does too! oh.. so you don't have like a non-mika discuss yourself/life thread. those are always fun. lol
  14. this is wayyy off topic but: is there like a meet mika fan thread... lol i'm not really new i just haven't really posted lol i want to meet some mika fans ! ! ! pm me, eh?
  15. i'm wayy behind but these are GREAT photos and videos this would have been an AMAZING concert. you lucky ducks!
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